Organic Electronics 1. Thien-Phap Nguyen
di...Figure 2.19. Structure of a polyoctahedral silsesquioxane (POSS)Figure 2.20. Nanocomposites using a nanostructured substrate: (a) nanostructured...Figure 2.21. a) Nanowires; b) nanorods; c) nanorod arraysFigure 2.22. Hydrothermal fabrication of ZnO nanorods: a) buffer layer-covered s...Figure 2.23. Transparent and conductive electrodes: a) unordered array of metal ...Figure 2.24. Encapsulation of organic electronic devices: a) by a glass slide; b...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Potential energy of a diatomic molecule as a function of the inter-a...Figure 3.2. Diagram of the energy and electronic transitions in the process of a...Figure 3.3. Energy diagram and possible electronic transitions in a molecule acc...Figure 3.4. Overlap of the emission spectrum of the donor molecule D and the abs...Figure 3.5. Process of energy transfer between molecules: a) transfer by Förster...Figure 3.6. Excitons: a) Frenkel; b) charge transfer; c) Wannier–Mott. For a col...Figure 3.7. The steps of the exciton formation: a) initial electron–hole pair; b...Figure 3.8. Schematic representation of rate constants of photophysical processe...Figure 3.9. Transitions in the processes of: a) infrared absorption; B) Rayleigh...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Schematic representation of the movement of charge carriers in an or...Figure 4.2. Injection process of charge carriers in a simple diode structure. Fo...Figure 4.3. Energy band diagram of electronic devices: a) electron-only; b) hole...Figure 4.4. Energy band diagram of the electronic device with transport layers o...Figure 4.5. a) Intra-chain and inter-chain movements of electrons; b) energy dia...Figure 4.6. Density of states following the Gaussian disorder model (GDM). For a...Figure 4.7. a) Schematic setup for measuring time of flight; b) variation of non...Figure 4.8. a) CELIV measurement setup; b) applied voltage ramp and CELIV spectr...Figure 4.9. The conduction regimes limited by space charges in an SC: a) contain...Figure 4.10. Types of trap distributions: Gaussian and exponentialFigure 4.11. Schematic representation of the effective capture cross-section: a)...Figure 4.12. Steps for measuring the thermally stimulated currentFigure 4.13. The principle of fractional TSC current measurement: temperature cy...Figure 4.14. The principle of charge-based deep-level transient spectroscopy: a)...Figure 4.15. Variati on of capacitance C(ω) and its derivative
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. Schematic representation of an N-type semiconductor/metal contact ac...Figure 5.2. Diagram of the energy bands of the metal/SC contact with alignment o...Figure 5.3. Formation of the interface dipole layer: a) metal with a low work fu...Figure 5.4. Schematic representation of the ICT model with the transition from t...Figure 5.5. Energy levels: a) in the metal; b) at the metal/SC interfaceFigure 5.6. Example of the structure of an organic solar cell: a) normal; b) inv...Figure 5.7. a) Structure of a self-assembled monolayer; b) example of the use of...
List of Tables
1 Chapter 2Table 2.1. Comparison of the properties of organic and inorganic SCs
2 Chapter 4Table 4.1. Metal work function and potential barrier for an MEHPPV/metal contact
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