Collected Political Writings of James Otis. Otis James
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James Otis
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Collected Political Writings of James Otis
LIBERTY FUND | Indianapolis
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This book is published by Liberty Fund, Inc., a foundation established to encourage study of the ideal of a society of free and responsible individuals.
The cuneiform inscription that serves as our logo and as a design element in Liberty Fund books is the earliest-known written appearance of the word “freedom” (amagi), or “liberty.” It is taken from a clay document written about 2300 B.C. in the Sumerian city-state of Lagash.
Compilation, introduction, translations, editorial additions, and index © 2015 by Liberty Fund, Inc.
Cover art and frontispiece: Portrait of James Otis, Jr., by Joseph Blackburn, oil on canvas, 1755. Courtesy of the Frick Art Reference Library.
This eBook edition published in 2015.
eBook ISBNs:
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Introduction: The Life, Times, and Political Writings of James Otis
PART 1: The Writs of Assistance Case
1. John Adams’s Notes on the First Argument of the Case, February 1761
2. Josiah Quincy Jr.’s Notes on the Second Argument of the Case, November 1761
3. John Adams’s Reconstruction of Otis’s Speech in the Writs of Assistance Case
4. Essay on the Writs of Assistance Case, Boston Gazette, January 4, 1762
5. A Sample Writ of Assistance
PART 2: Massachusetts Politics, 1761–63
1. Essays from the Boston Gazette, December 21, 1761–April 11, 1763
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PART 3: The Imperial Crisis, 1764–67
1. The Rights of the British Colonies Asserted and Proved
2. A Vindication of the British Colonies
3. Brief Remarks on the Defence of the Halifax Libel on the British-American-Colonies
4. The Boston Gazette, May 13, 1765
5. Considerations on Behalf of the Colonists. In a Letter to a Noble Lord
6. The Boston Gazette, August 19 and 26, 1765, Responding to Criticisms of Noble Lord
7. John Hampden to William Pym Essays from the Boston Gazette
December 9, 1765
December 16, 1765
December 23, 1765
December 30, 1765
January 6, 1766
January 13, 1766
January 20, 1766
January 27, 1766