The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management. Andrea Unger
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The Successful Trader's Guide to Money Management
Proven Strategies, Applications, and Management Techniques
Andrea Unger
This edition first published 2021
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Library of Congress Cataloging‐in‐Publication Data is Available
ISBN 978‐1‐119‐79880‐4 (hardback)
ISBN 978‐1‐119‐79882‐8 (ePub)
ISBN 978‐1‐119‐79881‐1 (ePDF)
Cover Design: Wiley
Cover Image: © Andrea Unger
For the members of my family, who have always stood beside me and offered their support every day, also when taking the most difficult decisions.
The second millennium began with the explosion of online trading in Europe, as the increase in the amount of available information and advertising of various kinds goes to show, encouraging many to try their luck at trading on the financial markets.
A considerable number of brokers set up shop and offered their services both for trading online and speculation on the markets, and new books are published almost every day, written by expert traders giving a great deal of advice on how to win on the markets. There are dozens of books on scalping, more on speculation in general, and even more on trading systems, not to mention those on technical analysis and even a few on trading psychology. An expert trader following the continuous evolution of these publications can't help but notice that (in Europe) one thing that's missing is a book that explains a subject that's by far the most important for he or she who wants to make trading their profession, in other words: money management (hereinafter referred to simply as