A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins. Johann Beckmann

A History of Inventions, Discoveries, and Origins - Johann Beckmann

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τρύξ. The last word has various meanings: sometimes it signifies squeezed grapes; sometimes wine lees, &c., of which Niclas gives examples in his Observations on Geop. lib. vi. c. 13, p. 457; but it can never be translated by amurca, though that word is used by Furlanus, the translator of Theophrastus. The old glossary says, Ἀμοργὴ, ἐστὶν δὲ τρὺξ ἐλαιου. Oil, however, has nothing to do with verdigris.


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      Nam unguentum dabo quod meæ puellæ

       Donarunt Veneres Cupidinesque,

       Quod tu quom olfacies, deos rogabis,

       Totum ut te faciant, Fabulle, nasum.

      It cannot, however, be denied that both taste and smell depend very much on imagination. We know that many articles of food, as well as spices, are more valued on account of their scarcity and costliness than they would otherwise be. Hence things of less value, which approach near to them in quality, are sought after by those who cannot afford to purchase them; and thus a particular taste or smell becomes fashionable. Brandy and tobacco were at first recommended as medicines; they were therefore much used, and by continual habit people at length

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