The use of cordyceps-containing products. И. А. Недогон

The use of cordyceps-containing products - И. А. Недогон

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reader’s question: Retinal detachment.

      The author's answer: The reason for retinal detachment is increased intraocular pressure, cholelithiasis, bile stasis, brain vascular problem. Treatment «Glaucoma» according to the Resuscitation Scheme Appendix 1 + energy cream «Yang Sheng» acupunctures according to the programs «Glaucoma» (section 1.5), «Cholelithiasis» (section 1.2) (in the evening), and «Sclerosis of cerebral vessels» (1.3) (at night).

      1.6 Skin

Unclean skin

      Various pathological reactions of the skin are a consequence of a disorder of mineral metabolism, when the immunity and pH of the skin change + concomitant changes in the gastrointestinal mucosa.

      Unclean Skin Treatment: «Wellness and Rejuvenation» Scheme (Appendix 2). Outwardly: wipe the face with «Liuwei» tea, and then apply the «Aloe» gel.

      Autoimmune skin diseases are eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and vitiligo. This is a serious skin pathology caused by cervical insufficiency, and thyroid pathology as a result of metabolic disorders.

      There are many causes of psoriasis, but this disease comes from childhood. It is necessary to understand how the pregnancy of this person's mother proceeded. This is always a cause-and-effect disease: intrauterine hypoxia, a consequence of poor ecology (block on the endocrine canal), hormonal disorders possible in the mother, education, hypertension, diabetes. These blocks are inherited very often. In psoriasis, the thyroid gland is always involved, these are metabolic disorders in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas, kidneys, namely all channels are unbalanced. This is a problem of the skin, expressed in the corresponding external manifestations. Needs to be treated metabolic processes and one of the main reasons are blocks in the endocrine canal and the thyroid gland. Sometimes it happens that the level of hormones is normal, an ultrasound scan shows that everything is fine with the thyroid gland, but there is a block on the endocrine canal and one of the reasons is a problem cervical osteochondrosis, the center responsible for the circulation of energy through the endocrine channel, and the immune channel is always involved – this is the neck. Therefore, it is necessary to start the treatment of psoriasis with wearing a cervical belt 3–4 times a day for 1 hour, so as the center responsible for the skin is also the neck. It is recommended the Oral Liquid «Sanqing» 3 ml 3 times a day; it will not only cleanse the blood, plasma, but also regulate the channels at the energy level: liver, gallbladder, pancreas, stomach; osteochondrosis leaves. Oral Liquid regulates and recovers the circulation of energy in the spine and urinary canal. Oral Liquid Phoenix is a «doctor» who will gradually solve the problem of psoriasis, because psoriasis is a complex disease, multifaceted and must be treated in stages. But since there is a metabolic disorder (there is a lot of cholesterol in the cells), taking the Oral Liquid «Phoenix» is gradual according to the «Resuscitation» Scheme (Appendix 1), in small doses of 2 ml. every 2 hours. and the result is very good, because microcirculation is recoverd, blood is purified. «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules are taken together, because reduce atherosclerosis of large vessels. It is recommended to take 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals. «Linchzhi» capsules block autoimmune processes, regulate the thyroid gland, relieve allergic processes in the body. «Haicao Gai» capsules recover skin, mucous membranes, bones, and therefore together with «Linchzhi» give amazing results. «Fohow Meigui» is used for 1 tsp 3 times daily before meals. To stimulate the intestines to prevent slagging. If there was dysbacteriosis before, then it can increase in the first two months (in bacterial crops and staphylococcus, and streptococcus, etc.), due to increased blood cleansing, because everything goes through the intestines. «Fohow Meigui» and the Oral Liquid «Sanqing», as «cleaners», will reduce the unpleasant phenomenon of bloating. Aroma plasters or energy cream «Yang Sheng» according to the program «Psoriasis» (section 1.6) give very good results. Also, women are advised to use «Guifei Bao» tampons in order to recover and maintain hormonal levels. And tampons are very good at regulating digestion and restoring the energy circulation along the spine. It is recommended to drink «Liuwei» tea at 2 liters a day, 1 glass every hour. It is very good to drink «Qi Li» drink – it recovers elastic fibers, the skin rejuvenates. From the 2nd month you should start the Oral Liquid «Phoenix» 3 ml 3 times a day. It is recommended to connect the reception of «XueQingFu» capsules together with the «Linchzhi» and «Haicao Gai» capsules, 1 capsule from 11 am to 1 pm, when the heart channel works. There is a triple effect on the vessels. We leave the rest as in the 1st month. From the 3rd month you should add the Oral Liquid Phoenix once 3 ml in the morning before meals and we add the evening intake of the Oral Liquid Sanbao, gradually increasing the dosage so that there is no aggravation, because a powerful Oral Liquid, starting from 1 ml, then 2 ml and up to 3 ml. First two months Oral Liquid Sanbao is not recommended, because firstly, it is necessary to regulate the thyroid gland, recover the level of hormones. Prescribing the Oral Liquid «Sanbao» or «Gaoqian» pills early it could cause the thyroid gland to malfunction and psoriasis may reappear. During treatment, the skin will first «bloom», the rash will intensify, then peeling will begin, and then the skin will be renewed. From the 3rd month, there is a recovery and a sharp rejuvenation of the body. It is recommended to add «Gaoqian» pills, 2 pills each morning and afternoon, depending on weight: if there is an overweight, take pills before meals, if body weight is normal or deficient, take after meals. It is recommended to take «Gaoqian» tablets in the morning and daytime, but not in the evening, since «Gaoqian» will collect all the dirt (microbes, cholesterol, etc.) from the blood and it can return to the bloodstream if the intestines did not work, and even body weight may increase, heart failure may occur. Intestines and heart are two parallel channels. If you take «Fohow» products in the complex, psoriasis disappears in 2–3 months.

      Treatment of Eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, vitiligo: «Wellness and rejuvenation» (Appendix 2).

The application of aromatic plaster or energy cream «Yang Sheng» along the meridians:Unclean skin

      1. Skin allergy

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP10 – RP10.

      Near the spine: V11 – V11; V23 – V23.

      2. Furunculosis

      Hands: GI4 – GI4.

      Legs: E36 – E36; V40 – V40; V62 – V62.

      Between the shoulder blades: V15 – V15.

      3. Streptoderma

      Neck: VB20 – VB20.

      Hands: GI10 – GI10.

      Legs: V40 – V40.

      Spine: T14 – unpaired point.

      4. Psoriasis

      Spine: T14, T12 – unpaired points.

      Near the spine: V11 – V11; V15 – V15; V20 – V20.

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; F3 – F3.

      5. Eczema

      Hands: GI10 – GI10; C7 – C7.

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP10 – RP10.

      6. Neurodermatitis

      Hands: GI10 – GI10; C7 – C7.

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP6 – RP6; RP9 – RP9; VB39 – VB39.

      7. Unclean skin

      Hands: GI4-GI4; GI10-GI10.

      Abdomen: VC6; VC12 – unpaired points; E25-E25.

      Legs: E36-E36; RP6-RP6; V40-V40; V62-V62.

      Back: V15-V15 (between the shoulder blades); V18-V18 (below the shoulder blades).

      8. Diabetic skin (cyanosis, edema, trophic ulcers)

      Hands: GI4-GI4; GI10-GI10.

      Legs: E36 – E36; RP10 – RP10; V40 – V40; V62 – V62.

      Spine: T14, T4 – unpaired points.

      Back: V11 – V11; V15 – V15; V20 – V20; V23 – V23.


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