Numb. Charles R. Chaffin

Numb - Charles R. Chaffin

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a raised pulse rate just before you check the news, and it increases the longer you're viewing or reading. Second, you think about news headlines repeatedly throughout the day and sometimes have trouble sleeping. Third, you're irritated with loved ones after the headlines. Finally, you only read or view articles that make you angry or resentful.” There are lots of things we can do to address headline stress disorder. As Stosny says, “Aristotle pointed out that the only virtue is moderation. It's the ubiquity of headlines that does the damage. Limit exposure to a couple of times per day. Connect to your loved ones. Appreciate beauty in nature, arts, and crafts. Focus on what you can control, that is, your response. Focus on what you like and want more of, rather than what you don't like and don't want.” It might even be just reminding yourself of the blessings or good things that are currently in your life, whether your family, your work, your health, or any other component of your life that you value, as well as realizing that the anxiety we are experiencing because of the news is not required. We do not have to subject ourselves to cable news or social media. Other peoples' hysteria or focus should not dictate where we direct our attention. Engaging in endless back and forth on social media or discussion boards is likely not going to solve anything. Focusing on the positive aspects of our lives, and engaging in them, can be far more valuable than stewing over the news.

      This is not to suggest that all reporters and news organizations are terrible, biased people. Many of them have dedicated their life's work to informing the public. However, in order for us to be both well‐informed and have a healthy relationship with the news, we have a responsibility to ourselves to question both the facts and the impact of those facts on ourselves and those around us. Griffin uses the analogy of a researcher choosing sources to conduct her research. The researcher doesn't look at the political affiliation of the source, but rather, the reputation, integrity, and quality of the source. It is no different in choosing a news source. Finding sources that have a proven track record for covering news and events in a transparent way will help ensure that we are well‐informed regarding current events. We can limit our sources to only a small number and certainly monitor our consumption to avoid being overwhelmed with hyperbole and rhetoric. The rollercoaster that is the 24‐hour news cycle is not a ride that we have to endure. We can pick good sources, limit push notifications, and be sensitive to the time we devote as well as to the anxiety we are feeling while still being well‐informed.

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