Algebra and Applications 1. Abdenacer Makhlouf

Algebra and Applications 1 - Abdenacer Makhlouf

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href="#fb3_img_img_bd3936c5-8fff-5eb9-9232-19a57f957614.jpg" alt="image"/>, for any x, y, z, so that (image, ∙, n) is a symmetric composition algebra (note that image for any x: 1 is a para-unit of (image, ∙, n)).

       – Okubo algebras: assume char (the case of char requires a different definition), and let be a primitive cubic root of 1. Let be a central simple associative algebra of degree 3 with trace tr, and let . For any , the quadratic form make sense even if char (check this!). Now define a multiplication and norm on by:


      Then, for any x, image:


      But if tr(x) = 0, then image, so


      Since image, we have image.

      Therefore, (image, ∗, n) is a symmetric composition algebra.

      In case image, take image and a central simple associative algebra image of degree 3 over image endowed with a image-involution of second kind J. Then take image (this is an image-subspace) and use the same formulas above to define the multiplication and the norm.

      REMARK 2.5.– For image, take image, and then there appears the Okubo algebra (image, ∗, n) with image (x∗ denotes the conjugate transpose of x). This algebra was termed the algebra of pseudo-octonions by Okubo (1978), who studied these algebras and classified them, under some restrictions, in joint work with Osborn Okubo and Osborn (1981a,b).

      The name Okubo algebras was given in Elduque and Myung (1990). Faulkner (1988) discovered Okubo’s construction independently, in a more general setting, related to separable alternative algebras of degree 3, and gave the key idea for the classification of the symmetric composition algebras in Elduque and Myung (1993) (char image). A different, less elegant, classification was given in Elduque and Myung (1991), based on the fact that Okubo algebras are Lie-admissible.

      The term symmetric composition algebra was given in Knus et al. (1998, Chapter VIII).

      REMARK 2.6.– Given an Okubo algebra, note that for any x, image,


      so that



      so the product in image is determined by the product in the Okubo algebra.

      Also, as noted by Faulkner, the construction above is valid for separable alternative algebras of degree 3.

      THEOREM 2.4 (Elduque and Myung (1991, 1993)).– Let image be a field of characteristic not 3.

       – If contains a primitive cubic root ω of 1, then the symmetric composition algebras of dimension ≥ 2 are, up to isomorphism, the algebras (, ∗, n) for a separable alternative algebra of degree 3.

      Two such symmetric composition algebras are isomorphic if and only if the corresponding alternative algebras are too.

       – If does not contain primitive cubic roots of 1, then the symmetric composition algebras of dimension ≥ 2 are, up to isomorphism, the algebras (K(, J)0, ∗, n) for a separable alternative algebra of degree 3 over , and J a -involution of the second kind.

      Two such symmetric composition algebras are isomorphic if and only if the corresponding alternative algebras, as algebras with involution, are too.