Basic Virology. Martinez J. Hewlett

Basic Virology - Martinez J. Hewlett

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next level of structure. Morphology of the individual capsomers can be ignored without altering the basic pattern of their arrangement. Further detail is shown in Figure 5.4, where the assembly of the single capsomer protein into two subunits of the capsid, a penton or a hexon, is shown.

      Twelve pentons and 20 hexons assemble to form the capsid itself. The core of the capsid is filled with the viral genome, in this case RNA. This RNA is also arranged very precisely, with the bulk forming helical stretches and the regions coming in close contact with the inner surface of the capsid shell, forming open loops.


      Source: Courtesy of S. Larson and A. McPherson, University of California, Irvine.

      (b) Schematic diagram of the vertices and faces of a regular icosahedron showing the axes of symmetry. Arrangements of the capsomers described in (a) are also shown.


      Source: Courtesy of S. Larson and A. McPherson, University of California, Irvine.

      (c) The structure of the RNA genome inside the capsid as determined by x‐ray crystallography.

      The shape of a given type of virus is determined by the shape of the virus capsid and really does not depend on whether or not the virus is enveloped. This is because for most viruses, the lipid envelope is amorphous and deforms readily upon preparation for visualization using the electron microscope.

      As we have noted, since it is not clear that all viruses have a common origin, a true Linnaean classification is not possible, but a logical classification is invaluable for understanding the detailed properties of individual viruses and how to generalize them. Schemes dependent on basic properties of the virus, as well as specific features of their replication cycle, afford a useful set of parameters for keeping track of the many different types of viruses. A good strategy for remembering the basics of virus classification is to keep track of the following:

      1 What kind of genome is in the capsid: Is it DNA or RNA? Is it single stranded or double stranded? Is the genome circular or linear, composed of a single piece or segmented?

      2 How is the protein arranged around the nucleic acid; that is, what are the symmetry and dimensions of the viral capsid?

      3 Are there other components of the virion?Is there an envelope?Are there enzymes in the virion required for initiation of infection or maturation of the virion?

      Note that this very basic scheme does not ask what type of cell the virus infects. There are clear similarities between some viruses whether they infect plants, animals, or bacteria. Despite this, however, it is clear that basic molecular processes are somewhat different between the Archaea, Eubacteria, and Eukaryota kingdoms; further, among eukaryotes, it is increasingly clear that there are significant differences in detail between certain processes in plants and animals. For this reason, viruses infecting different members of these kingdoms must make different accommodations to the molecular genetic environment in which they replicate. Thus, the nature of the host is an important criterion in a complete classification scheme.

      Note also that there is no consideration of the disease caused by a virus in the classification strategy. Related viruses can cause very different diseases. For example, poliovirus and hepatitis A virus are clearly related, yet the diseases caused are quite different. Another more extreme example is a virus with structural and molecular similarities to rabies virus that infects Drosophila and causes sensitivity to carbon dioxide!

      Knowledge of the particulars of a virus's structure and the basic features of its replication can be used in a number of ways to build a general classification of viruses. In 1971, David Baltimore suggested a scheme for virus classification based on the way in which a virus produces messenger RNA (mRNA) during infection. The logic of this consideration is that in order to replicate, all viruses must express mRNA for translation into protein, but how they do this is determined by the type of genome utilized by the virus. In this system, viruses with RNA genomes whose genome is the same sense as mRNA are called positive‐sense (+ sense) RNA viruses, while viruses whose genome is the opposite (complementary) sense of mRNA are called negative‐sense (− sense) RNA viruses. Viruses with double‐stranded genomes obviously have both senses of the nucleic acid.

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