The Rover Boys Series. Stratemeyer Edward

The Rover Boys Series - Stratemeyer Edward

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I mentioned to you? See what I have done for scientific farming."

      "I don't want to be a farmer," said Tom. "I'd rather be a sailor."

      "A sailor!" gasped Randolph Rover. "Of all things! Why, a sailor is the merest nobody on earth!"

      "I guess you mean on the sea, uncle," said Sam with a grin.

      "Don't joke me, Samuel. Yes, Thomas — the calling of a sailor amounts to absolutely nothing. Scientific farming is the thing — nothing more noble on the face of the earth than to till the soil."

      "I never saw you behind a plow, Uncle Randolph," answered Tom, with a twinkle in his blue eyes. "Besides, I heard you say that the farm ran behind last year."

      "Tut, tut, boy! you know nothing about it. I made a slight miscalculation in crops, that was all. But this year we shall do better."

      "You lost money year before last, too," commented Sam.

      "Who told you that?"

      "Mr. Woddie, the storekeeper at the Corners."

      "Mr. Woddie may understand storekeeping, but he knows nothing of farming, scientific or otherwise. I spent several thousands of dollars in experimenting, but the money was not lost. We shall soon have grand results. I shall astonish the whole of New York State at the next meeting of our agricultural society," and Mr. Randolph Rover waved his hand grandiloquently. It was easy to see that scientific farming was his hobby.

      "Randolph!" It was the voice of Mrs. Rover, who now appeared beside her husband. "What is the matter with your nose?"

      "Tom hit me with his ball. It is all right now, although it did bleed some."

      "The bad boy! But it is just like him. Sarah has given notice that she will leave at the end of her month. She says she can't stand the pranks Tom and Sam play on her."

      "She need not go — for the boys are going to boarding school, you know."

      "She says you promised to send them off before."

      "Well, they shall go this time, rest assured of that. I cannot stand their racing up and down stairs, and their noise, any longer. They go Monday morning."

      "Better send them off to-morrow."

      "Well — er — that is rather sudden."

      "Sarah's month is up Friday. She will surely go unless the boys are out of the house, — and she is the best cook I have ever had."

      "Excepting when she burnt the custard pies," put in Tom.

      "And when she salted the rice pudding," added Sam.

      "Silence, both of you! Randolph, do send them off."

      "Very well, I will. Boys, you must go away from the house for an hour or two."

      "Can we go fishing or swimming?" asked Tom.

      "No, I don't want you to go near the river — you may get drowned."

      "We can both swim," ventured Sam.

      "Never mind — it is not safe — and your poor father left you in my care."

      "Can we go down to the village?"

      "No, you might get into bad company there."

      "Then where shall we go?" came from both boys simultaneously.

      Randolph Rover scratched his head in perplexity. He had never had any children of his own, and to manage his brother's offspring was clearly beyond him. "You might — er — go down to the cornfield, and study the formation of the ears —— "

      "Send them blackberrying," suggested Mrs. Rover. "We want the berries for pies to-morrow, and it will give them something to do."

      "Very well; boys, you may go blackberrying. And mind you keep out of mischief."

      "We'll mind," answered Tom. "But you might let me have that ball."

      "I will give it to you in the morning," answered Randolph Rover, and turned away from the window with his wife.

      As soon as they were out of sight, Tom threw up both hands in mock tragedy, "Alack, Horatio, this excitement killeth me!" he cried in a stage whisper. "Sent blackberrying to keep us out of mischief! Sam, what are we coming to?"

      "Well, it's better than moping around doing nothing. For my part, I am glad we are to go to boarding school, and the sooner the better. But I would like to know where to?"

      "If only we were going to a military academy!"

      "Hurrah! Just the thing! But no such luck. Get the berry baskets and let us be off. By the way, where is Dick?"

      "Gone to the village for the mail. There he comes down the road now," and Tom pointed to a distant path back of the meadows.

      The two boys hurried into a woodshed behind the large farmhouse and procured a basket and two tin pails. With these in hand they set off in the direction of the berry patch, situated along the path that Dick Rover was pursuing, their intention being to head off their brother and see if he had any letters for them.

      Of the three Rover boys, Richard, commonly called Dick, was the eldest. He was sixteen, tall, slender, and had dark eyes and dark hair. He was a rather quiet boy, one who loved to read and study, although he was not above having a good time now and then, when he felt like "breaking loose," as Tom expressed it.

      Next to Richard came Tom, one year younger, as merry a lad as there was to be found, full of life and "go," not above playing all sorts of tricks on people, but with a heart of gold, as even his uncle and aunt felt bound to admit.

      Sam was the youngest. He was but fourteen, but of the same height and general appearance as Tom, and the pair might readily have been taken for twins. He was not as full of pranks as Tom, but excelled his brothers in many outdoor sports.

      The history of the three Rover boys was a curious one. They were the only children of one Anderson Rover, a gentleman who had been widely known as a mineral expert, gold mine proprietor, and traveler. Mr. Anderson Rover had gone to California a poor young man and had there made a fortune in the mines. Returning to the East, he had married and settled down in New York City, and there the three boys had been born.

      An epidemic of fever had taken off Mrs. Rover when Richard was but ten years of age. The shock had come so suddenly that Anderson Rover was dazed, and for several weeks the man knew not what to do. "Take all of the money I made in the West, but give me back my wife!" he said heartbrokenly; but this could not be, and soon after he left his three boys in charge of a housekeeper and set off to tour Europe, thinking that a change of scene would prove a benefit.

      When he came back he seemed a changed man. He was restless, and could not remain at home for more than a few weeks at a time. He placed the boys at a boarding school in New York and returned to the West, where he made another strike in the gold mines; and when he came back once more he was reported to be worth between two and three hundred thousand dollars.

      But now a new idea had come into his head. He had been reading up on Africa, and had reached the conclusion that there must be gold in the great unexplored regions of that country. He determined to go to Africa, fit out an expedition, and try his luck.

      "It will not cost me over ten to twenty thousand dollars," he said to his brother Randolph. "And it may make me a millionaire."

      "If you are bound to go, I will not stop you," had been Randolph Rover's reply. "But what of your boys in the meanwhile?"

      This was a serious question, for Anderson Rover knew well the risk he was running, knew well that many a white man had gone into the interior of Africa never to return. At last it was settled that Randolph Rover should become Dick, Tom, and Sam's temporary guardian. This accomplished, Anderson Rover set off; and that was the last any of his family had ever heard of him.

      Was he dead or alive? Hundreds of times had the boys and their uncle pondered that question. Each mail was watched with anxiety, but day after day brought no news, until the waiting became an old story, and all settled

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