DBT For Dummies. Gillian Galen
around judging you, even if it feels like that is what they are doing. As long as you care more about the opinions of the people in your life, you’ll dismiss your own, just as valid, opinions.
Altering your behavior to please others is inconsistent with self-trust. Although it might temporarily feel good, if other people weren’t true to themselves and altered their behavior to please you, how would you ever know if they were being honest?
Part 2
Gaining Understanding
Recognize how strong emotions can lead to unhelpful behaviors.
Replace unhealthy behaviors with more helpful alternatives.
Notice how judgmental assumptions can lead to poor self-worth, and use thinking skills to address situations in healthier ways.
Improve your relationships with others by improving your relationship with yourself.
Chapter 5
Understanding Your Emotions
Being able to identify and label your emotions is the first step in understanding and making sense of your experience. This is really the first piece of the puzzle of integrating DBT into your life. It isn’t uncommon for people to readily be able to identify the general state they are in, such as feeling overwhelmed, stressed, upset, good, or bad; however, for you to better understand your emotions, your description of how you feel must be much more precise. Furthermore, a precise description of your emotions will help you identify which DBT skills will be most effective in achieving your goal of increasing, decreasing, changing, or tolerating and accepting your emotions.
Many people come to DBT troubled by the intensity of their emotions. We have been asked by patients if we could simply make their emotions go away because the impact of their emotional sensitivity or reactivity has been so destructive to their lives that they believe living without emotions would solve the problem. If you’ve suffered this way, it’s an obvious conclusion to draw; however, living without emotions would be hugely problematic. Emotions have functions, and when they are effectively regulated, they provide us with critical information. It’s generally understood that emotions have three functions: to communicate to yourself, communicate to others, and motivate action. Think about how many interactions, decisions, and even thoughts are impacted by how you feel in a single moment.
In this chapter, you discover the value of increasing your emotional vocabulary. You find out how to identify and label your emotions, turn up and down the intensity of your emotions, and begin to pay specific attention to particular emotions that you may find challenging. Learning all of this will help you suffer less. Our hope is that in time and with practice, you can learn to love your emotions, even the ones that cause you pain.
Recognizing How You’re Feeling
The first step to recognize how you’re feeling is to pay attention. However, for people who struggle with intense emotions, the urge is to do just the opposite. Instead of paying attention, they tend to do things to avoid their emotions. Emotional avoidance can take many forms, from distracting yourself and never returning to the feeling, to telling yourself you should not or cannot feel that way, to using alcohol or drugs, sex, reckless behaviors, self-injury, or even suicide.
In the following sections, you begin to see how paying attention and using mindfulness will help you get to know your emotions and give you the power to control them. Recognizing your emotions takes practice, but once you’re familiar with the process, you’ll find that you can easily integrate it into your life in a way that will support your use of all of the other DBT skills in this book.
Distinguishing between primary and secondary emotions
One of the most frequent questions we get when we ask people to begin to pay attention to their emotions is how to do that. It does sounds daunting and abstract, especially if we are asking you to pay attention to something that you experience as aversive. Before you can pay attention to what you feel, you first need to know what you are looking for and how you would label it. The following sections discuss how to identify both primary and secondary emotions.
Primary emotions
Joy: A feeling of pleasure, happiness, or contentment
Love: An intense feeling of deep affection
Sadness: A feeling of sorrow or unhappiness
Anger: A strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility
Fear: A strong feeling that something or someone is dangerous or likely to cause harm or threat
Guilt: A feeling of having done wrong, failed an obligation, or crossed a personal value
Shame: A painful feeling of humiliation or distress caused by the awareness of foolish behavior or behavior that crosses societal norms and that leaves you feeling ostracized or different
Envy: A feeling of discontentment due to the desire to have a possession, attribute, or quality that someone else has
Jealousy: A feeling of uneasiness from suspicion or fear of rivalry,