A Hero's Heart. Joseph David Hightower

A Hero's Heart - Joseph David Hightower

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how long; he wasn’t sure, gasping for breath. As Heru hung there trying to catch his breath the armor walked over and changing back into the woman, gave an evil laugh while lifting the blood drenched sword and with a vicious swing, brought the sword down across Heru’s fingers. A pain like no other completely consumed Heru as he felt himself falling back into the abyss. As he felt himself falling into the soul sucking darkness he remembered one of his mother’s teachings; if ever you find yourself in trouble you can call on the name of Jesus and He will come to your rescue. While plummeting further and further into the darkness the last conscious thought that Heru had was that of him whispering repeatedly the name of Jesus.

      Chapter 4

      Kokoru sat back in his chair and let out a loud sigh. “Man, talk about messed up! The guy was just a little tired and suddenly some psycho is chasing him with a sword, and I thought I had it rough!” he thought.

      Rubbing the kinks out of the back of neck he took a moment to look around and there sitting on a side table that hadn’t been in the room before was his dinner. “Mr. Haru must have brought it in while I was reading”, thought Kokoru.

      He was so involved in the story that he had not even heard them enter or leave. Getting up to stretch his legs and to see just what they had brought him to eat, Kokoru rose slowly from the chair and walked over to the table with his plate on it. Lifting the silver lid, a wonderful aroma filled the room. It was the smell of his favorite, sticky noodles and beef. He leaned back against the wall while enjoying his meal and thinking about all that he had just read. It was amazing the things the he and Heru had in common, like the fact that they both wore black wire rimmed glasses and had the same shade of eyes.

      He looked up as he heard a sound at the door. Mr. Kisame walked in with a broad smile on his face. “I see that you have been enjoying your reading and your food”, he said with a chuckle.

      “Yes, I was just thinking how strange it is that I am so much like Heru, and thank you for the wonderful dinner, it’s awesome! How did you know that this was my favorite?” Kokoru asked.

      “Oh, I have my ways”, replied Mr. Kisame with a grin and a wink. “Is there anything else that I can get for you before I retire for the night? I brought you some blankets, a pillow, and a small cot for you to rest on if you find a need for some sleep.” Mr. Kisame said in a kind voice.

      “No, I think I have everything I need, but thank you very much. I didn’t think that I would be enjoying this reading as much as I am, so thank you for forcing my hand. I hope you have a pleasant night and I’ll see you in the morning.” Kokoru said.

      “Goodnight and happy birthday Kokoru. You are making your father proud.” Mr. Kisame said giving Kokoru a slight squeeze on the shoulder before leaving and quietly shutting the door behind him.

      As Kokoru stood there he realized that the door was no longer locked. With a smile on his face he finished his food and laid out his cot and blankets. Climbing in and pulling the covers up to his chin he started thinking about everything that he had read tonight. He knew that he would have some interesting dreams this night. His last thought was of Heru as he drifted off into a peaceful sleep.

      Kokoru was roused from a sound sleep the next morning with some gentle shaking. When he opened his eyes against the bright morning light, he could see Mr. Haru standing over him holding a tray of food.

      “It’s time to wake up sleepy head. We have brought your breakfast and some fresh O.J.”, Mr. Haru said as he walked over and sat the tray of food down on the table. “Mr. Kisame tells me that you are enjoying the reading so far?”

      “Yes, it’s more interesting than I had thought it would be, I am excited to get back to reading”, Kokoru said.

      “That’s great! I am thrilled that you are starting to enjoy this journey. Eat up so that you will have the energy to walk this next part, it gets a bit tricky from here on out.” replied Mr. Haru as he quietly left the room.

      Kokoru hurriedly finished his breakfast and after straightening up his makeshift bed, he settled down at the majestic Japanese table and pulled the book close and started reading again.

      Chapter 5

      When Heru next awoke, it was to the gentle sound of lapping water and a gentle breeze. When he opened his eyes, he was surprised to see an old man kneeling next to him. As the old man gently helped Heru to sit up and take a long drink of the fresh clear water he got his first look at the man’s appearance. He had long brown hair with no highlights and on his face a faint trace of a thin brown beard. The old man was dressed in strange clothing, nothing at all like the clothing that the people of his village wear. He was wearing a light, almost translucent, blue robe that fell past his feet to drag the ground and a belt that was cinched tightly around his waist. After a close inspection, Heru could relax, sensing that this man was safe, and there to offer help. He stopped to wonder about his mother’s teachings for a moment, “Could this be the Jesus that she spoke of, had he died in the fall and was now in heaven?”

      Almost as if reading his mind, the old man started to laugh, and still chuckling under his breath, looked Heru in the eyes and in the softest, most tranquil voice that Heru had ever heard said, “No, you are not dead. You are still very much alive; now hold still while I continue to wrap your hands.”

      At the mention of his hands, Heru suddenly remembered what had happened to them and a sudden surge of unbearable pain spread throughout his body, fully engulfing him in its blinding grip. He looked up with a bewildered expression in his eyes and asked the old man, “Who are you and just why you are helping me?”

      “Well that’s an interesting question. Some call me helper, comforter, or healer, but you, you can call me friend if you would like to. If you need a name to call me, you can call me Yeshua. I am a carpenter here in the village. The waterfall that we are next to help me to be able to complete my work easier. That’s what I was doing when you fell from the top of the mountain. You landed in the center of the pool and I pulled you out and laid you down here in the soft grass. It took a little doing but I think you will be as good as new in just a few days. You’ll have to take it easy with those hands but other than that I didn’t find any other injuries.” Yeshua said as he finished the last wrap on Heru’s hands.

      He got to his feet and reached a hand down to help Heru to his feet and held on a moment longer until Heru regained his balance. As Heru and Yeshua gazed into each other’s eyes, it seemed as if Yeshua could see straight into the very soul of Heru. Heru had to turn away from those piercing eyes because they seemed to cut straight though him. The sounds of the waterfall grew softer and the light gentler and as Heru watched Yeshua come closer, everything seemed to fade away and nothing but a soft whispering breeze could be felt. Yeshua reached out and took Heru by the hand and in a still small voice said, “You are still dreaming Heru, and when you awake your life will be changed. Remember, if ever you should find yourself in trouble, all you need to do is call out to the Father and you will be saved.” Heru collapsed in a heap at Yeshua’s feet, and with a small whisper over Heru, Yeshua turned and walked back into His village.

      Heru opened his eyes to the bright familiar sunshine of his home, the Lotus Village. He looked around in confusion, trying to figure out how he came to be back home. It must have all been a dream, he thought, but when he looked down, an astonishing amount of pain filled him at the sight of his tightly bandaged hands. Struggling to his feet he noticed that he was standing on the top of the mountain with the ancestral temple behind him. Stumbling in confusion he went over to the steep stairs and started the long journey down. Upon reaching the last step he noticed the basket of sacrificial offerings was lying on its side and the contents scattered everywhere. Suddenly, Heru remembered the promise that Yeshua had given to him, “The Father is always with you.” and remembering that, he immediately thought of his own father and the promise given by the ancestral spirits. He took off at a dead run in fear of what he would find upon returning.

      Chapter 6

      High in the trees surrounding the path into the village a large demonic bird sat perched on an outer

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