Randomised Clinical Trials. David Machin
and output for the analysis of SASSAD reduction i...Figure 8.3 Edited commands and output for the analysis of median SASSAD scor...Figure 8.4 Edited commands and output for the analysis of parasite clearance...Figure 8.5 Investigator assessed response to treatment in patients with mode...Figure 8.6 Edited commands and output for the analysis of the response to tr...Figure 8.7 Edited commands and output for the analysis for calculating the K...Figure 8.8 Kaplan–Meier (K–M) overall survival curves in years of 15 patient...Figure 8.9 Kaplan–Meier (K–M) estimates of overall survival in 50 children w...Figure 8.10 Edited commands and output for the analysis using the logrank te...Figure 8.11 Edited command and output for the analysis from a regression pac...Figure 8.12 Edited commands and output from a regression package used for th...Figure 8.13 Edited commands and output from a regression package using the C...Figure 8.14 Edited commands and output from a statistical package using the ...Figure 8.15 Creating the dummy variables for an unordered categorical variab...Figure 8.16 Edited commands and output from (a) a stratified logrank test an...Figure 8.17 Further analysis of the trial data of Figure 8.5 for SASSAD redu...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Relationship between Type I and Type II errors and significance t...Figure 9.2 Distribution of
10 Chapter 10Figure 10.1 Key aspects concerning the role of an independent data and safet...Figure 10.2 Example of an interim analysis which would trigger a meeting of ...Figure 10.3 Nominal p‐values for overall test size α = 0.05 for at each...Figure 10.4 Conditional power calculations at each interim analysis of the I...
11 Chapter 11Figure 11.1 Selected key items to be included in a randomised trial report....Figure 11.2 Scenarios for primary endpoint of a randomised trial comparing n...Figure 11.3 Trial profile following the CONSORT guidelines.Figure 11.4 Trial profile following the CONSORT guidelines.Figure 11.5 Demographic and clinical characteristics together with baseline ...Figure 11.6 Table of baseline characteristics illustrating the inappropriate...Figure 11.7 Drug efficacy at 12 weeks in patients with moderate‐to‐severe ec...Figure 11.8 Incidence of adverse events in patients with dyslipidaemia.Figure 11.9 Adverse events and laboratory abnormalities reported in patients...Figure 11.10 Dot plots of severity of diarrhoeal episodes and numbers of sto...Figure 11.11 Survival at 1‐year of mechanically ventilated patients in inten...
12 Chapter 12Figure 12.1 Reported serious adverse events in postmenopausal women with ear...Figure 12.2 Median and range of quality of life (QoL) scores at 4 weeks toge...Figure 12.3 Edited Stata commands and output for the analysis of quality of ...Figure 12.4 Number of patients with 75% reduction in psoriasis at week 12 by...Figure 12.5 Edited Stata command and output for the analysis of the proporti...Figure 12.6 Proportion of patients achieving a 75% reduction in psoriasis at...Figure 12.7 Randomised 2 × 2 factorial trial of diclofenac and spinal manipu...Figure 12.8 All possible permuted blocks of size 4Figure 12.9 Outcome for the proportion of infants with Unilateral Cleft Lip ...Figure 12.10 Edited Stata commands and output for analysing a parallel‐group...
13 Chapter 13Figure 13.1 Spike plots of the VAS profiles of individual patients receiving...Figure 13.2 Results from a matched‐pair design comparing the numbers of pati...Figure 13.3 Edited commands and output for analysing a randomised trial, wit...Figure 13.4 Edited commands and output for analysing a matched‐pair randomis...Figure 13.5 Notation for a matched‐pair design comparing the numbers of pati...Figure 13.6 Edited commands and output from a statistical package for analys...Figure 13.7 General notation for a paired 2 × 2 contingency table comparing ...Figure 13.8 Randomised placebo controlled, two‐period cross‐over trial of an...Figure 13.9 Illustrative example of the analysis of a cross‐over trial.Figure 13.10 Results from a split‐mouth non‐randomised design comparing Glas...Figure 13.11 Edited commands and output from a statistical package for analy...
