Evangelism. Ellen G. White

Evangelism - Ellen G. White

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scenes of this world’s history. Let men tremble with the sense of the responsibility of knowing the truth. The ends of the world are come. Proper consideration of these things will lead all to make an entire consecration of all that they have and are to their God....

      The weighty obligation of warning a world of its coming doom is upon us. From every direction, far and near, calls are coming to us for help. The church, devotedly consecrated to the work, is to carry the message to the world: Come to the gospel feast; the supper is prepared, come.... Crowns, immortal crowns, are to be won. The kingdom of heaven is to be gained. A world, perishing in sin, is to be enlightened. The lost pearl is to be found. The lost sheep is to be brought back in safety to the fold. Who will join in the search? Who will bear the light to those who are wandering in the darkness of error?—The Review and Herald, July 23, 1895.

      The Present Crisis—We should now feel the responsibility of laboring with intense earnestness to impart to others the truths that God has given for this time. We cannot be too much in earnest.... Now is the time for the last warning to be given. There is a special power in the presentation of the (p.17) truth at the present time; but how long will it continue?—Only a little while. If there was ever a crisis, it is now.

      All are now deciding their eternal destiny. Men need to be aroused to realize the solemnity of the time, the nearness of the day when human probation shall be ended. Decided efforts should be made to bring the message for this time prominently before the people. The third angel is to go forth with great power.—Testimonies For The Church 6:16 (1900).

      Evangelism Our Real Work—Evangelistic work, opening the Scriptures to others, warning men and women of what is coming upon the world, is to occupy more and still more of the time of God’s servants.—The Review and Herald, August 2, 1906.

      Speeding the Message—As a people we greatly need to humble our hearts before God, pleading His forgiveness for our neglect to fulfill the gospel commission. We have made large centers in a few places, leaving unworked many important cities. Let us now take up the work appointed us, and proclaim the message that is to arouse men and women to a sense of their danger. If every Seventh-day Adventist had done the work laid upon him, the number of believers would now be much larger than it is.—Testimonies For The Church 9:25 (1909).

      The Call for Earnest Work—If our ministers realized how soon the inhabitants of the world are to be arraigned before the judgment seat of God, to answer for the deeds done in the body, how earnestly they would work together with God to present the truth! How earnestly they would strive to lead men to accept the truth. How untiringly they would labor to advance God’s cause in the world, proclaiming in word (p.18) and deed, “The end of all things is at hand.”—Letter 43, 1902.

      Amid Confusion of Last Days—The words of Jesus Christ are spoken to us living down here in the close of this earth’s history. “When these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.” The nations are in unrest. Times of perplexity are upon us. The waves of the sea are roaring; men’s hearts are failing them for fear and for expectation of those things that are coming upon the earth; but those who believe on the Son of God will hear His voice amid the storm, saying, “It is I; be not afraid”.... We see the world lying in wickedness and apostasy. Rebellion to the commandments of God seems almost universal. Amid the tumult of excitement with confusion in every place, there is a work to be done in the world.—Manuscript 44, 1900.

      Planting the Standard in Dark Places—Satan’s armies are many, and God’s people must spread over all the world, planting the standard of truth in the dark places of the earth and doing their utmost to destroy Satan’s kingdom.—Letter 91, 1900.

      The Highest, Greatest Work—The Lord designs that the presentation of this message shall be the highest, greatest work carried on in the world at this time.—Testimonies For The Church 6:11 (1900). More Rapid Advancement—In this country and in foreign countries the cause of present truth is to make more rapid advancement than it has yet made. If our people will go forth in faith, doing whatever they can to make a beginning, and laboring in Christ’s lines, the way will be opened before them. If they will show the energy that is necessary in order to gain (p.19) success, and the faith that goes forward unquestioningly in obedience to God’s command, rich returns will be theirs. They must go as far and as fast as possible, with a determination to do the very things that the Lord has said should be done. They must have push and earnest, unwavering faith.... The world must hear the warning message.—Manuscript 162, 1905.

      Ever-Widening Influence of the Gospel

       Table of Contents

      Belting the Earth—Everywhere the light of truth is to shine forth, that hearts now in the sleep of ignorance may be awakened and converted. In all countries and cities the gospel is to be proclaimed.... Churches are to be organized and plans laid for work to be done by the members of the newly organized churches. This gospel missionary work is to keep reaching out and annexing new territory, enlarging the cultivated portions of the vineyard. The circle is to extend until it belts the world.—Letter 86, 1902.

      North, South, East, and West—From town to town, from city to city, from country to country, the warning message is to be proclaimed, not with outward display, but in the power of the Spirit, by men of faith. And it is necessary that the best kind of labor be given. The time has come, the important time, when, through God’s messengers, the scroll is being unrolled to the world. The truth comprised in the first, second, and third angels’ messages must go to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people; it must lighten the darkness of every continent and extend to the islands of the sea....

      Let there be the wisest planning for the success of the work. Decided efforts should be made to open (p.20) new fields in the north, the south, the east, and the west.... The fact that the presentation of the truth has been so long neglected should appeal to our ministers and workers to enter these fields and not give up the work until they have clearly given the message.—Manuscript 11, 1908.

      Unchecked by Barriers or Obstacles—Truth, passing by those who despise and reject it, will triumph. Although at times apparently retarded, its progress had never been checked. When the message of God meets with opposition, He gives it additional force, that it may exert greater influence. Endowed with divine energy, it will cut its way through the strongest barriers, and triumph over every obstacle.—The Acts of the Apostles, 601 (1911).

      A Substantial Work—The work that the gospel embraces as missionary work is a straightforward, substantial work which will shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day.—Letter 215b, 1899. An Influence That Deepens and Widens—The influence of these messages has been deepening and widening, setting in motion the springs of action in thousands of hearts, bringing into existence institutions of learning, publishing houses, and health institutions; all these are the instrumentalities of God to co-operate in the grand work represented by the first, second, and third angels flying in the midst of heaven to warn the inhabitants of the world that Christ is coming again with power and great glory.—The Review and Herald, December 6, 1892.

      Proclaim Message in New Fields—We have a most solemn, testing message to give to the world. But too much time has been given to those who already know the truth. In the place of spending time on those (p.21) who have been given many opportunities to learn the truth, go to the people who have never heard your message. Hold your camp meetings [Note.—Seventh-day Adventist camp meetings of earlier years were great evangelistic agencies drawing large, attentive, non-Adventist audiences. In the frequent mention of camp meetings in this volume the context clearly indicates that it is the tent meeting of large evangelistic potentialities that is usually referred to. See pages 82, 83 for statements describing such meetings.] In cities where the truth has not been proclaimed. Some will attend the meetings and receive the message.—Letter 87, 1896.

      New Places the Best Places—The places

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