Modern Coin Magic. J. B. Bobo
done to lead the spectators to believe that something is taking place. The palm up right hand moves inward and underneath the closed left hand to the sleeve. It grasps the arm just above the wrist and pulls the sleeve back as far as it will go. This is a natural move which is done to convince the spectators that the coin will not vanish up the sleeve. Remark that the coin is still in the left hand and open it, showing the coin again.
Once more close the left fingers over the coin and turn hand over so the fingers will be underneath, but this time they work the coin partially out of the fist until it is held by the tips of the second and third fingers and heel of thumb, as in Fig. 1. Watch your angles here. Keep the hand low so no one will get a glimpse of the coin.
It will be found that when the coin is thus held it can be released without any perceptible movement of the fingers.
Now comes a neat move.
The right hand passes underneath the left fist as before. As it moves inward it brushes the coin from the left hand, Fig. 2, and carries it back to the left wrist where it is held in finger palm position and pressed flat against the underside of the left wrist. The action of stealing the coin is one continuous move and is done to illustrate to a spectator how you want him to hold your wrist. It is a clever bit of misdirection and is not suspected.
Do not move the right hand—just turn it inward with its back toward the audience and retain the half dollar finger palmed as you thrust your closed left hand forward so a nearby spectator can hold your wrist. Apparently the coin is in the left fist, which the helper holds at the wrist, but actually it is hidden in the right finger palm. Drop right hand to side.
To the onlookers it seems impossible that a coin could escape under these conditions, and this is what makes the feat so effective. It is this they remember long afterwards. It seems to pack a bigger wallop because they assist in the vanish.
After a proper build-up, slowly open the left hand to show it empty.
This can be made into a complete vanish by merely disposing of the coin in a convenient pocket while attention is on the left hand.
By using a hook coin (see page 402) you can fasten the coin onto a helper’s sleeve when you grasp him by the arm to draw him nearer to you, as you offer your wrist to be held. Or, hook it on your own person and retrieve it later.
Or, just use a regular coin and rest the right hand on your helper’s shoulder as he holds your wrist, leaving the coin there. The following is a unique way of reproducing it:
Show both hands unmistakably empty, then reach behind the spectator’s ear and produce the coin. As the right hand reaches for the coin, it picks it up from his shoulder, carries it back, and touches it to his ear as it is brought forward into view. The effect on this one person is amazing, because he sees your hand empty as you reach for the coin, and feels it as you apparently produce it from his ear. Try it!
First, let me describe the effect of this clever vanish so you can better visualize its deceptiveness.
With his sleeves rolled high the wizard places a half dollar in his left hand. He immediately opens his hand to show the coin gone; in fact, both hands are shown with fingers apart, front and back. There is no doubt about it, the coin has completely disappeared. But reaching behind his left leg the performer extracts the missing coin. No trick coins and no gimmicks. Sounds good? It is good!
Here’s how: The half dollar is displayed in the right hand between the first two fingers and thumb. The left hand is held palm up and the fingers point directly toward the spectators. Right hand places the coin on left palm but right fingers and thumb still retain their grip on the coin. As the left hand closes into a loose fist it is raised slightly and the right hand moves inward quickly and deposits the half dollar on the left wrist, Fig. 1.
In this one continuous action the half dollar is screened from view by the closing left fingers and if the left hand is held about chest high the coin will be invisible as it lies flat on the wrist.
Blow into the left hand as it is opened. Both hands are held about chest high and seen to be empty, as in Fig. 2. Be careful not to move the arms too much or the coin may fall off the wrist. Now point fingers of both hands skyward and the audience will observe the backs of the hands as in Fig. 3.
To give the onlookers another view of the empty hands drop them to the sides. The left hand bends inward at the wrist and the coin is held in position by the watch band at one edge and the wrinkles at the heel of the wrist at the opposite edge, Fig. 4.
As the left hand goes behind left knee the hand straightens, releasing the coin, which is caught in the cupped fingers and brought into view.
The vanish is just as effective without the watch band but a little more skill will be necessary to retain the coin on the left wrist. If a wrist watch is not worn the hands can only be shown on both sides at chest height. Either way, this is a beautiful and thoroughly mystifying coin vanish, well worth the time necessary to master it.
Special attention should be given to angles; do not perform this closer than six feet from the spectators.
The following feat, although quite easy to do as far as skill is concerned, will test your ability to act and misdirect. The mystery depends almost entirely on subterfuge rather than skill.
Effect: After showing a half dollar the performer places it in his left hand and immediately tosses it into the air where it vanishes. Both hands appear empty as they are seen with the fingers wide apart.
The performer then makes a grab in the air with his left hand, catching the coin. It is tossed toward the right hand where it instantly appears at the extreme fingertips, creating a very pretty effect.
You will not find this an effect with which you can create a reputation for yourself as a sleight of hand artist. But it is a nice bit of chicanery that can be used anytime, since it is entirely impromptu.
Method: Show the half dollar in the right hand. Pretend to place it in the left hand, but retain it classic palmed in the right. Hold both hands shoulder high as you stand facing the spectators. Make crumbling motions with the fingers of both hands simultaneously. Suddenly raise the hands a few inches and open them, pretending to toss the coin into the air. Watch its invisible flight upward. Hold both hands with the fingers wide open and do not try to hold the coin in the palm. Just let it lie flat on the hand. This gives the hands a very natural appearance, and since the palms are above the eye level of the spectators the coin cannot be seen, Fig. 1.
Keep your eyes firmly fixed on the non-existent coin in its upward journey, then pretend to follow its flight downward again to a point directly in front of you. Exclaim, “There it is!” and make a quick grab in the air with the left hand, feigning to