The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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       by our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, that they would go up unto

       their enemies to battle, and avenge themselves of the blood of

       their brethren, behold the voice of the Lord came unto me saying:

      Mormon 3:15

       15 Vengeance is mine, and I will repay; and because this people

       repented not after I had delivered them, behold, they shall be

       cut off from the face of the earth.

      Mormon 3:16

       16 And it came to pass that I utterly refused to go up against

       mine enemies; and I did even as the Lord had commanded me; and I

       did stand as an idle witness to manifest unto the world the

       things which I saw and heard, according to the manifestations of

       the Spirit which had testified of things to come.

      Mormon 3:17

       17 Therefore I write unto you, Gentiles, and also unto you,

       house of Israel, when the work shall commence, that ye shall be

       about to prepare to return to the land of your inheritance;

      Mormon 3:18

       18 Yea, behold, I write unto all the ends of the earth; yea,

       unto you, twelve tribes of Israel, who shall be judged according

       to your works by the twelve whom Jesus chose to be his disciples

       in the land of Jerusalem.

      Mormon 3:19

       19 And I write also unto the remnant of this people, who shall

       also be judged by the twelve whom Jesus chose in this land; and

       they shall be judged by the other twelve whom Jesus chose in the

       land of Jerusalem.

      Mormon 3:20

       20 And these things doth the Spirit manifest unto me; therefore

       I write unto you all. And for this cause I write unto you, that

       ye may know that ye must all stand before the judgment-seat of

       Christ, yea, every soul who belongs to the whole human family of

       Adam; and ye must stand to be judged of your works, whether they

       be good or evil;

      Mormon 3:21

       21 And also that ye may believe the gospel of Jesus Christ,

       which ye shall have among you; and also that the Jews, the

       covenant people of the Lord, shall have other witness besides him

       whom they saw and heard, that Jesus, whom they slew, was the very

       Christ and the very God.

      Mormon 3:22

       22 And I would that I could persuade all ye ends of the earth to

       repent and prepare to stand before the judgment-seat of Christ.

      Mormon 4 Chapter 4

      Mormon 4:1

       1 And now it came to pass that in the three hundred and sixty

       and third year the Nephites did go up with their armies to battle

       against the Lamanites, out of the land Desolation.

      Mormon 4:2

       2 And it came to pass that the armies of the Nephites were

       driven back again to the land of Desolation. And while they were

       yet weary, a fresh army of the Lamanites did come upon them; and

       they had a sore battle, insomuch that the Lamanites did take

       possession of the city Desolation, and did slay many of the

       Nephites, and did take many prisoners.

      Mormon 4:3

       3 And the remainder did flee and join the inhabitants of the

       city Teancum. Now the city Teancum lay in the borders by the

       seashore; and it was also near the city Desolation.

      Mormon 4:4

       4 And it was because the armies of the Nephites went up unto the

       Lamanites that they began to be smitten; for were it not for

       that, the Lamanites could have had no power over them.

      Mormon 4:5

       5 But, behold, the judgments of God will overtake the wicked;

       and it is by the wicked that the wicked are punished; for it is

       the wicked that stir up the hearts of the children of men unto


      Mormon 4:6

       6 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did make preparations

       to come against the city Teancum.

      Mormon 4:7

       7 And it came to pass in the three hundred and sixty and fourth

       year the Lamanites did come against the city Teancum, that they

       might take possession of the city Teancum also.

      Mormon 4:8

       8 And it came to pass that they were repulsed and driven back by

       the Nephites. And when the Nephites saw that they had driven the

       Lamanites they did again boast of their own strength; and they

       went forth in their own might, and took possession again of the

       city Desolation.

      Mormon 4:9

       9 And now all these things had been done, and there had been

       thousands slain on both sides, both the Nephites and the


      Mormon 4:10

       10 And it came to pass that the three hundred and sixty and

       sixth year had passed away, and the Lamanites came again upon the

       Nephites to battle; and yet the Nephites repented not of the evil

       they had done, but persisted in their wickedness continually.

      Mormon 4:11

       11 And it is impossible for the tongue to describe, or for man

       to write a perfect description of the horrible scene of the blood

       and carnage which was among the people, both of the Nephites and

       of the Lamanites; and every heart was hardened, so that they

       delighted in the shedding of blood continually.

      Mormon 4:12

       12 And there never had been so great wickedness among all the

       children of Lehi, nor even among all the house of Israel,

       according to the words of the Lord, as was among this people.

      Mormon 4:13

       13 And it came to pass that the Lamanites did take possession of

       the city Desolation, and this because their number did exceed the

       number of the Nephites.

      Mormon 4:14

       14 And they did also march forward against the city Teancum, and

       did drive the inhabitants forth out of her, and did take many

       prisoners both women and children, and did offer them up as

       sacrifices unto their idol gods.


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