Malay Annals. Anonymous

Malay Annals - Anonymous

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the tatampan, (or yellow gold cloth on their shoulder,) according to the practice of rajas.The country of Singhapura is of great extent, and frequented by merchants innumerable from every quarter, and its ports are very populous.

      Chapter 4

       Table of Contents

      THERE was a raja of the land of Kling, named Adi Bernilam Raja Mudeliar, who was descended of Raja Suran. He was raja of the city of Bija Nagara, and had a son named Jambuga Rama Mudeliar, who succeeded to the throne on the death of his father. He had a daughter named Nila Panchadi, of celebrated beauty, and of the most excellent qualities. How many were the rajas who preferred their suit to her but her father refused to give her in marriage to them, as not being of her own race. At last the fame of her beauty and qualities reached Singhapura, and Sri Tri-buana sent Maha Indra B'hupala to solicit her hand for his son, Raja Kichil Besar. Then Maha Indra B'hupala, with Maha Indra Vijaya, proceeded to the land of Kling, with a great number of vessels.

      When they arrived at the city Bija Nagara, Raja Jambuga Rama Mudeliar called them, and they were conducted around the city, and finally introduced into his presence. When they arrived, the letter was read by an interpreter, and the raja was greatly rejoiced when he understood the contents, and he expressed his approbation to Indra B'hupala and Indra Vijaya, desiring that they should not give his brother's son the trouble of coming, but that he would send his daughter to Singhapura. The two ambassadors then asked permission to take their departure, and he accordingly entrusted them with a letter, and they took their departure, and arrived at Singhapura, where they presented in due form the letter to Sri Tri-buana. The letter being read and understood, occasioned great joy; and Indra B'hupala gave an account of his mission. The next monsoon Raja Jambuga Rama Mudeliar ordered ships to be prepared, and sent the princess, attended by forty champions under the command of the captain Andalina Mar-kana Apam, aboard of them. She mounted a vessel equipped with five hundred rowers, and the champions set sail, attended with a numerous fleet of ships, prows, and barges.

      When they reached Singhapura, Sri Tri-buana was waiting their arrival at Tanjong Barus, and returned with them to Singhapura. There he celebrated the nuptials of his son with the Kling princess, and for three months the previous festivities continued, and when a fortunate period arrived, the Prince Raja Kichil Besar was united to the Princess Nila Panchadi. At the same time Raja Muda married the grand-daughter of Damang Lebar Dawn. After the marriage, all the warriors returned to the land of Kling, loaded with presents by Sri Tri-buana, and the ambassador was also entrusted with a letter.

      After a long time, when his earthly period was completed, Sri Tri-buana departed this life, and was buried on the hill of Singhapura, and was succeeded by Raja Kichil Besar, under the title of Paduca Sri Vicrama Vira, while Raja Kichil Muda became his bandahara, or prime minister, under the title of Tun Parpatih Parmuka Barjaja (Dwaja ?) who was the first bandahara, and whenever the sovereign did not choose to shew himself, his place was occupied by this minister. And the custom was, that on such occasions, when he represented the sovereign, whenever a son of the raja appeared before him, he did not descend unless it was the heir apparent.

      Whenever he entered into the raja's presence, he had also the right of sitting upon the carpet; and when the raja had entered the palace after any public assembly, it behoved all the nobles and chief men to attend the bandahara home whenever he took his departure. Damang Lebar Dawn had also a grandson who became pardan mantri, under the title of Tun Parpatih Parmuka Segalla, and who had to sit opposite to the bandahara on public occasions. Under the bandahara immediately was the pangulu bandahari, with the title of T'un Jana Buca Dandang. Under him was the chief Hulubalang, or champion who was over all the champions, and had the title of T'un Tampurong Camarata. After him came all the paramantris, and men of property, or orang-cayas, and all the chatriyas, seda-sidas, bantaras, and hulu-balangs, or champions, according to their rank and gradations, following the institutions of the former time. Long then did Paduca Sri Vicrama Vira, with his queen, Nila Panchadi, live in great mutual affection; and they had a son named Raja Muda, and the kingdom of Singhapura increased in power, and became famous over the whole world.

