The main scientific question of our time, what is «mass»? Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization. Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko

The main scientific question of our time, what is «mass»? Series: Physics of a highly developed civilization - Ivan Vasilyevich Ponomarenko

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amount of matter cannot depend on the speed. According to the Special Theory of Relativity, it turned out that the higher the speed, the more the amount of matter became, and if the speed decreased, the amount of matter decreased. This immediately, immediately made the Special Theory of Relativity untenable. There is a paradox, since the theory has come into conflict with the existing concept of "mass". At the same time, Einstein himself did not notice this paradox, or pretended not to notice it, and did not revise the definition of mass in any way. Mass, well, mass, just began to make formulas according to which mass depended on speed. If Einstein himself had noticed that the concept of mass contradicts his theory and would have started to revise this concept himself, it is still unknown how the fate of his theory would have developed. At that time, Newton's authority was still unquestionable. Therefore, for a long time, the paradox we have described calmly existed and mass was calmly the amount of matter, and this amount of matter was functionally dependent on speed. However, as time went on, this paradox began to stick out, and students began to ask unpleasant questions. At that time, students asked more questions if they did not understand something-this is a clear sign that the students understood something. Now students don't ask questions – a clear sign that they don't understand anything, just like their teachers. So, in order to remove this contradiction, the followers and epigones of Einstein decided not to declare special relativity untenable, but to declare mass by an indefinite term – "physical quantity". Here, the mass already loses its independent material content and becomes a calculated value, as it should be according to the special theory of relativity. Therefore, already in 1969, the amount of matter or matter disappears completely from the definition of mass. In the sixth grade, the concept of mass is not considered at all, and in the seventh grade, the definition of mass is as follows:

      “Body mass is a physical quantity that is a measure of the inertia of a body.”

      Thus, mass became a calculated physical quantity and turned from the basic physical units into a derivative of speed. This in no way overcame the paradox we are considering, but on the contrary, only aggravated it. As you know, the speed is relative, if you do not take into account the speed of light, but photons do not have mass, so the speed of light, we are not interested here. Due to the relativity of the nature of speed, it turned out that the same piece of stone has a different mass depending on the accepted reference system. Thus, the last paradox was worse than the first. Einstein's epigones have only to confuse and blab the definition of mass, so that it completely loses any meaning. Let's see how our modern Wikipedia now interprets the definition of "mass".

      "Mass" is a scalar physical quantity that determines the inertial and gravitational properties of bodies in situations where their speed is much less than the speed of light."

      Oh, how simple, the reader will be happy – in this definition, the inertial properties of mass were only added to the gravitational properties and that's all. Don't be happy, reader. First, because we got rid of the gravitational properties of the mass of substance in the first issue of this series. Substance to substance is not attracted, and even more so mass to mass. The mass is attracted, but not to the mass, but to the light (positive) matter, which just has no mass. [1]. Secondly, the main thing for the conformists is to get rid of the mass, as the amount of matter, or the amount of matter, then you can do with it whatever your heart desires. In addition, the conformists left this definition of mass in science for engineers, schoolchildren, and ordinary people. For "smart" people, they will offer the most rigorous definition of mass.

      We will continue to quote Wikipedia: "Being closely related to such concepts of mechanics as "energy" and "momentum", mass manifests itself in nature in two qualitatively different ways, which gives grounds for dividing it into two varieties:

      The inert mass characterizes the inertia of bodies and appears in the expression of Newton's second law: if a given force in the inertial frame of reference accelerates different bodies equally, they are assigned the same inert mass;

      The gravitational mass (passive and active) shows with what force the body interacts with the external fields of gravity, and what gravitational field this body itself creates, it is included in the law of universal gravitation and is the basis for measuring mass by weighing."

      As we have already found out in the first issue of this series "The Paradigm of Gravity of Extraterrestrial civilizations" [1] gravitational mass does not exist in nature, since gravity is the interaction of the core of a star (planet, satellite) with the positive (light) matter of each proton, each neutron, and each atom nucleus (a separate elementary particle) of a test body consisting entirely of matter. Electrons do not participate in the gravitational interaction. The masses of elementary particles do not participate in the gravitational interaction. Positive (light) matter is attracted to the nuclei of space objects, and it just has no mass. The representative of positive matter is an elementary particle-a photon, which, as is known, has no mass. A photon is a free corpuscle of positive (light) matter in an excited state, which has increased its volume by a million times and emits electromagnetic waves.

      Therefore, the determination of the mass of bodies by weighing is not quite correct, it is more correct, of course, to determine the mass based on the inertial properties of the mass, that is, based on Newton's second law. Moreover, positive (light) matter can quite easily leave the body and return back, which changes the weight of the body, so the dynamometric measurement of mass, which is now widely used in everyday life and practice, is incorrect for accurate calculations. This is proved by our experience [1]. For accurate calculations, the mass should be determined on a lever scale, carefully making sure that the temperature of the body being weighed and the disbalances for scales is the same. It is also possible (and perhaps necessary) to develop sensors for the acceleration of the body, because during acceleration there are inertia forces that deform the body, so the load cells can measure the acceleration.

      We will continue to quote Wikipedia: "However, the proportionality of the gravitational and inert masses has been experimentally established with high accuracy, and by selecting units they are made equal to each other in theory. Therefore, when we are not talking about a special "new physics", it is customary to use the term "mass" and use the notation m without explanation."

      From a physical point of view, now that we know the true nature of gravity-this is of course ridiculous. Another thing is that due to the fact that in matter as a whole, the number of corpuscles of positive (light) and negative (dark) matter is equal, it is possible to introduce the concept of "apparent gravitational mass". However, due to the fact that the electrons do not participate in the gravitational interaction, there is no equality of the inert mass and the apparent gravitational mass, since the electrons do not participate in gravity, but participate in inertia. Therefore, there is no equivalence principle and the inert mass, strictly speaking, is not equal to the apparent gravitational mass, but due to the very small mass of electrons (9.1 x 10-31 kg), this difference is noticeable at large masses – tens, hundreds and thousands of tons, since there are many electrons in large objects. We have already noted [1], we are interested in large masses of asteroids, because they are the ones that pose a danger to the Earth and, relying on the principle of equivalence, which does not exist in nature, you can make a mistake in the calculations and be exposed to the blow.

      Let's continue quoting Wikipedia. "All macroscopic objects, household objects, as well as most elementary particles (electrons, neutrons, etc.) have mass, although, among the latter, there are massless ones (for example, photons). The presence of mass in the particles is explained by their interaction with the Higgs field."

      The author of this Wikipedia article is a great humorist. Why did he insert household items here? He would also write toothbrushes here. Aren't they included in macroscopic objects? However, this paragraph hints at the different nature of mass in macroscopic and microscopic objects. The only massless elementary particle is the photon, there are no other massless elementary particles in nature – this is, first of all. Secondly, in macroscopic and microscopic objects, the physical meaning of mass is absolutely the same and consists only in the number of corpuscles of negative (dark) matter. The Higgs field has absolutely nothing to do with it, especially since it does not exist in nature.

      Конец ознакомительного

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