What is Philosophy of Mind?. Tom McClelland

What is Philosophy of Mind? - Tom McClelland

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by imagining her point of view, or by some combination of the two? If the goalkeeper acts like she wants to win the game, how does Mindy know she’s not just pretending to have this desire? If the goalkeeper reports liking the smell of old socks, how does Mindy know that socks smell the same way to the goalkeeper as they do to her? Can we ever really know what’s going on in the goalkeeper’s mind or are we effectively just guessing? Could brain scans and advanced psychological investigation give us more direct access to the goalkeeper’s mind, or are her mental states always hidden from us? How confident can we be that the goalkeeper even has a mind?

       1.4.3 The Distribution Question

      There are lots of things in the world, but which of them have minds? If you’re watching the football game, you’ll be pretty sure about the distribution of minds. You’ll be confident that Mindy, the goalkeeper and the referee each has a mind. You’ll also be confident that the ball, the goalposts and the referee’s whistle don’t have minds. But is this confidence well founded? And in many circumstances we’re not so confident about the distribution of minds. Does a newborn baby have a mind? What about a foetus, or a zygote? Does your pet cat have a mind? What about a bat, a bee or an octopus? Should we attribute minds to trees, to plants or to viruses? Could there ever be an AI with its own mind? What about the internet, a smartphone or a self-driving car? Might it be that everything has a certain level of mindedness and that mentality pervades the universe? Or might it be that nothing does and that the whole idea of minds is a myth?

      The Distribution Question has an epistemological aspect. How do we know whether something has a mind or what kind of mind it has? What criteria should we be applying and how confidently can we apply them? It also has a metaphysical aspect. What does it take for something to have a mind? What does it take for that mind to be rational, conscious or emotional? Does it involve something immaterial or is it a case of having the right physical properties? Could something without a biological brain have a mind? Could something without a physical body have a mind?

      Something similar applies to our treatment of non-human organisms. You needn’t feel guilty about standing on a daisy because you don’t think that daisies have minds, but you ought to feel guilty about standing on a cat. So in order to treat organisms the right way, we really ought to know where in the tree of life minds start to emerge. AI stretches our moral imagination even further. You wouldn’t feel guilty about sending a self-driving car to the scrap-heap, but is your indifference justified? One problem here is that we tend to be on the lookout for minds like ours. Could daisies or cars have minds that we fail to recognize because they’re so totally unlike our own? And once we consider the possibility of completely different kinds of mind, the field of possible minds gets even broader. Maybe molecules have minds. Maybe planets do. Maybe the universe as a whole forms a vast ‘über-mind’ of which we are all a part. If any of these possibilities are true, it could completely change how we act.

      Chapter 2 explores Descartes’ dualism. The seventeenth century saw great progress in our scientific understanding of the material world. Descartes, a scientist in his own right, asked how the mind would fit into this emerging picture. He argued that the mind must be an immaterial substance that stands apart from the material world but that is able to interact with it via the body. But Descartes’ arguments faced a flurry of objections that still haunt dualists today.

      Chapter 3 jumps ahead to the early to mid-twentieth century and introduces two materialist theories of mind. Behaviourism argues that mental states are nothing more than patterns of behaviour, and identity theory argues that mental states are nothing more than brain states. These theories were inspired by the emerging sciences of brain and behaviour and promised to overcome the failings of dualism. But each theory faced problems of its own.

      Chapter 4 takes us to the mid- to late twentieth century and the computer revolution. According to functionalism, the mind is akin to a computer with our brain acting as the hardware on which the software of the mind runs. We look at how functionalism improved on other materialist theories to become the leading theory of the mental.

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