Organon - Posterior Analytics. Aristotle

Organon - Posterior Analytics - Aristotle

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_c37b2b1b-d24f-5150-bca5-0bbaeacadc96">Chap. 4. Upon the terms "every," "per se," and "universal." Chap. 5. Of Errors about the primary Universal. Chap. 6. Demonstration consists of Principles per se; and of a necessary Medium. Chap. 7. That we may not demonstrate by passing from one Genus to another. Chap. 8. Things which are subject to Change are incapable of Demonstration per se. Chap. 9. That the Demonstration of a thing ought to proceed from its own appropriate Principles: these last indemonstrable. Chap. 10. Of the Definition and Division of Principles. Chap. 11. Of certain Common Principles of all Sciences. Chap. 12. Of Syllogistic Interrogation. Chap. 13. The difference between Science, "that" a thing is, and "why" it is. Chap. 14. The first Figure most suitable to Science. Chap. 15. Of immediate negative Propositions. Chap. 16. Of Ignorance, according to corrupt position of the Terms, where there are no Media. Chap. 17. Continuation of the same with Media. Chap. 18. Of the Dependence of Universals upon Induction, and of the latter upon Sense. Chap. 19. Of the Principles of Demonstration, whether they are Finite or Infinite. Chap. 20. Of Finite Media. Chap. 21. It is shown that there are no Infinite Media in Negative Demonstration. Chap. 22. That there are no Infinite Media in Affirmative Demonstration. Chap. 23. Certain Corollaries Chap. 24. The superiority of Universal to Particular Demonstration proved. Chap. 25. The Superiority of Affirmative to Negative Demonstration proved. Chap. 26. The Superiority of the same to Demonstration ad impossible proved. Chap. 27. Upon the Nature of more Accurate Science. Chap. 28. What constitutes one, and what different Sciences. Chap. 29. That there may be several Demonstrations of the same thing. Chap. 30. That there is no Science of the Fortuitous. Chap. 31. That we do not possess Scientific Knowledge through Sensation. Chap. 32. On the Difference of Priniciples according to the Diversity of Syllogisms. Chap. 33. Upon the Difference between Science and Opinion. Chap. 34. Of Sagacity.

       Book 2

      Chap. 1. That the subjects of Scientific Investigation are four. Chap. 2. That all Investigation has reference to the Discovery of the Middle Term. Chap. 3. Upon the Difference between Demonstration and Definition. Chap. 4. That the Definition of a thing cannot be demonstrated. Chap. 5. That there is no Conclusion by Divisions proved. Chap. 6. Case of one Proposition defining the Definition itself. Chap. 7. That what a thing is can neither be known by Demonstration nor by Definition. Chap. 8. Of the logical Syllogism of what a thing is. Chap. 9. Of certain Natures or Principles incapable of Demonstration. Chap. 10. Upon Definition and its kinds. Chap. 11. Of Causes and their Demonstration. Chap. 12. Upon the causes of the Present, Past, and Future. Chap. 13. Upon the Method of investigating Definition. Chap. 14. Rules for Problems. Chap. 15. Of Identical Problems. Chap. 16. Of Causes and Effects. Chap. 17. Extension of the same subject. Chap. 18. Observation upon Cause to Singulars. Chap. 19. Upon the Method and Habit necessary to the ascertainment of Principles.

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