The Rover Boys Series. Stratemeyer Edward

The Rover Boys Series - Stratemeyer Edward

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several places.

      "Oh! oh!" he howled. "Stop it!"

      "I will not stop it, Dan Baxter, until you promise to let Dora Stanhope and the other girls alone in the future. They want nothing to do with you, and you must keep your distance."

      "I — I didn't hurt anybody."

      "Do you promise to let them alone?"

      Without replying, the bully staggered to his feet. The blood was running from his nose and from a cut on his chin, and both of his hands were also bleeding.

      "Do you want to kill me, Dick Rover?"

      "I want you to behave yourself. Come, now, are you going to promise?"

      "What if I don't?"

      "Then I'll give you the thrashing I promised."

      "All right, I'm cornered, and can't help myself."

      "Will you let the girls alone in the future?"

      "Yes. If they don't want to be friends, I'm sure I can get along without them," answered Baxter sulkily.

      "Very well; now see that you keep your promise. If you don't, I'll run you out of camp and never let you come near us again."

      With these words Dick turned on his heel and walked away, leaving Baxter to wash his cuts and bruises in the ocean and otherwise care for them as best he could.



       Table of Contents

      The fight had taken place around a bend of the shore, so that it was not observed by old Jerry and the girls. But when Dick got back to camp Dora at once noticed that something unusual had happened.

      "What is wrong, Dick?" she asked.

      "Oh, nothing much, Dora. I merely made Dan Baxter promise to keep his distance in the future."

      "Did you have a fight?"

      "It didn't amount to much. He had to give in pretty quickly."

      "Oh, Dick!" She caught his arm.

      "I won't have him annoying you, or the others, Dora."

      "You are so good!" she whispered.

      Supper was ready, and they sat down, leaving Jack Lesher still in the hammock. They had nearly finished when Dan Baxter came shuffling along.

      "Do you want some supper?" asked Dick. "If you do, come on."

      "I don't want anything more to-night," growled the bully, and sat down beside Jack Lesher.

      It was rather an uncomfortable evening. The thoughts of each of the party were busy. At the first opportunity Dick called old Jerry to one side.

      "Jerry, we must watch those two fellows closely," he said. "Right ye are, Dick."

      "I am afraid Lesher will be ugly when he wakes up."

      "More'n likely, lad — he always was on board ship. The drink gives him an awful temper."

      "I am going to put the liquor where he can't get it."

      "He'll make ye give it to him."

      "Will he? Just you wait and see," replied Dick firmly.

      It was decided to let Lesher rest in the hammock all night. Baxter was given a cot in the living room of the house. Soon all had retired, and the camp was quiet for the night.

      Dan Baxter was the first to stir in the morning. His cuts smarted so he could not sleep, and he walked out to bathe them and put on some salve Nellie had generously turned ovef to him. He found Jack Lesher stirring.

      "Hullo!" grumbled the mate, sitting up and yawning. "Where am I?"

      "Don't you know we struck camp?" answered Baxter.

      "Oh, yes, I remember now. Got some good liquor, too. Where is that bottle?"

      "You emptied it, Lesher."

      "Did I? Too bad! I'll have to find an other. Where are the girls?"

      "Asleep in the house, and so are Dick Rover and old Jerry Tolman."

      "What of Cap'n Blossom and them other Rover boys?"

      "They are not expected back for several days."

      "Humph! Say, I feel bad, I do. I must have something to brace me up."

      "You'd better not disturb them, Lesher. They are mighty stiff-necked since they landed here."

      "What do you mean?"

      "They gave me to understand yesterday that they were going to run things to suit themselves. They are not going to let us interfere in any thing."

      "I like that!" The mate yawned again, rose, and stretched himself. "Baxter, do you know where they keep the liquor?"


      "I'm bound to have what I want. Didn't it all come from the Golden Wave, and aint I the first mate of that craft?"

      "To be sure you are, Lesher."

      "They can't make me take a back seat," went on the mate. His head was still far from clear.

      "I told them that you were second in command — Captain Blossom being first — but they wouldn't listen. They said they were on land, and you didn't count."

      "Don't I count!" cried Jack Lesher, his blood-shot eyes taking on an ugly look. "I'll show 'em!"

      Just then old Jerry came from the house. Jack Lesher staggered toward him.

      "Ahoy there!" he called out.

      "What do you want, Mr. Lesher?" questioned old Jerry, and touched his forelock.

      "Bring me some liquor, and be quick about it."

      "I haven't any liquor."

      "What's that?"

      "I said I haven't any liquor."

      "Aint there any more liquor ashore?"

      "If there is, I don't know where it is."

      "Then find out, and be quick about it, or I'll give you the rope's-end!" roared the unreasonable mate.

      The loud talking aroused Dick, and he soon came out.

      "What's the matter here?" he asked. "Oh, so you have woke up," he went on to Jack Lesher.

      "Yes, I'm awake, Rover. And I want to know where the liquor has been placed."

      "It's been placed where you won't get hold of it, Mr. Lesher."

      "What! This to me!" yelled the mate, in fury. "To me, the first mate!"

      "A first mate doesn't count for anything here. This is a private camp, and if you don't behave yourself we'll pitch you out of it."

      "You — you —— " Jack Lesher could not go on, and shook his fist in Dick's face.

      "I told you what they intended to do," whispered Dan Baxter in Lesher's ear. "They have the upper hand and mean to keep it. But don't forget that we have nine sailors in our camp to back us up," he went on suggestively.

      "Don't grow abusive, Mr. Lesher," said Dick as calmly as he could. "Just think the matter over. It may save a good deal of trouble."

      "I don't have to think it over!" bellowed the mate. "During Cap'n Blossom's absence I am in command, just as much as if we were on the deck of the wreck over there. You were only passengers, but Jerry Tolman was a sailor, and he's under my command. I told him to bring me some liquor, and he has got to do it. If he won't obey, it's mutiny, just you remember that!" And he shook his finger warningly in old Jerry's face.

      "I told ye I don't know where the liquor is,"

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