Optimizations and Programming. Abdelkhalak El Hami
The final tableau of the simplex algorithm is written as
We therefore indeed have B = {x1, x5, x2} and N = {x3, x4, x6}. The submatrices AB and AN can be written as:
Using a block partition based on the index sets B and N, we can write
The solution
which is the correct optimal solution according to the final simplex tableau. The other columns of the final tableau correspond to
which are indeed the columns that correspond to N = {x3,x4,x6}.
1.10.1. Effect of modifying b
Let us analyze the effect of modifying the vector b. In other words, we shall study the behavior of the solution of the modified problem when b is replaced by
Let xB be the basic variables of the solution. Our goal is to determine a condition that guarantees that the basis B will remain optimal. In fact, this is easy. The vector b only appears in the optimality condition [1.16]. Therefore, the basic variables xB remain optimal for the modified problem if
EXAMPLE 1.12.– Consider the LP:
In matrix form with slack variables, this can be written as:
Suppose that the optimal basis is B = {x1,x2}. Then
Compute xB:
Compute the reduced costs
The solution xB = (2, 4)T is therefore optimal, i.e. x = (2, 4, 0, 0, 0)T.
We will have
2 + 2a ≥ 0 and 4 − a ≥ 0.
This gives an interval for the parameter b1: −1 ≤ a ≤ 4.
What is the interval for b2?
We will have
2 − a ≥ 0 and 4 + a ≥ 0.
This gives the interval for the parameter b2: −4 ≤ a ≤ 2.
What is the effect on the minimum value of the objective function?
The effect is:
1.10.2. Effect of modifying c
Next, let us find a condition that guarantees that the basis B will remain optimal under
In general, let us determine the effect of modifying a single variable xi:
There are two cases to analyze depending on whether xi is a basic or non-basic variable.
Case of a non-basic variable
Write ei for the canonical basis vector of ℝn, i.e. ei = (0, 0, . . . , 1, 0, . . . , 0)T with 1 at position i. Then:
The ith component of the vector
where the ri are the components of the final row of the simplex tableau. In other words, we have all the information that we need to compute the stability intervals of the coefficients ci.
EXAMPLE 1.13.– Again, consider the previous example. The final simplex tableau is:
The last row gives us the vector of reduced costs