The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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Nephi 18:14

       14 Therefore blessed are ye if ye shall keep my commandments,

       which the Father hath commanded me that I should give unto you.

      3 Nephi 18:15

       15 Verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and pray

       always, lest ye be tempted by the devil, and ye be led away

       captive by him.

      3 Nephi 18:16

       16 And as I have prayed among you even so shall ye pray in my

       church, among my people who do repent and are baptized in my

       name. Behold I am the light; I have set an example for you.

      3 Nephi 18:17

       17 And it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these words

       unto his disciples, he turned again unto the multitude and said

       unto them:

      3 Nephi 18:18

       18 Behold, verily, verily, I say unto you, ye must watch and

       pray always lest ye enter into temptation; for Satan desireth to

       have you, that he may sift you as wheat.

      3 Nephi 18:19

       19 Therefore ye must always pray unto the Father in my name;

      3 Nephi 18:20

       20 And whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, which is

       right, believing that ye shall receive, behold it shall be given

       unto you.

      3 Nephi 18:21

       21 Pray in your families unto the Father, always in my name,

       that your wives and your children may be blessed.

      3 Nephi 18:22

       22 And behold, ye shall meet together oft; and ye shall not

       forbid any man from coming unto you when ye shall meet together,

       but suffer them that they may come unto you and forbid them not;

      3 Nephi 18:23

       23 But ye shall pray for them, and shall not cast them out; and

       if it so be that they come unto you oft ye shall pray for them

       unto the Father, in my name.

      3 Nephi 18:24

       24 Therefore, hold up your light that it may shine unto the

       world. Behold I am the light which ye shall hold up—that which

       ye have seen me do. Behold ye see that I have prayed unto the

       Father, and ye all have witnessed.

      3 Nephi 18:25

       25 And ye see that I have commanded that none of you should go

       away, but rather have commanded that ye should come unto me, that

       ye might feel and see; even so shall ye do unto the world; and

       whosoever breaketh this commandment suffereth himself to be led

       into temptation.

      3 Nephi 18:26

       26 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had spoken these

       words, he turned his eyes again upon the disciples whom he had

       chosen, and said unto them:

      3 Nephi 18:27

       27 Behold verily, verily, I say unto you, I give unto you

       another commandment, and then I must go unto my Father that I may

       fulfil other commandments which he hath given me.

      3 Nephi 18:28

       28 And now behold, this is the commandment which I give unto

       you, that ye shall not suffer any one knowingly to partake of my

       flesh and blood unworthily, when ye shall minister it;

      3 Nephi 18:29

       29 For whoso eateth and drinketh my flesh and blood unworthily

       eateth and drinketh damnation to his soul; therefore if ye know

       that a man is unworthy to eat and drink of my flesh and blood ye

       shall forbid him.

      3 Nephi 18:30

       30 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out from among you, but

       ye shall minister unto him and shall pray for him unto the

       Father, in my name; and if it so be that he repenteth and is

       baptized in my name, then shall ye receive him, and shall

       minister unto him of my flesh and blood.

      3 Nephi 18:31

       31 But if he repent not he shall not be numbered among my

       people, that he may not destroy my people, for behold I know my

       sheep, and they are numbered.

      3 Nephi 18:32

       32 Nevertheless, ye shall not cast him out of your synagogues,

       or your places of worship, for unto such shall ye continue to

       minister; for ye know not but what they will return and repent,

       and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal

       them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them.

      3 Nephi 18:33

       33 Therefore, keep these sayings which I have commanded you that

       ye come not under condemnation; for wo unto him whom the Father


      3 Nephi 18:34

       34 And I give you these commandments because of the disputations

       which have been among you. And blessed are ye if ye have no

       disputations among you.

      3 Nephi 18:35

       35 And now I go unto the Father, because it is expedient that I

       should go unto the Father for your sakes.

      3 Nephi 18:36

       36 And it came to pass that when Jesus had made an end of these

       sayings, he touched with his hand the disciples whom he had

       chosen, one by one, even until he had touched them all, and spake

       unto them as he touched them.

      3 Nephi 18:37

       37 And the multitude heard not the words which he spake,

       therefore they did not bear record; but the disciples bare record

       that he gave them power to give the Holy Ghost. And I will show

       unto you hereafter that this record is true.

      3 Nephi 18:38

       38 And it came to pass that when Jesus had touched them all,

       there came a cloud and overshadowed the multitude that they could

       not see Jesus.

      3 Nephi 18:39

       39 And while they were overshadowed he departed from them, and

       ascended into heaven. And the disciples saw and did bear record

       that he ascended again into heaven.

      3 Nephi 19 Chapter 19

      3 Nephi 19:1

       1 And now it came to pass that when Jesus had ascended into


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