Systematics and the Exploration of Life. Группа авторов

Systematics and the Exploration of Life - Группа авторов

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      Chapter written by Sylvain GERBER and Yoland SAVRIAMA.

      Impact of a Point Mutation in a Protein Structure

      2.1. Composition

Chemical structures depict a) General structure of an amino acid and b) chemical formula of leucine. Chemical structure depicts the polypeptide consisting of four amino acids (tetrapeptide).

      “Water-soluble” proteins fold into a compact globular form (unlike fibrous, membrane and “disordered” proteins). The hydrophobic nature of certain amino acids makes this compact folding necessary. Indeed, the side chains of the non-polar residues are hydrophobic and are grouped together within the globular structure of the protein – isolated from the surrounding water – while the

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