Extreme Events and Climate Change. Группа авторов
of Effectiveness of Adaptation Measures Implemented to R...Table 6.7 Mean and Proportion Tests for the Differences in Household Characte...Table A.1: Logit and Complementary Log‐Log Estimation of the Probability of I...
6 Chapter 7Table 7.1 Impacts of Having a POET.Table 7.2 Comparison Using Different Population Growth Rates (Scenario 2 and ...
7 Chapter 8Table 8.1 Definitions, Means, and Standard Deviations (SD) of Dependent and I...Table 8.2 Probit Regression Results: Goal Intention Model.Table 8.3 Predicted Marginal Effects of Factors Influencing Migration Intenti...Table 8.4 Multinomial Logit Regression Results: Target Destination Model (1):...Table 8.5 Predicted Marginal Effects of Factors Influencing Choice of Target ...Table 8.6 Multinomial Logit Regression Results: Target Destination Model (2):...Table 8.7 Predicted Marginal Effects of Factors Influencing Choice of Target ...
8 Chapter 9Table 9.1 Descriptive Statistics of Rural Municipalities.Table 9.2 Descriptive Statistics of Control Variables for Rural Municipalitie...Table 9.3 Effects of Extreme Climatic Events of Dry and Rainy Days on Migrati...Table 9.4 Marginal Effects of Extreme Climatic Events of Dry and Rainy Days o...
9 Chapter 10Table 10.1 Examples of Direct, Empirical, and Rational Heat Indices Commonly ...Table 10.2 Type of Adaptation/Solutions That Can Be Employed to Various Degre...Table 10.3 Mitigation Techniques Put Forth to Decrease and Reverse Climate Ch...
10 Chapter 11Table 11.1 Saffir‐Simpson Scale Wind Speeds.Table 11.2 Recurrence Intervals and Probabilities of Occurrences (NASA, 2017)...
11 Chapter 13Table 13.1 Summary Statistics for Earnings by Industry ($ thousand 2011).Table 13.2 Population‐Weighted Regression Coefficients for All Industries and...
List of Illustrations
1 Chapter 1Figure 1.1 Annual variations in fatality and injury impacts from tornadoes i...Figure 1.2 Synthesis assessments from the IPCC AR5 concerning the attributio...Figure 1.3 Confidence in attribution of observed trends in impacts related t...
2 Chapter 2Figure 2.1 Scatterplot of temperature and relative humidity at the Fresno, C...Figure 2.2 California counties included in this study.
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Average annual yields in the US for three major commodities: maiz...Figure 3.2 THI values for (a) combinations of air temperature and dew point ...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 The land allocation.Figure 4.2 Northward crop switching.Figure 4.3 Southward crop switching.Figure 4.4 The importance of the shape of the region.Figure 4.5 The price effect flips the direction of crop switching.Figure 4.6 The effect of the transition cost on crop switching.Figure 4.7 The effect of the transition cost on land development.
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Geopolitical (top left), land (top right), water basin (bottom le...Figure 5.2 Global land use for the reference and RCP 4.5 scenarios.Figure 5.3 Gains and losses in global land uses between 2010 and 2100 for al...Figure 5.4 Gains and losses in global land uses between 2010 and 2100 for al...Figure 5.5 Changes in forest area for selected regions.Figure 5.6 Changes in crop area for selected regions.Figure 5.7 Changes in land use change emissions for selected regions.
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Past impacts caused by the most harmful extreme weather event exp...Figure 6.2 Future (expected) impacts of extreme weather event reported by sm...
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Elements of the simulation model.Figure 7.2 Baseline versus Scenario 1 with a POET.Figure 7.3 Urban sprawl using different population growth rates.
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 Conceptual framework: Experience of climate extremes, political p...Figure 8.2 Location of Minqin county in northwest China and surveyed townshi...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Migration and immigration rates 1997–2002.Figure 9.2 Temporal distribution the number extreme climatic events of dry d...Figure 9.3 Spatial distribution the number extreme climatic events of dry da...Figure 9.4 Spatial distribution the number extreme climatic events of rainy ...Figure 9.5 Average precipitation and temperature by months. Note: In the cli...
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Example of rational heat balance modeling with the predicted hea...Figure 10.2 Average of daily maximum shaded WBGT (afternoon values) during t...Figure 10.3 Maps of work loss in percentage of the available afternoon worki...Figure 10.4 Changes in core body temperature in an agricultural worker throu...Figure 10.5 Pathway of heat exposure and acute kidney injury.Figure 10.6 Risk of heat hazards in an occupational setting as affected by s...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Official track errors for Atlantic basin tropical storms and hur...Figure 11.2 Annual average official intensity errors for Atlantic basin trop...Figure 11.3 Atlantic basin annual ACE and three‐year moving average (1950–20...Figure 11.4 Rainfall from Hurricane Harvey (2017).Figure 11.5 Before and after images of flooded areas near Houston, Texas, af...Figure 11.6 Global hurricane frequency.Figure 11.7 Hurricane Irma’s Advisories.
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Continental surface temperature trends. (a) Global and (b) CONUS...Figure 12.2 500‐hPa pattern for the Central‐South sector heavy precipitation...Figure 12.3 Instability and wind shear for the Central‐South sector heavy pr...Figure 12.4 Moisture and mean sea‐level pressure (MSLP) for the Central‐Sout...Figure 12.5 Moisture transport and convergence for the Central‐South heavy p...Figure 12.6 500‐hPa geopotential height pattern for the Central‐South sector...Figure 12.7 Instability and wind shear for the Central‐South sector light pr...Figure 12.8 Moisture and MSLP for the Central‐South sector light precipitati...Figure 12.9 Moisture transport and convergence for the Central‐South sector ...Figure 12.10 Heavy precipitation event in the current and future climate. Fo...Figure 12.11 Light precipitation event in the current and future climate. As...Figure 12.12 Frequency and duration of JJA heat waves. Scatterplot showing t...Figure 12.13 Temperature anomalies on heat wave days. (a) Differential tempe...Figure 12.14 Distribution of future summer precipitation events. Boxplot sho...Figure 12.15 Potential future heat wave and related precipitation event chan...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Effect of daily temperature on log total earnings × 100. Standar...Figure 13.2 Effect of daily temperature on log earnings by industry sector ×...Figure 13.3 Effects of daily temperature on log earnings x 100 in four tempe...Figure 13.4 Distribution of estimated annual earnings growth rate over time ...Figure 13.5 Map of estimated annual earnings growth rate for S&P 500 manufac...
5 Preface
9 Index