Queueing Theory 2. Nikolaos Limnios
For the system S, we define an auxiliary system S0 with input flow X0 such that when the number of customers in the system becomes less than m a new customer immediately arrives in the system. Therefore, there are always customers for service in S0. Other characteristics such as the initial state, the sequence
We also need additional assumptions.
CONDITION 1.1.– For the continuous-time case, Y is a strongly regenerative flow with the sequence
We call the regenerative flow Y strongly regenerative if the regeneration period
CONDITION 1.2.– For the discrete-time case, processes X and Y are regenerative aperiodic flows. As usually, aperiodicity means that the greatest common divisor (GCD)
Then we may determine common points of regeneration
and in the continuous-time case
LEMMA 1.1.– Let for the continuous-time (discrete-time) condition 1.1 (condition 1.2) be fulfilled. Then the sequence
for the continuous-time case,
for the discrete-time case.
PROOF.– Since the proof of [1.5] is almost the same as the proof of [1.6], we consider the discrete-time case only. Let
so that
Taking into account condition 1.2, we derive from Blackwell’s theorem (Thorisson 2000)
Because of X and Y independence
Later we consider both cases (discrete-time and continuous-time) together. We only have to take condition 1.2 instead of condition 1.1.
We define the traffic rate as follows:
We think of λX and λγ as the arrival and service rate, respectively. Intuitively, it is clear that the number of customers in the system S is a stochastically bounded process if ρ < 1 and it is not the case if ρ ≥ 1. The main stability result of this chapter consists of the formal proof of this fact.
We define the stochastic flow
CONDITION 1.3.– The following stochastic inequalities take place:
Let Q(t) be the number of customers in the system S including the customers on the servers at time t so that
CONDITION 1.4.– There are