Algebra and Applications 1. Abdenacer Makhlouf

Algebra and Applications 1 - Abdenacer Makhlouf

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      graded by degrees of t is a superconformal algebra.

      EXAMPLE 1.32.– Let α ∈ ℂ. Then S(n, α) = {DW (1 : n) | div(tαD) = 0} < W (1 : n). Here if




      If α ∈ ℤ, then [S(n, α), S(n, α)] is a proper ideal in S(n, α) and the superalgebra [S(n, α), S(n, α)] is simple. This family of superalgebras appeared in physics literature (Ademollo et al. 1976; Schwimmer and Seiberg 1987) under the name “SU2-superconformal algebras”.

      EXAMPLE 1.33.– Consider the associative commutative superalgebra


      and the contact bracket [ , ] of example 1.19. The superalgebra K(n) = (Λ(1 : n), [ , ]) is simple unless n = 4. For n = 4, the commutator ideal [K(4), K(4)] has codimension 1 and [K(4), K(4)] is a simple superalgebra. This series is known in physics literature as “SOn-superconformal algebras” (Ademollo et al. 1976; Schoutens 1987).

      The superalgebras K(n) and CK(6) appear as Tits–Kantor–Koecher constructions of Jordan superalgebras.


      In Kac et al. (2001), we classified “superconformal” Jordan superalgebras.

      THEOREM 1.11 (Kac et al. (2001)).– Let

be a ℤ-graded Jordan superalgebra that is graded simple and the dimensions of all homogeneous components dim Ji, i ∈ ℤ are uniformly bounded. Then either

      1 1) J has finitely many negative (respectively, positive) non-zero homogeneous components;

      2 2) or J is isomorphic to one of the superalgebras Jn, JCK(6), n ≥ 1 or a twisted version of it.

      This theorem agrees with the Kac–van de Leur conjecture on classification of superconformal algebras.

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