The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith. Joseph Smith Jr.

The Greatest Writings of Joseph Smith - Joseph Smith Jr.

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      Revelation through Joseph Smith, Independence, Missouri, April 30, 1832.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:269-70.

      1 Verily, thus saith the Lord, in addition to the laws of the church concerning women and children, those who belong to the church, who have lost their husbands or fathers:

      2 Women have claim on their husbands for their maintenance, until their husbands are taken; and if they are not found transgressors they shall have fellowship in the church.

      3 And if they are not faithful they shall not have fellowship in the church; yet they may remain upon their inheritances according to the laws of the land.

      4 All children have claim upon their parents for their maintenance until they are of age.

      5 And after that, they have claim upon the church, or in other words upon the Lord's storehouse, if their parents have not wherewith to give them inheritances.

      6 And the storehouse shall be kept by the consecrations of the church; and widows and orphans shall be provided for, as also the poor. Amen.

      Revelation through Joseph Smith, Kirtland, Ohio, September 22 and 23, 1832.

       Table of Contents

      History of the Church 1:286-95.

      1 A revelation of Jesus Christ unto his servant Joseph Smith, Jun., and six elders, as they united their hearts and lifted their voices on high.

      2 Yea, the word of the Lord concerning his church, established in the last days for the restoration of his people, as he has spoken by the mouth of his prophets, and for the gathering of his saints to stand upon Mount Zion, which shall be the city of New Jerusalem.

      3 Which city shall be built, beginning at the temple lot, which is appointed by the finger of the Lord, in the western boundaries of the State of Missouri, and dedicated by the hand of Joseph Smith, Jun., and others with whom the Lord was well pleased.

      4 Verily this is the word of the Lord, that the city New Jerusalem shall be built by the gathering of the saints, beginning at this place, even the place of the temple, which temple shall be reared in this generation.

      5 For verily this generation shall not all pass away until an house shall be built unto the Lord, and a cloud shall rest upon it, which cloud shall be even the glory of the Lord, which shall fill the house.

      6 And the sons of Moses, according to the Holy Priesthood which he received under the hand of his father-in-law, Jethro;

      7 And Jethro received it under the hand of Caleb;

      8 And Caleb received it under the hand of Elihu;

      9 And Elihu under the hand of Jeremy;

      10 And Jeremy under the hand of Gad;

      11 And Gad under the hand of Esaias;

      12 And Esaias received it under the hand of God.

      13 Esaias also lived in the days of Abraham, and was blessed of him

      14 Which Abraham received the priesthood from Melchizedek, who received it through the lineage of his fathers, even till Noah;

      15 And from Noah till Enoch, through the lineage of their fathers;

      16 And from Enoch to Abel, who was slain by the conspiracy of his brother, who received the priesthood by the commandments of God, by the hand of his father Adam, who was the first man

      17 Which priesthood continueth in the church of God in all generations, and is without beginning of days or end of years.

      18 And the Lord confirmed a priesthood also upon Aaron and his seed, throughout all their generations, which priesthood also continueth and abideth forever with the priesthood which is after the holiest order of God.

      19 And this greater priesthood administereth the gospel and holdeth the key of the mysteries of the kingdom, even the key of the knowledge of God.

      20 Therefore, in the ordinances thereof, the power of godliness is manifest.

      21 And without the ordinances thereof, and the authority of the priesthood, the power of godliness is not manifest unto men in the flesh;

      22 For without this no man can see the face of God, even the Father, and live.

      23 Now this Moses plainly taught to the children of Israel in the wilderness, and sought diligently to sanctify his people that they might behold the face of God;

      24 But they hardened their hearts and could not endure his presence; therefore, the Lord in his wrath, for his anger was kindled against them, swore that they should not enter into his rest while in the wilderness, which rest is the fulness of his glory.

      25 Therefore, he took Moses out of their midst, and the Holy Priesthood also;

      26 And the lesser priesthood continued, which priesthood holdeth the key of the ministering of angels and the preparatory gospel;

      27 Which gospel is the gospel of repentance and of baptism, and the remission of sins, and the law of carnal commandments, which the Lord in his wrath caused to continue with the house of Aaron among the children of Israel until John, whom God raised up, being filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother's womb.

      28 For he was baptized while he was yet in his childhood, and was ordained by the angel of God at the time he was eight days old unto this power, to overthrow the kingdom of the Jews, and to make straight the way of the Lord before the face of his people, to prepare them for the coming of the Lord, in whose hand is given all power.

      29 And again, the offices of elder and bishop are necessary appendages belonging unto the high priesthood.

      30 And again, the offices of teacher and deacon are necessary appendages belonging to the lesser priesthood, which priesthood was confirmed upon Aaron and his sons.

      31 Therefore, as I said concerning the sons of Mosesfor the sons of Moses and also the sons of Aaron shall offer an acceptable offering and sacrifice in the house of the Lord, which house shall be built unto the Lord in this generation, upon the consecrated spot as I have appointed

      32 And the sons of Moses and of Aaron shall be filled with the glory of the Lord, upon Mount Zion in the Lord's house, whose sons are ye; and also many whom I have called and sent forth to build up my church.

      33 For whoso is faithful unto the obtaining these two priesthoods of which I have spoken, and the magnifying their calling, are sanctified by the Spirit unto the renewing of their bodies.

      34 They become the sons of Moses and of Aaron and the seed of Abraham, and the church and kingdom, and the elect of God.

      35 And also all they who receive this priesthood receive me, saith the Lord;

      36 For he that receiveth my servants receiveth me;

      37 And he that receiveth me receiveth my Father;

      38 And he that receiveth my Father receiveth my Father's kingdom; therefore all that my Father hath shall be given unto him.

      39 And this is according to the oath and covenant which belongeth to the priesthood.

      40 Therefore, all those who receive the priesthood, receive this oath and covenant of my Father, which he cannot break, neither can it be moved.

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