Small-Angle Scattering. Ian W. Hamley
Example of Zimm plots obtained from a SANS study of the backbone...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1 Major international third‐generation synchrotron facilities.Figure 3.2 International neutron scattering facilities – reactors shown by r...Figure 3.3 (a) Aerial photograph of the European Synchrotron Radiation Facil...Figure 3.4 Schematic of a synchrotron and magnet configurations (opposite di...Figure 3.5 Beamline plan for the American Light Source synchrotron. Superben...Figure 3.6 Typical optics at a synchrotron SAXS/WAXS beamline (I22, Diamond)...Figure 3.7 Schematics of (a) Kirkpatrick‐Baez focussing mirrors, (b) Göbel m...Figure 3.8 SAXS collimation geometries. (a) Block collimation in a Kratky ca...Figure 3.9 Schematic configuration of SANS beamline D22 at the ILL. The neut...Figure 3.10 Mechanical neutron velocity selector.Figure 3.11 Schematic of a Bonse‐Hart camera. The standard setup involves ro...Figure 3.12 Expanded diagram of a modified DSC pan, which sandwiches a sampl...Figure 3.13 EMBL BioSAXS robot installed at a synchrotron beamline (B21 at D...Figure 3.14 Different types of optics for microfocus SAXS.Figure 3.15 Example of microfocus WAXS. Positional map of WAXS patterns loca...Figure 3.16 (a) A Stopped flow cell in a SAXS beamline (ID02 at ESRF). (b) S...Figure 3.17 Two configurations of Couette cells with the beam incident radia...Figure 3.18 Schematic of (a) cone‐and‐plate and (b) plate–plate rheometers....Figure 3.19 Parallel plate oscillatory shear device used for in situ SAXS/rh...Figure 3.20 (a) Multichannel microfluidics, (b) Single‐channel microfluidics...Figure 3.21 Configurations of cells that apply electric fields (a) perpendic...Figure 3.22 Structure within the sarcomere structure of muscle filaments at ...Figure 3.23 SAXS patterns from frog skeletal muscle (a) at rest, (b) during ...Figure 3.24 Acoustic levitation of droplets for in situ SAXS (with Raman spe...Figure 3.25 Design for a simultaneous SAXS/Raman/UV‐vis instrument at a sync...
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1 (a) X‐ray emission spectrum of copper and (b) associated energy l...Figure 4.2 Typical Brilliance of different x‐ray sources (data are given for...Figure 4.3 Schematic of plane waves to define (a) longitudinal and (b) trans...Figure 4.4 Thomson scattering process of x‐rays by an electron. The x‐rays a...Figure 4.5 Atomic scattering factors f(q) for x‐rays for the selected atoms ...Figure 4.6 Dependence of atomic scattering factor coefficients for bromine a...Figure 4.7 (a) ASAXS data (open symbols) measured for a 17 mM aqueous soluti...Figure 4.8 Contributions to the intensity for the protein bovine serum album...Figure 4.9 Solvent‐accessible surface area (dashed lines) defined using a pr...Figure 4.10 Example to show that accurate modelling of high quality SAXS dat...Figure 4.11 Shape envelope of lysozyme (green shaded) and protein backbone (...Figure 4.12 Protein shape reconstruction using DAMMIN using the simple prote...Figure 4.13 Flow chart for protein solution structure SAXS data modelling us...Figure 4.14 Comparison of measured SAXS profile for glucose isomerase (pdb 2...Figure 4.15 Fitting of SAXS data for extracellular adherence protein (EAP). ...Figure 4.16 (a) Structure factors at the concentrations indicated obtained f...Figure 4.17 Schematic showing hierarchical order of semicrystalline polymers...Figure 4.18 Lorentz‐corrected SAXS data for a PE‐containing polymer (a polye...Figure 4.19 Schematic of a SAXS 1D‐correlation function for a semicrystallin...Figure 4.20 WAXS data for a PE‐containing polymer (a polyethylene‐b‐polyethy...Figure 4.21 Example of electron density profiles computed with different pha...Figure 4.22 The structure