In Desert and Wilderness. Henryk Sienkiewicz

In Desert and Wilderness - Henryk Sienkiewicz

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she asked, brushing aside with her little hands a tuft of hair which fell over her eyes.

      "I don't know. Chamis said that in a moment he would come here and tell us."

      "How do you know it is far?"

      "Because I heard Idris say that he and Gebhr would start at once with the camels. That means that we shall go by rail and shall find the camels at the place where our parents will be, and from there we shall make some kind of an excursion."

      The tuft of hair, owing to the continual hops, covered again not only Nell's eyes but her whole face, her feet bounding as if they were made of India rubber.

      A quarter of an hour later, Chamis came and bowed to both.

      "Khanage (young master)," he said, "we leave after three hours by the first train."

      "Where are we going?"

      "To Gharak el-Sultani, and from there with the older gentlemen on camel-back to Wâdi Rayân."

      Stas' heart beat with joy, but at the same time Chamis' words surprised him. He knew that Wâdi Rayân was a great valley among sandy hills rising on the Libyan Desert on the south and southwest of Medinet, while on the other hand Pan Tarkowski and Mr. Rawlinson announced on their departure that they were going in a directly opposite direction, towards the Nile.

      "What has happened?" asked Stas. "Then my father and Mr. Rawlinson are not in Benisueif but in El-Gharak?"

      "It happened thus," replied Chamis.

      "But they ordered us to write to them at El-Fachn."

      "In a letter the senior effendi explains why they are in El-Gharak."

      And for a while he searched on his person for the letter, after which he exclaimed:

      "Oh, Nabi! (prophet) I left the letter in a pouch with the camels. I will run at once before Idris and Gebhr depart."

      And he ran towards the camels. In the meantime the children, with Dinah, began to prepare for the journey. As it looked as if the excursion would be a long one, Dinah packed several dresses, some linen, and warmer clothing for Nell. Stas thought of himself, and especially did not forget about the short rifle and cartridges, hoping that among the sand dunes of Wâdi Rayân he might encounter wolves and hyenas.

      Chamis did not return until an hour later; he was covered with perspiration and so fatigued that for a while he could not catch his breath.

      "I did not find the camels," he said. "I chased after them, but in vain. But that does not matter as we shall find the letter and the effendis themselves in El-Gharak. Is Dinah to go with you?"

      "Why not?"

      "Perhaps it would be better if she remained. The older gentlemen said nothing about her."

      "But they announced on leaving that Dinah was always to accompany the little lady. So she shall ride now."

      Chamis bowed, placing his hand on his heart and said:

      "Let us hasten, sir, for otherwise the katr (train) will set off."

      The baggage was ready, so they were at the station on time. The distance between Medinet and Gharak is not more than nineteen miles, but the trains on the branch line which connects those localities move slowly and the stops were uncommonly frequent. If Stas had been alone he undoubtedly would have preferred to ride camel-back as he calculated that Idris and Gebhr, having started two hours before the train, would be earlier in El-Gharak. But for Nell such a ride would be too long; and the little guardian, who took very much to heart the warnings of both parents, did not want to expose the little girl to fatigue. After all the time passed for both so quickly that they scarcely noticed when they stopped in Gharak.

      The little station, from which Englishmen usually make excursions to Wâdi Rayân, was almost entirely deserted. They found only a few veiled women, with baskets of mandarin oranges, two unknown Bedouin camel drivers, together with Idris and Gebhr, with seven camels, one of which was heavily packed. Of Pan Tarkowski and Mr. Rawlinson there was no trace.

      But Idris in this manner explained their absence.

      "The older gentlemen went into the desert to pitch the tents which they brought with them from Etsah, and ordered us to follow them."

      "And how shall we find them among the sand-hills?" asked Stas.

      "They sent guides who will lead us to them."

      Saying this he pointed to the Bedouins. The older of them bowed, rubbed with his finger the one eye which he possessed, and said:

      "Our camels are not so fat but are not less speedy than yours. After an hour we shall be there."

      Stas was glad that he would pass the night on the desert, but Nell felt a certain disappointment, for she had been certain that she would meet her papa in Gharak.

      In the meantime the station-master, a sleepy Egyptian with a red fez and dark spectacles, approached them, and, not having anything else to do, began to stare at the European children.

      "These are the children of those Englishmen who rode this morning with rifles to the desert," said Idris, placing Nell on the saddle.

      Stas, handing his short rifle to Chamis, sat beside her, for the saddle was wide and had the shape of a palanquin without a roof. Dinah sat behind Chamis, the others took separate camels, and the party started.

      If the station-master had stared at them longer he might perhaps have wondered that those Englishmen, of whom Idris spoke, rode directly to the ruins on the south, while this party at once directed its movements towards Talei, in a different direction. But the station-master before that time had returned home as no other train arrived that day at Gharak.

      The hour was five in the afternoon. The weather was splendid. The sun had already passed on that side of the Nile and declined over the desert, sinking into the golden and purple twilight glowing on the western side of the sky. The atmosphere was so permeated with the roseate luster that the eyes blinked from its superfluity. The fields assumed a lily tint, while the distant sand-hills, strongly relieved against the background of the twilight, had a hue of pure amethyst. The world lost the traits of reality and appeared to be one play of supernal lights.

      While they rode over a verdant and cultivated region, the guide, a Bedouin, conducted the caravan with a moderate pace. But with the moment that the hard sand creaked under the feet of the camels, everything changed.

      "Yalla! Yalla!" suddenly yelled wild voices.

      And simultaneously could be heard the swish of whips and the camels, having changed from an ambling pace into a full gallop, began to speed like the whirlwind, throwing up with their feet the sand and gravel of the desert.

      "Yalla! Yalla!"

      The ambling pace of a camel jolts more, while the gallop with which this animal seldom runs, swings more; so the children enjoyed this mad ride. But it is known that even in a swing, too much rapid movement causes dizziness. Accordingly, after a certain time, when the speed did not cease, Nell began to get dizzy and her eyes grew dim.

      "Stas, why are we flying so?" she exclaimed, turning to her companion.

      "I think that they allowed them to get into too much of a gallop and now cannot check them," answered Stas.

      But observing that the little girl's face was becoming pale, he shouted at the Bedouins, running ahead, to slacken their pace. His calls, however, had only this result: that again resounded the cries of "Yalla," and the animals increased their speed.

      The boy thought at first that the Bedouins did not hear him, but when on his repeated orders there was no response and when Gebhr, who was riding behind him, did not cease lashing the camel on which he sat with Nell, he thought it was not the camels that were so spirited but that the men for some reason unknown to him were in a great hurry.

      It occurred to him that they might have taken the wrong road and that, desiring

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