The World's Christians. Douglas Jacobsen
Figure 17.6
Table 3.1 | Five main “families” of Protestantism, representing two thirds of all Protestants worldwide |
Table 7.1 | Major Muslim empires, indicating general attitude toward Christianity |
Table III.1 | Estimated number of individuals associated with the four Christian mega‐traditions in nine world regions |
Table 10.1 | Orthodox Christians in Eastern Europe |
Table 10.2 | Christianity in the Balkans |
Table 10.3 | Catholic Central Europe |
Table 10.4 | Christianity in the Russian sphere of influence |
Table 12.1 | Levels of religiosity in Catholic Europe by country |
Table 12.2 | Population size of Christian traditions in religiously mixed Europe |
Table 13.1 | Social and economic data for ten largest Sub‐Saharan African nations |
Table 13.2 | Changing size of four Christian traditions in Sub‐Saharan Africa, 1900 to present |
Table 14.1 | Distribution of three major world religions in East Asia |
Table 16.1 | The mainline Protestant denominations in the USA with membership data for 1950 and today |
Voices of World Christianity
1 1.1 Vladimir Lossky on Orthodox Theology and Prayer
2 1.2 Empress Theodora I and the Triumph of Orthodoxy
3 2.1 John Henry Newman on the Pursuit of Truth
4 2.2 Julian of Norwich on God’s Love for Humankind
5 3.1 Fanny Crosby and Protestant Hymnody
6 3.2 Martin Luther on Faith
7 4.1 William J. Seymour on the Baptism with the Holy Spirit
8 4.2 Kathryn Kuhlman on Health and Healing
9 5.1 Thecla, An Early Christian Female Leader
10 5.2 Augustine of Hippo on the Two Cities
11 6.1 Patriarch Timothy I on Jesus and the Christian Life
12 6.2 Brigid of Kildare in Pagan/Christian Ireland
13 7.1 Catherine of Siena and the Pope
14 7.2 Marco Polo Describes the Religious Policy of Kublai Khan
15 8.1 David Yonggi Cho on “Rhema” Faith
16 8.2 Walatta Petros defends Ethiopian Orthodoxy against European Catholicism
17 9.1 Charles Malik on Truth and Public Life
18 9.2 Hanan Ashrawi on Palestinian Christianity and the Spiritual Cost of Conflict
19 10.1 Pope John Paul II on the Gospel and Poland
20 10.2 Maria Alyokhina and the Pussy Riot Church Protest
21 11.1 Paulos Mar Gregorios and the Principles of Interfaith Dialogue
22 11.2 Pandita Ramabai’s Spiritual Journey
23 12.1 Chiara Lubich and Focolare
24 12.2 Dietrich Bonhoeffer and European Secularism
25 13.1 Simon Kimbangu, a Congolese Christian Prophet
26 13.2 Mercy Amba Oduyoye on Women, the Bible, and African Christianity
27 14.1 Marianne Katoppo on Poverty, Women, and the Eucharist
28 14.2 Pastor Wang Yi on the Relationship of Church and State
29 15.1 Eva Peron’s Critique of the Catholic Church
30 15.2 Gustavo Gutiérrez on Liberation Theology
31 16.1 James Cone on Black and White Christianity