The Man with the Black Feather. Gaston Louis Alfred Leroux

The Man with the Black Feather - Gaston Louis Alfred Leroux

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you, awakes and cries, 'It is here!'"

      "You speak like a book, Adolphe!" cried Marceline, overwhelmed with admiration. "But can we really expect the soil in which the treasures were buried to have remained undisturbed all these years—over two hundred?"

      "Woman of little faith," said Adolphe sternly, "they have been disturbing the sacred soil of the Roman Forum for over two thousand years as the soil of Paris has never been disturbed; and it was only a few years ago that they brought to light the famous rostrum from which Caius and Tiberius poured forth ​their eloquence … Ah, here's M. Mifroid, my friend the Commissary of Police, whom I 've so long wanted you to know. Well, this is lucky!"

      A man of forty, dressed in the height of fashion and as neat as a new pin, with one white lock drawn carefully down on his unwrinkled brow, came up to them smiling, raised his hat, and shook Adolphe warmly by the hand.

      "How are you?" said Adolphe cordially. "Let me introduce you to my friends. M. Mifroid—Madame Longuet—M. Longuet."

      From the glance of respectful admiration which he bestowed on her charming face Marceline gathered that the Commissary of Police was also a squire of dames.

      "We have often heard our friend M. Lecamus speak of you," she said with a gracious smile.

      "I feel that I have known you for a long time. Every time I meet him, he talks about his friends of Gerando Street, and in such terms that the good fortune which this moment befalls me, this introduction, has been my most fervent desire," said M. Mifroid gallantly.

      "I hear that you are an accomplished violinist," said Marceline, delighted with his politeness.

      "Accomplished? I don't know about ​accomplished: I play the violin; and I am something of a sculptor and a student of philosophy—a taste which I owe to our friend M. Lecamus here. And when I passed you just now, I heard you discussing the immortality of the soul," said M. Mifroid, who wished to shine before the eyes of the pretty Marceline.

      "Adolphe and I love to discuss these serious questions; and just now we were discussing the body and soul and the relations between them," said Theophrastus with a very fair imitation of the professorial air of Adolphe.

      "Have n't you got beyond that?" said M. Mifroid, burning to shine. "In the eyes of Science matter and spirit are one and the same thing, that is to say, they constitute the same unity in the same Force, at once result and phenomenon, cause and effect, moving towards the same end: the Progressive Ascent of Being. You two gentlemen are the only people left to make this distinction between matter and spirit."

      Theophrastus was a trifle huffed: "We do the best we can," he said stiffly.

      The little party had come into the Place de la Concorde. At the top of the Rue Royale there was a large crowd of people, shouting and gesticulating.

      ​At once Theophrastus, like a true Parisian, was on fire to learn what was going on, and plunged into the heart of the crowd.

      "Mind you don't get your pockets picked!" cried Marceline after him.

      "Oh, you need n't be afraid of getting your pocket picked when you 're in the company of Commissary Mifroid," said that gentleman proudly.

      "That's true," said Marceline with an amiable smile. "You are here; and we run no risk at all."

      "I don't know about that," said Adolphe slyly. "My friend Mifroid appears to me more dangerous than all the pickpockets on the face of the earth—to the heart."

      "Ah, he will have his joke!" said M. Mifroid laughing; but he assumed his most conquering air.

      Theophrastus kept them standing there for fully ten minutes before he emerged from the crowd with his eyes shining very brightly.

      "It's a cab-driver who has locked his wheel with that of a motor car," he said.

      "And what has happened?" said Marceline.

      "Why, he can't unlock it," said Theophrastus.

      ​"And all this crowd about a trifle like that! How silly people are!" said Marceline.

      Thereupon she invited M. Mifroid to come home and dine with them. He needed but a little pressing to accept the invitation; and they strolled slowly back to Gerando Street.

      The dinner was very lively, for M. Mifroid was still bent on shining; and his example spurred Adolphe to splendid emulation. It was when they were taking their coffee at the end of dinner that M. Mifroid suddenly seemed uneasy. He felt in all his pockets, trying to find his handkerchief. His search was vain; it was not there. After a final search in the pockets in the tails of his frock-coat, he ground his teeth, gave his moustache a despairing tug, and took a deep breath.

      Two minutes later Theophrastus blew his nose. Marceline asked him where he had got that pretty handkerchief. M. Mifroid looked at it and saw that it was his. He laughed somewhat awkwardly, declared that it was an excellent joke, took it from Theophrastus, and put it in his pocket. Theophrastus could not understand it at all.

      Suddenly M. Mifroid turned pale, and felt in his left-hand breast pocket.

      ​"Goodness! What has become of my pocket-book?" he cried.

      The explanation of its absence was entirely simple: someone had picked the pocket of the Commissary of Police of his pocket-book with five hundred francs in it. M. Mifroid did not so much regret the loss of the five hundred francs as he was furious to find himself ridiculous. Marceline made fun of him gently as she condoled with him on its loss; she could not help it. He was furious indeed.

      "Let me lend you any money you want for to-night, M. Mifroid," said Theophrastus amiably.

      He pulled out a pocket-book. M. Mifroid uttered a sharp cry: it was his own pocket-book!

      Theophrastus turned a rich scarlet. M. Mifroid stared at him, took the pocket-book from his trembling fingers, recovered his five hundred francs, and put them in his pocket.

      Then he forthwith began to make a hundred pressing occupations his excuse for taking a hurried leave of them, and said good-bye.

      As he was clattering down the staircase, he called back up it, with some heat, to his friend Adolphe, who had hurried out of the flat after him:

      ​"Whoever are these people you have introduced me to?"

      Adolphe said nothing; he wiped his perspiring brow.

      The clattering footsteps of M. Mifroid died away down the stairs; and he went slowly back into the dining-room. Theophrastus had just finished turning out his pockets. On the table lay three watches, six handkerchiefs, four pocket-books, containing considerable sums of money, and eighteen purses!

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