would be.
“Wow, that is new. I thought you were not sure about Sam?” Tammy responded, just as expected.
“I know, it’s crazy. I guess I just woke up one day and said what the hell. He is always harping at me to go on a long vacation with him, and I get this feeling that he has something planned. I came across that book and I do not know it just hit me like a brick. I think I need to pursue this. I have a million thoughts going through my mind about the trip, about Sam, about myself. You know, Tammy, kind of like what you feel with Dave. You want to, and there are all these reasons that you shouldn’t doubt it, Jesus, Sam is what every woman would want, how stupid of me to keep him waiting like this, but I have felt like I have so much more of me to discover.”
“I know exactly what you mean.” Tammy responded, thinking of her own ‘dilemmas’ with Dave, “I am not ever going to get married, no matter how many times Dave brings it up.”
Maria continued, “And God, the sex is great. Oh, my God, last night, it was unbelievable. He just has that ability to know exactly what to do. You would swear he was a woman and was reading your mind.” Maria added with a good old smirk.
“Real nice, Maria, thanks for adding to the jealousy level.” Tammy slapped her on the shoulder and headed back to read the letter. The whole time, while she was walking away, you could hear her saying under her breath, “must be nice”.
Sarah, who was still a little on the naïve side, giggled and went back to doing her ordering.
Ann was in the shampoo room, getting her stuff ready and was not at all involved in the conversation.
Today was Kathy’s day off, so Maria would have to update her of the trip tomorrow. Which was fine. Kathy was the easiest of them all. Maria had to finish her calls and tell Sam that she would meet up with him later.
Maria took a breather and sat there at the desk, and then started thinking about her trip. As Maria scanned the names on her list, she started to recall some of the experiences in the salon. Some of the names brought back memories of a few, not so typical, events in the salon. There was Mr. Allen, and that was always a reminder of the “clown hair” episode. Just the thought of it started to make Maria laugh.
Mr. Allen was probably about 64 and very uppity. He was serious most of the time and always had an image to uphold. For some reason, he decided that he did not like his grey hair. He was a typical, older gentleman, maybe about 30 percent gray and his natural hair was medium brown. He decided to have Maria color it. The problem was that he wanted to be blonde. Maria explained to him that to be blonde, she would have to lighten all his hair and then apply the blonde color.
Most woman understand this process, at least 70 percent of woman have some sort of color, whether covering gray hair, or adding highlights.
Well, Mr. Allen did not understand this at all. Because, he had naturally dark hair and gray hair, she would have to bleach all his hair, to get the color, he wanted. She tried to convince him that maybe highlights of the color would be best, however, Mr. Allen wanted it all blonde
So, Maria, said whatever, okay, here we go. She explained to him that first the process would entail stripping his natural color out, and it goes from brown, red, orange to yellow; before she can apply the blonde. Okay, he understands, so he thinks he does.
She starts the process and tries to make sure he cannot see himself in the mirror, just to be safe. Go figure she runs out of bleach and must re-apply another application. She washes his hair and then places him under the dryer in the shampoo room, while she runs to the back and mixes the product.
Suddenly, she hears a scream. And Mr. Allen is hyperventilating and screaming, as he has peaked at his hair.
He is now freaking out. Maria goes to the shampoo room and cannot help it, she starts to laugh, here is this uppity man, with bozo red hair, having a total freak out. She starts laughing so hard and had to run outside to control herself and calm herself down; and then go back in and calm him down. In the end, it all worked simply great, but it was total chaos for about ½ hour until she got it blonde; just the way he liked it. She still to the day, whenever she sees him or must call him, she starts to laugh. She cannot help it.
She sat there for a moment looking at his name chuckling. And then strolled on down the list. There were clients that had been booked before the trip was planned, so she needed to figure out, either to get them in, or try to book them with the other stylists. And then comfort them with which ever she did. Most of the names were regular clients that Maria wanted to talk to herself, and Sarah would handle the other calls.
Maria came upon a name that she was not sure why it was on the list and it made her a little uncomfortable. She could vividly remember the day he walked into the salon. He came in as a walk in, mysterious looking, dark hair, and beautiful blue eyes. He stood at the door, seemingly out of his element. He was uncomfortable, it seemed, to be in a salon. Maria was at the front desk and she caught his eye as he came in. His eyes were sky blue, piercingly intense. He was tall and a nice build. But something about his eyes, were just intriguing. She instantly felt this weird connection, what it was, she did not know. She felt like a schoolgirl totally infatuated with a movie star, you know the kind that takes your breath away. So handsome they stop you dead in your tracks. All time stood still, and he stared back at her like he was getting the connection too.
She finally, feeling a little silly, spoke up.
“Hi, may I help you?”
“Aw, yeh, I was just passing through and was wondering if there was time for a haircut.” He said as he slowly walked toward her.
Maria thought she was going to have a heart attack, right there, this man’s eyes were unbelievable. She just stood starring at him.
“I’m sorry,” she said as she fumbled to regroup, “Let me see. Well, I have time right now if you would like. Is that okay with you, or were you looking for a certain time?”
“Now is just great.” He concluded, as he took off his black coat and looked for a place to hang it. He had a pair of Levi jeans on, and a black tee-shirt. Maria could not help but scan her eyes over his entire body, as he turned around, she quickly brought her eyes up, unfortunately, a little too late. He caught her eyes and smiled. Holly Shit, she thought. I am going to totally mess this guy’s haircut, up if I don’t get myself together.
“Okay, my name is Maria, and my station is over here.” She led him to her station, which was the last station in the shop. She chose that one, as it was the most private and often, the first few stations got the majority of interruptions, with clients and walk-ins or sales representatives. Since Maria was the owner, and the busiest stylist, it helped that she did not get interrupted all day long.
She sat him down and started to drape the cape over him and run her fingers threw his hair to assess it. He smelled nice and clean, just a hint of cologne, something exceptionally clean and refreshing, with a slight hint of citrus. He seemed to fidget a little, like he was uncomfortable.
“Wow, I am sorry. I have not had my hair cut in a while. I am not use to someone touching my hair like that.” he responded.
Maria was massaging his head and not even realizing what she was doing. His hair was dark and thick with a slight wave to it. It was clean cut, a very overgrown, James Dean look. He was gelling it up the best he could.
“I’m sorry, I guess I should explain that I give a short scalp massage with all my haircuts, I find it relaxes people and it just feels good. It also gives me an idea of what your hair is like and how it moves,” she explained, “I guess I should have told you that, hah, before I just started running my hands through your hair.”
“Wow, hey not problem, it feels good. No one has ever done that before.” He starred back at her, and she could feel the mutual intensity of arousal.
Okay, Maria needed to get it together here. Wow, what was this power this guy had over her. She has met handsome men before, had men flirt with her, but this was different.
“What would you like me to do? I like the style