Contemporary Health Studies. Louise Warwick-Booth

Contemporary Health Studies - Louise Warwick-Booth

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rel="nofollow" href="#ulink_765de565-1bbe-5e7e-8fde-c8e8f29f3591">Table 2.1 Changing patterns of disease, illness and health

      1 Office of Health Economics,

      2 World Bank Indicators

      3 Hicks & Allen, 1999

      4 United Nations Statistics Division

      5 World Health Organization

      It is not possible to consider all health risks within the scope of this chapter; therefore, in this next section we aim to give a sense of the threats drawing on the conceptual framework outlined earlier, rather than producing a definitive list of the major threats to health. More comprehensive reading about risk factors and diseases can be found in the suggestions for further reading at the end of this chapter. This section is organized into a discussion of key global threats to health starting with a description of broader threats and then moving to a focus upon more direct health issues.

      Source: adapted from Summerhayes (2010); Donkersley (2019); Haines and Ebi (2019)

Elements of climate change Impacts of climate change Effects on health
Extreme weather events Increased:typhoonscyclonic eventstorrential rainsextended hot dry periods (and associated wild-fires)high windshailstorms. Increasing burden from malnutrition, diarrhoeal, cardio-respiratory and infectious diseases. Increased morbidity and mortality from heat waves, floods and droughts. Changed distribution of some disease vectors. e.g. mosquitoes transmitting malaria. Risks from populations on the move resulting in homelessness and overcrowded conditions, associated conflicts over land and borders. Substantial burden on health services. Negative impacts upon mental health – exposure to floods and other extreme events can lead to depression and anxiety.
Water Increased water insecurity and drought in mid and low latitudes.
Food Food production reduced or entirely lost in some regions. Negative impacts on small holders, subsistence farmers and fishers.
Coasts Increased damage from floods and storms. Increased costal erosion.
Ecosystems Increasing species shifts and extinctions may lead to collapse of food chains. Pollution leading to declining insect populations and related decline in pollinators.

      Our health is linked to the environment, and the destruction of the natural environment is therefore a threat to our health. In destroying our environment, we threaten our basic needs, such as food, shelter, clean air and water (Stone, 2009; Le Roux et al., 2019). Degraded environments are associated with health problems, and high levels of mortality. Hawkes (2019) highlights that air pollution arising from traffic is responsible for four million new cases of childhood asthma worldwide every year. These numbers are likely to increase as current damage to our environment continues. In 2018, WHO held its first ever Global Conference on Air Pollution and Health in Geneva, reflecting increasing concern with this issue. All of these physical health problems certainly may impact upon mental health too, and the effects of climate change upon mental health have not yet been estimated. For example, post-traumatic stress rates are likely to soar after events like flash floods, typhoons and torrential rains.

      WHO (2014) estimate that approximately 250,000 deaths annually between 2030 and 2050 will be due to climate change, but Haines and Ebi (2019) suggest that this is a conservative assessment. So, even if we begin to tackle some aspects of climate change, and its effects are stopped or even reversed, the impact upon our health still remains a threat. Hence, climate change remains a risk to health for the immediate, as well as the long-term future.

      Population growth An issue intrinsically linked to climate change is the growing population of the world and movements of people from rural to urban areas in search of better and more affluent lives, or to escape war. The Syrian refugee crisis led to the estimated movement (outwards from Syria) of 4.2 million persons in 2010–2015 (UN, 2017). All continents are predicted to increase in population size in the twenty-first century and globally, while the rate of population growth has slowed over the past few decades, the absolute number of people continues to increase. The UN (2019) estimates that the world population is expected to grow to around 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050, and 10.9 billion in 2100.

      Figure 2.1 Population pyramids – Zambia

      Source: data from US Census Bureau

      Population growth is generally argued to be problematic for health because of increased demands for scarce resources including food, shelter, fuel, water and all types of service provision (for example education and health care). These factors will not only impact on physical health but will also threaten social and mental health as a consequence of overcrowded living conditions.

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