Handbook of Diabetes. Rudy Bilous
28.4 Necrotizing (‘malignant’) otitis externa. This magnetic resonanc...Figure 28.5 Rhinocerebral mucomycosis. Typical appearance, in a 45‐year‐old ...Figure 28.6 Suggested modifications of existing insulin regimens for people ...Figure 28.7 Suggested VRIII rates in patients undergoing surgery or prolonge...
29 Chapter 29Figure 29.1 Impact of maternal diabetes on the foetus and neonate by gestati...Figure 29.2 (Left) A macrosomic baby born to a mother with diabetes. (Right)...
30 Chapter 30Figure 30.1 Trends and cyclical variation in the incidence of childhood type...Figure 30.2 Predicted numbers of newly diagnosed cases of childhood‐onset ty...Figure 30.3 Algorithm for the management of DKA.Figure 30.4 Type 1 diabetes has a preclinical phase of varying duration when...Figure 30.5 Meta‐analysis of CSII versus Multiple dose injection in T1D. Poz...Figure 30.6 Component of a closed loop insulin delivery system. Interstitia...Figure 30.7 Risk factors for type 2 diabetes in youth –Figure 30.8 Result from the TODAY Trial.
31 Chapter 31Figure 31.1 Trends in the number of adults with diabetes by region (A) and d...Figure 31.2 Estimated number of adults with diabetes in developed countries ...Figure 31.3 The various ways in which diabetes may present in the elderly.Figure 31.4 Diabetes in the elderly: key points to consider when individuali...Figure 31.5 Proposed framework when considering treatment goals for glycaemi...
32 Chapter 32Figure 32.1 Deleterious effects of smoking and disease on 10‐year mortality....Figure 32.2 Scheme for adjusting insulin doses during flights that cross tim...
33 Chapter 33Figure 33.1 There are many different dimensions to effective diabetes servic...Figure 33.2 This diagram summarises the key components of integration. In pa...Figure 33.3 The Care Planning house model. This model was developed to illus...Figure 33.4 The ‘commissioning windmill’. A model that illustrates key eleme...Figure 33.5 What needs to be commissioned?Figure 33.6 A framework for increasing the effectiveness of self‐management....
34 Chapter 34Figure 34.1 (a) Numbers of simultaneous pancreas kidney (SPK), pancreas afte...Figure 34.2 Simultaneous kidney and whole‐organ pancreas transplantation sho...Figure 34.3 Schematic representation of the pancreas gland showing the anato...
4 Preface
9 Index
10 Wiley End User License Agreement
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