Evangelism. Ellen G. White

Evangelism - Ellen G. White

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Anecdotes, Jesting, and Joking

       False Tests and Man-Made Standards

       Heralding the Second Advent

       The Sanctuary Truth

       Presenting the Law and the Sabbath

       Meeting Sabbathkeeping Problems

       Preaching on Nonimmortality

       The Message of Christian Stewardship

       Presentation of the Spirit of Prophecy

       Presenting Health and Christian Standards

       The Ordinances

       Preaching for the Final Decision

       Appeals and Altar Calls

       Helping Souls to Be Converted

       Gathering in the Interested

       Methods of Clinching Decisions

       Meeting Prejudice and Opposition

       Baptism and Church Membership

       Binding Off Thoroughly

       Length of Effort and Closing The Campaign

       Determining the Success of Meetings

       Follow-up Methods

       Integrating New Believers into the Church

       Pastoral Evangelism

       Responsibility of Spiritual Laymen to New Converts

       Helping New Believers to Win Souls

       Guarding New Members Against Error And Fanaticism

       Reclaiming Backsliders


       Providing Church Buildings

       On to New Fields

       New York

       Boston and New England

       Cities of the East and South

       Cities of the Central States

       The Western Cities

       Sounding the Message in Europe

       England and Its Cities

       The Cities of Northern Europe

       In Southern Europe

       Working the Australasian Cities

       The Need for Personal Work

       House-to-House Visitation

       Winning Families

       Evangelistic Visiting

       Ministers Giving Bible Readings

       Learning the Art of Personal Work

       Prejudice Broken Down

       Working for the Aged

       Ellen G. White’s Experience and Methods as a Personal Worker

       Bible Teaching the Objective

       Personal Workers and Wise Counselors

       Searching for the Lost

       Women in Evangelism

       Both Men and Women Called to Bible Work

       The Gospel Visitor

       Women in Public Ministry

       Training and Background

       Bible Instructor’s Qualifications

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