The Nursing Associate at a Glance. Ian Peate
The Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and reflection 16 Promoting public confidence in the profession Professionalism The Code Good care
8 Platform 2: Promoting health and preventing ill health 17 Principles of health promotion Health promotion and health education Definition Health promotion models and approaches The Stages of Change model 18 Health behaviours Definition Health behaviours Patterns of behaviour 19 Epidemiology, demography and genomics Epidemiology Demography Genomics 20 Health inequalities Health inequalities Types of inequality Who experiences inequalities? How inequalities are experienced 21 Early years and childhood: life choices Adverse childhood experiences Toxic stress Consequences of ACEs Preventing ACEs 22 Health literacy Definition Health literacy Nutbeam’s Health Literacy Model 23 Health screening Health screening Purpose of screening programmes Screening and testing Population screening 24 Immunisation and vaccination Immunisation Immunisation and public health Immunity Vaccination Herd immunity 25 Infection, prevention and control Infection prevention and control Principles of infection, prevention and control Health care acquired infection Antimicrobial resistance Antibiotic stewardship
Platform 3: Provide and monitor care
26 Human development
The lifespan
Early and middle childhood
Young and middle adulthood
Late adulthood
27 Anatomy and physiology
28 Commonly encountered conditions when delivering care
Parity of esteem
29 Pre‐procedure information giving
Information giving
Ideas, concerns and expectations (ICE)
Giving information
Information leaflets
30 Shared decision‐making
Personalised care
Shared decision‐making
Shared decision‐making: care settings
31 Escalating concerns
The deteriorating patient
Measurement, documentation and reporting
32 Dignity and comfort
Patient safety
Dignity and privacy