Change. Gaurav Gupta
and timely thought leadership that fills a much-needed gap.”
Charles Fleet, Chief Transformation Officer, Omnitracs
“This is a great book with a ton of insight, hugely relevant everywhere today. It's even more important in technology, where if you do not change fast enough, you get run over. Think Intel. Self-cannibalization is often key to winning. You cannot ‘strategically plan' your way to success in technology.
“Despite the massive pace of events, competition, speed, increased risk, after reading this book you will be left inspired—inspired to press your own change button.”
Taner Ozcelik, SVP and Group General Manager, ON Semiconductor
“Change is a science and John Kotter is a master at it. As leaders, we too often act in ways that may have worked in the past but not in our current world of fast-paced change. In Change, Kotter, Akhtar, and Gupta explain some of the new science in an easy to understand way, and share their vast experience in what works and what does not when it comes to leading change and getting great business results. If you are already familiar with John Kotter's work, this will be a natural and important continuation of what you've learned. If this is the first time you are reading John Kotter, this can be the book that really makes you thrive at what you do.”
Anders Vinther, author and former Chief Quality Officer, Sanofi Pasteur
“In this increasingly complex world, every leader needs this guidebook to enact meaningful change and achieve results. It is another Kotter masterpiece on leadership.”
Reihaneh Irani-Famili, Vice President of Business Readiness, National Grid
Konosuke Matsushita Professor of Leadership, Emeritus
Harvard Business School
Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, Kotter International
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By John Kotter
This introductory section is for readers who would like to know more about the evolution of the ideas in this book and the evidence supporting them. If you are not one of those readers, I suggest you consider skipping this section and go directly to Chapter 1.
The roots of the work that led to Change began decades ago. At first, I was not focused on change. My interest then, and still today, was on performance, broadly defined. Why do some organizations outperform others? Why do some individual managers and executives produce so much more in terms of valued results? What allows individuals and enterprises to sustain high levels of performance over time? The research itself pulled my attention to the subjects of change and leadership. It provided compelling evidence again and again that the world was moving faster. Coping with the reality of that acceleration was one crucial factor at the core of performance.
Over nearly 50 years, my colleagues at Harvard Business School, and more recently my associates at Kotter International, the consulting firm I helped co-found, have in total launched 16 multiyear research projects. I estimate that we have studied in some depth well over 600 organizations. Most were businesses, but far from all. Research sites also included entities from the health, education, government, religious, and other nonprofit sectors. We have studied countless individual professionals, managers, and executives up close, again mostly but far from entirely in business. Indeed, the very first study in this program was of 20 big-city mayors who were in office during the tumultuous 1960s.
Although the details of how we gathered information varied from project to project, one commonality was an emphasis on getting case-study-like detail using observation and interviews. No project relied entirely on surveys or data sets created by others. The method for making sense of this information might formally be called qualitative pattern analysis. There has been a relentless focus on identifying the sequence of actions that drive successes and failures.
I believe this research program, studying organizational successes and struggles up close in a more rapidly changing world, is the largest of its kind ever undertaken.
In addition, during the last decade, through the Kotter International consulting organization, we have been able to turn research results into accessible playbooks. While working beside people executing those playbooks, we have seen, in detail, how well our expanded understanding of change can make a difference in practical terms. The results: in project