      Chapter 5

       Table of Contents

       Of the Bitara of Majapahit.

      THE bitara, or sovereign of Majapahit, had two sons by the daughter of the raja of the mountain Sagantang. The name of the eldest was Radin Inu Martawangsa, who became raja of Majapahit. The name of the younger was Radin Amas Pamari, who likewise became a raja in Majapahit; for it is a country of great extent. The bitara of Majapahit died, and his eldest son succeeded in his place, and in his time the authority of the bitara was widely extended over all the regions of the land of Java, and all the rajas of Nusa Tamara likewise paid allegiance to him for half their lands. The bitara of Majapahit heard of the extensive country of Singhapura, the raja of which did not own his allegiance, being of the same family and his cousin. Then the bitara sent an ambassador to Singhapura, with a letter, enclosing in the envelope, a shaving of wood, seven fathoms in length, formed with the hatchet, fine as paper, and with its texture no where cut or broken. It was rolled up, and its circumference like a ring.

      When the ambassador of Majapahit reached Singhapura, he was invited ashore, and presented himself to Raja Vicrama Vira. The letter was read by the khateb, according to what was written, to the following import. " Younger brother, observe the skill of the artificers of Java; have you any such in Singhapura?" The raja opened and examined the wood shaving, rolled up like a ring, and said " I comprehend the import of the bitara of Majapahit's message, he means to deny our manhood by sending us a ring." The ambassador said, " not so, he only wants to know if you have any artificers of equal skill under your government." Sri Paduca Vicrama Vira replied, " truly there are artificers here more skilful."

      He immediately ordered an artificer to be sent for, named Pawang Bentan, and ordered him to hew off the hair from the head of a boy of forty days old (says one copy) with a hatchet, in the presence of the ambassador of Java. The artificer accordingly executed his commission, without delay, not withstanding the exertions of the boy, and the constant rolling motion of his head, to the great astonishment of the Javanese ambassador. " Now," said the raja, " you may see the dexterity of our artisans ; to shave a boy's head with a hatchet, is somewhat more difficult, than to pare off your shaving. Pray where is the difficulty in it. Carry this axe with you however, to Majapahit, and present it with our compliments to our brother." The raja then dismissed the Javanese ambassador, at his own request, who went aboard his jong (junk) with the said hatchet, and proceeded to Majapahit, and presented himself to the bitara, and delivered the letter, with the message of the rajah of Singhapura.

      The Sri Bitara was highly enraged at the narrative of the embassador. "I understand the raja's meaning ; he threatens to shave our head like the boy's, if we should proceed to Singhapura." The bitara of Majapahit, without delay, ordered his warriors to proceed in a hundred junks, to Singhapura, and attack it. Innumerable were the descriptions of vessels besides the junks, such as malangbang,calulos jongcong, charochah tongkang, which accompanied the fleet which the bitara sent under the command of a famous champion, named Damang Viraja. The fleet arrived at Singhapura, and the Javan warriors immediately rushed ashore, and commenced the war with the people of Singhapura. Thick waxed the press of war, there was clattering of arms on armour, and the earth shook with the stamping of warriors, and loud rose the hubbub of contending hosts, so that no other noise could be heard. Many were the slain on both sides, and the blood streamed on the ground till evening, when the Javans fell back to their prows. The events of this war between Java and Singhapura, were too tedious to relate. Singhapura, however, was not worsted, but on the contrary, the Javan hosts returned to Majapahit.

      After this raja Muda, the son of Sri Paduca Vicrama Vira married the daughter of Tun Parpatih Parmuka Barjaja, and they lived long very happily. At last, Paduca Sri Vicrama Vira departed this life, and was succeeded by his son Raja Muda, under the title of Sri Rama Vicrama. The bandahara Tun Parpatih Parmuka Barjaja, also died, and was

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