factor term in Eq. (4.33) plotted for different po...Figure 4.23 Examples of SAXS data from peptides and lipopeptides in aqueous ...Figure 4.24 Structure factor obtained from measured SAXS data for laponite c...Figure 4.25 SAXS structure factor analysis for a sterically stabilized silic...Figure 4.26 Example of high resolution SAXS data from a suspension of steric...Figure 4.27 (a) Example of a SAXS pattern from collagen (rat‐tail tendon, mo...Figure 4.28 (a) Simplified schematic of some levels of hierarchical order in...Figure 4.29 SAXS intensity profiles measured for human stratum corneum. The ...Figure 4.30 (a) SAXS intensity profiles (along meridional direction) from sp...Figure 4.31 SAXS data comparing of wood samples (hydrated specimens in seale...Figure 4.32 Scanning microfocus WAXS patterns from a 2 mm‐thick sample of sp...Figure 4.33 DNA origami switch kinetics. (a) Schematic of stopped flow SAXS ...Figure 4.34 Time‐resolved microfocus and microfluidic SAXS study of the refo...Figure 4.35 Example of ultrafast time‐resolved SAXS used in a study of the p...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 (a) Nuclear fission reaction of 235U nuclei (shown as balls of pr...Figure 5.2 Schematic illustrating the contrast matching technique in small‐a...Figure 5.3 Variation in scattering length density with D2O content for diffe...Figure 5.4 A plot of the square root of the intensity versus the solvent sca...Figure 5.5 Schematic showing conformation of different regions of the PS cha...Figure 5.6 Contrast variation series of SANS measurements (combined with an ...Figure 5.7 (a) Measured SANS (symbols) data with fits to sphere models (line...Figure 5.8 SANS data at the temperatures indicated (symbols) along with Teub...Figure 5.9 Variation of
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 GISAS (grazing‐incidence small‐angle scattering) geometry, with c...Figure 6.2 Penetration depth of x‐rays calculated for a Si surface using Eq....Figure 6.3 Reflection and refraction at an interface between two media with ...Figure 6.4 Examples of reflectivity profiles for single interface showing re...Figure 6.5 Reflectivity from a multilayer system can be analysed using a rec...Figure 6.6 Reflectivity profiles calculated using the full dynamical theory ...Figure 6.7 Reflectivity profiles measured from (a) x‐ray reflectivity and (b...Figure 6.8 (a) GISAXS pattern (from a polystyrene‐b‐polyisoprene diblock cop...Figure 6.9 (a) Detector scan of angle β, (b) Sample rocking curve, the sampl...Figure 6.10 Rocking curves (from x‐ray reflectivity) (a) Polystyrene‐b‐poly(...Figure 6.11 Different arrangements of nanoparticles on surfaces along with i...Figure 6.12 (a) Calculation of the form factor (for specular reflectivity, i...Figure 6.13 Schematic of GISAS patterns from lamellar structures, (a) parall...Figure 6.14 (a) GISAXS pattern (measured at an incident angle αi = 0.12...Figure 6.15 GISAXS pattern for an ordered array of iron oxide nanocubes (SEM...Figure 6.16 Step‐by‐step deposition of DNA‐templated gold nanoparticle BCC a...Figure 6.17 (a) GISAXS patterns measured (L–R) as a function of increasing h...Figure 6.18 Transitions observed via time‐resolved GISAXS in a symmetric dib...Figure 6.19 Series of GISAXS patterns measured during solvent vapour anneali...Figure 6.20 Processes occurring during toluene solvent annealing of a parall...Figure 6.21 (a) Rheo‐GISANS cone‐and‐plate geometry showing the neutron tran...Figure 6.22 (a) GISAXS pattern for PbSe nanocrystal lattice along with index...Figure 6.23 GIXD patterns measured for DPPC monolayers with and without Br−...Figure 6.24 In situ GIWAXS and GISAXS performed during spin coating of an or...Figure 6.25 GIWAXS patterns from annealed films of PTzQT semiconducting poly...