Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis. Eleftheria Papadimitriou

Statistical Methods and Modeling of Seismogenesis - Eleftheria Papadimitriou

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process is Poissonian, equation [1.14] becomes:


      where λ is the rate of earthquake occurrence.

      If the seismic occurrence process is considered as Poissonian then:


      The most often used model of magnitude distribution, fM(M), FM(M), results from the empirical Gutenberg–Richter relation, which predicts a linear dependence of the logarithm of the number of earthquakes with magnitudes greater than or equal to M on M. This yields a piecewise distribution of magnitude:

      where β is the distribution parameter and MC is the magnitude value beginning from where all earthquakes have been statistically recorded and are in the earthquake catalog. MC is called the catalog completeness level. Earthquake magnitude represents the physical size of an earthquake; hence in an environment of finite dimensions, as seismogenic zones are, it cannot be unlimited. For this reason, among others, we often amend the model [1.19] with an endpoint. The upper-bounded model of magnitude PDF with a hard endpoint is:

      where Mmax is the upper limit of magnitude distribution (e.g. Cosentino et al. 1977).

      where M is the magnitude value taken from catalog, δM is the length of the magnitude round off interval, u is the random value drawn from the uniform distribution in the [0,1] interval, F(•) is the CDF of an exponential model fitting the data, F-1(•) denotes its inverse function and M* is the randomized value of magnitude. This randomization procedure will return the original catalog magnitude when M*is rounded to δM, and the randomized values in every interval [M-0.5δM, M+0.5δM] repeat exponential distribution of the whole dataset. We can object that the best fitted exponential distribution is used first to randomize the data, and next, this fit is tested. Indeed, this randomization slightly amplifies the probability that H0 will not be rejected. However, other randomizations, e.g., the one assuming normal distribution in [M−0.5δM, M+0.5δM], is logically incorrect and strongly acts against H0.

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