Anthology of Black Humor. André Breton

Anthology of Black Humor - André Breton

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       Anthology of Black Humor



       Translated from the French and with an Introduction by

      Mark Polizzotti



       San Francisco

      André Breton, Anthologie de l’humour noir

      copyright ©1979 by Société Nouvelle des Editions Pauvert.

      Translation and Introduction copyright ©1997 by Mark Polizzotti.

      All rights reserved.

      Cover design: Mark Polizzotti, from an anonymous photograph of André Breton ca. 1924

      Book design: Robert Sharrard

      Typography: Harvest Graphics

      Publication of this translation was assisted by a grant from the French Ministry of Culture.

      Acknowledgments for the use of copyrighted material appear on pages 354-356.

      Library of Congress Cataloging–in–Publication Data

      Breton, André, 1886-1966

      [Anthologie de l’humour noir. English]

      Anthology of black humor / by André Breton ; [translated from the French by Mark Polizzotti].—1st City Lights ed.

      p. cm.

      ISBN 0-87286-321-2

      1. Wit and humor. 2. Black humor (Literature) I. Polizzotti, Mark. II. Title.

PN6 153.B6713 1997
808.87—dc20 96-9666

      CITY LIGHTS BOOKS are edited by Lawrence Ferlinghetti and Nancy J. Peters and published at the City Lights Bookstore, 261 Columbus Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133.


       Introduction: Laughter In The Dark,

      Mark Polizzotti

       Foreword to the 1966 French Edition

      Lightning Rod, André Breton

       Jonathan Swift

       D.-A.-F. de Sade

       Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

       Charles Fourier

       Thomas De Quincey

       Pierre-François Lacenaire

       Christian Dietrich Grabbe

       Pétrus Borel

       Edgar Allan Poe

       Xavier Forneret

       Charles Baudelaire

       Lewis Carroll

       Villiers de l’Isle-Adam

       Charles Cros

       Friedrich Nietzsche

       Isidore Ducasse (Comte de Lautréamont)

       Joris-Karl Huysmans

       Tristan Corbière

       Germain Nouveau

       Arthur Rimbaud

       Alphonse Allais

       Jean-Pierre Brisset

       O. Henry

       André Gide

       John Millington Synge

       Alfred Jarry

       Raymond Roussel

       Francis Picabia

       Guillaume Apollinaire

       Pablo Picasso

       Arthur Cravan

       Franz Kafka

       Jakob van Hoddis

       Marcel Duchamp

       Hans Arp

       Alberto Savinio

       Jacques Vaché


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