14 Chapter 14Figure 14.1 Mean 6‐minute walk test (6MWT) values at baseline, 4‐ and 12‐wee...Figure 14.2 Percentage reduction in body surface area (BSA) over time in pat...Figure 14.3 Comparison of 6‐minute walk test between Placebo and FCM using t...Figure 14.4 Comparison of 6‐minute walk test at week 12 post‐randomisation t...Figure 14.5 Mean blood phenylalanine concentration levels pre‐randomisation ...Figure 14.6 Examples of possible auto‐correlation matrix structures arising ...Figure 14.7 Pairwise correlations between 6MWT assessments at baseline, 4 an...Figure 14.8 Mixed models for the 6‐minute walk test (Walk) with random inter...Figure 14.9 Model for the 6‐minute walk test (Walk) comparing with fixed Tre...Figure 14.10 Model for comparing 6‐minute walk test (Walk) values between (f...Figure 14.11 Variation in the values of the design effect of Equation (14.18...Figure 14.12 Structure of the anticipated variance, Var(C) = [SD(C)]2, for a...Figure 14.13 Design effects for repeated measure designsFigure 14.14 Variation in sample size for a continuous outcome variable as a...Figure 14.15 Possible tabular presentation of the results from the Kansas Ci...Figure 14.16 Jittered scatter plot of baseline and successive post‐randomisa...Figure 14.17 Individual profiles of the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionn...Figure 14.18 Profiles to illustrate variation in KCCQ of eight selected pati...Figure 14.19 Summary model of change in 6‐minute walk test (6MWT) with P and...
15 Chapter 15Figure 15.1 Hypotheses associated with parallel‐group trials to establish (a...Figure 15.2 Schematic diagram to illustrate the concept of non‐inferiority f...Figure 15.3 Potential results from a two‐period two‐intervention cross‐over ...Figure 15.4 The number of babies that cried during venepuncture from a cross...Figure 15.5 Schematic diagram to illustrate the concept of equivalence by us...
16 Chapter 16Figure 16.1 Number of clusters and the corresponding CV(m) of cluster size b...Figure 16.2 Edited commands and output for the analysis from a hypothetical ...Figure 16.3 Additional items required when specifically reporting cluster‐ra...
17 Chapter 17Figure 17.1 (a) Design characteristics and terminology of a SWD, where shade...Figure 17.2 Schematic repetitions of a cross‐sectional and closed cohort SWDFigure 17.3 (a) Design: SWD with a run‐in assessment of all clusters, follow...Figure 17.4 Planning design characteristics and eventual sample size of the Figure 17.5 The A (=K) by P design matrix, D, for a Full SWD with, b = 1, g ...Figure 17.6 Design matrix, D, corresponding to the full SWD of Figure 17.3a....Figure 17.7 Simplified analysis of a CS‐SWD design comparing the propo...Figure 17.8 The relationships between Time, Period and Arm, in a SWDFigure 17.9 A naïve analysis comparing the proportion of confirmed ischaemic...Figure 17.10 Analysis of a CS‐SWD comparing the proportion of confirme...Figure 17.11 Definition of intra‐class correlation coefficient (ICC), ρFigure 17.12 Examples of the CS‐SWD design matrix, D, with the corresponding...Figure 17.13 CC‐SWD for evaluating a free school breakfast programme i...Figure 17.14 Number of observations, mean and standard deviation of the numb...Figure 17.15 Components of total variance for a CC‐SWD designFigure 17.16 Examples of the CC design matrix D, with the corresponding valu...
18 Chapter 18Figure 18.1 Predictive classifier for randomised trials involving molecular ...Figure 18.2 Enrichment Design (BrichD) in which subjects are selected for ra...Figure 18.3 Randomised Biomarker‐Stratified Design (BstraD)Figure 18.4 Schematic overall survival curves from a BstraD in which the bio...Figure 18.5 Strategies for analysis of a Biomarker‐Stratified Design.Figure 18.6 Anticipate T effective in all (B− and B+) patients: strate...Figure 18.7 Anticipate T effective in B− only if shown effective in B+...Figure 18.8 Decreasing value of HR(B+) (implying increasing effect size) req...Figure 18.9 Anticipate T effective in all (B− and B+) patients: strate...Figure 18.10 Anticipate T effective in B− only