Intelligent IoT for the Digital World. Yang Sun Yang

Intelligent IoT for the Digital World - Yang Sun Yang

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       Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

      Names: Yang, Yang, 1974‐ author.

       Title: Intelligent IoT for the digital world / Yang Yang, ShanghaiTech

       University and Peng Cheng Lab, China, Xu Chen, Sun Yat‐sen University, China, Rui Tan,

       Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, Yong Xiao, Huazhong University

       of Science and Technology, China.

       Description: First edition. | Hoboken, NJ : John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2021.

       | Includes bibliographical references and index.

       Identifiers: LCCN 2020039767 (print) | LCCN 2020039768 (ebook) | ISBN

       9781119593546 (cloth) | ISBN 9781119593553 (adobe pdf) | ISBN

       9781119593560 (epub)

       Subjects: LCSH: Internet of things.

       Classification: LCC TK5105.8857 .Y355 2021 (print) | LCC TK5105.8857

       (ebook) | DDC 005.67/8–dc23

      LC record available at LC ebook record available at

      Cover Design: Wiley

      Cover Image: produced by Julie Liu

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