Diarylethene Molecular Photoswitches. Masahiro Irie
isomers of 1,2‐bis(...Figure 4.19 (a) Chemical structures of open‐ and closed‐ring isomers of 1,2‐...Figure 4.20 A shot of a tiny silica‐particle (∼100 μm) by crystal‐rod of 4 u...Figure 4.21 (a) Chemical structures of component diarylethenes 172 and 173 i...Figure 4.22 (a) Photomechanical work of a molecular crystal cantilever made ...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 (a) Fluorescence photoswitching of dyad 126 upon alternate irradi...Figure 5.2 Histograms of (a–c) on time and (d–f) off time in PnBMA (a, d), P...Figure 5.3 A schematic diagram of the potential energy surfaces of a diaryle...Figure 5.4 Single‐molecule fluorescence photoswitching in a poly(methyl acry...Figure 5.5 Near‐field optical recording on an amorphous film of 178. Thickne...Figure 5.6 The images of an amorphous film of diarylethene 180 irradiated wi...Figure 5.7 Holographic recording on a PMMA film containing 181 based on a po...Figure 5.8 (a) Chemical structures of open‐ and closed‐ring isomers of 182. ...Scheme 5.1 Refractive index changes (Δn) of diarylethene derivatives at 817 ...
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 One‐way switching of conductance from the on state to the off sta...Figure 6.2 Photoswitching of conductance of diarylethene derivatives inserte...Figure 6.3 (a) A mixed self‐assembled monolayer, which incorporates dodecane...Figure 6.4 Configuration of the Mach–Zehnder modulator using diarylethene 13 Figure 6.5 The open‐ring (191o) and closed‐ring (191c) isomers of radical‐su...Scheme 6.1 Open‐ring (192o) and closed‐ring (192c) isomers of radical‐substi...Scheme 6.2 Open‐ring (193o, 194o, 195o, 196o) and closed‐ring (193c, 194c, 1...Figure 6.6 ESR spectral changes for 193 (n = 1) along with photoisomerizatio...Figure 6.7 Photoisomerization of diarylethene dyad 197 upon photoirradiation...Figure 6.8 ESR spectra of (a) 197 (OO), (b) 197 (CO), and (c) 197 (CC).
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 (a) Schematic illustration of the fabrication procedure of the cr...Figure 7.2 Schematic illustration of the fabrication procedure of the crysta...Figure 7.3 (a) Selective metal deposition on the UV‐irradiated colored surfa...Figure 7.4 (a) μ‐Fuse and its operation. (b) Current–voltage characteristics...Figure 7.5 (a) Scheme of absorption modulation. Absorption at λ 1 makes ...
8 Chapter 8Scheme 8.1 Examples of synthetic methods of polymers having diarylethene uni...Scheme 8.2 Synthesis of polymer p12 by oxidation polymerization of diaryleth...Scheme 8.3 Selective photoreactions of polyurethanes p56 containing two kind...Scheme 8.4 (a) Diarylethene dopants for liquid crystals. (b) A diarylethene ...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Two types (a and b) of structures of organic field‐effect transis...Scheme 9.1 Chemical structures of (a) polymeric and (b) small‐molecule semic...Figure 9.2 3D framework structures of photoresponsive metal organic framewor...Figure 9.3 The metal organic cage composed of two Pd2+ ions and four bis...Scheme 9.2 Turn‐on mode fluorescent diarylethene derivatives.Figure 9.4 Fatigue‐resistant property of sulfone derivatives of 1,2‐bis(2‐al...Figure 9.5 (a) Logarithmic plots of molar absorption coefficients of 8o in n...Figure 9.6 RESOFT and confocal images of Vero cells. The line profiles of re...Figure 9.7 STORM images of Vero cells acquired (A) with and (B) without UV a...Figure 9.8 Fatigue resistance of diarylethene 216 in an aqueous phosphate bu...Scheme 9.3 Rearrangement of positions of single and double bonds in (a) Diel...Scheme 9.4 The molecular design principle of photoresponsive polymers having...Scheme 9.5 Photocontrol of formation and scission of bonds using diarylethen...Scheme 9.6 Examples of biologically active diarylethene derivatives.Scheme 9.7 (a) Diarylethene crystal 3, which turned red upon γ‐rays irradiat...Figure 9.9 Fluorescence intensity increase upon γ‐irradiation. (a) Dependenc...
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