Finite Element Analysis. Barna Szabó
inclusion. The sum of normal stresse...Figure 4.20 Example 4.7. (a) Notation. (b) Isometric view and finite element...Figure 4.21 Example 4.7. Point convergence.Figure 4.22 Composite ring. Notation.Figure 4.23 Divergence of the maximum principal stress. The results were obt...
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1 Rectangular beam in bending. Notation.Figure 5.2 The main elements of numerical simulation.Figure 5.3 Notation: (a) Truss element, (b) 3‐node plane stress or plane str...Figure 5.4 The main elements of finite element modeling.Figure 5.5 FEA timeline.Figure 5.6 The Girkmann problem. Notation.Figure 5.7 Lug problem. Notation.Figure 5.8 Surrogate problem. Notation.Figure 5.9 (a) Three‐dimensional contact problem. 50 pentahedral and 108 hex...Figure 5.10 Finite element mesh consisting of 2227 triangles. The constraine...Figure 5.11 Average displacement of the perimeter of the 25 mm diameter hole...Figure 5.12 Nodal forces. Notation.Figure 5.13 Coil spring.Figure 5.14 Solution domain and finite element mesh in the interval
6 Chapter 6Figure 6.1 Notch‐free test coupon. The dimensions are in inches. Thickness: ...Figure 6.2 The results of fatigue experiments performed on nine notched spec...Figure 6.3 Empirical relationship between the parameters a and r for 24S‐T3 ...Figure 6.4 Predicted and empirical cumulative distribution functions for the...Figure 6.5 Predicted and empirical cumulative distribution functions for the...Figure 6.6 The results of fatigue experiments performed on nine notched spec...Figure 6.7 Relationship between notch radius and notch sensitivity factor fo...Figure 6.8 The computed βk values and the
7 Chapter 7Figure 7.1 Notation.Figure 7.2 (a) Problem definition. (b) Bending moment diagram.Figure 7.3 The first four
8 Chapter 8Figure 8.1 RVEs for unidirectional laminae: (a) hexagonal and (b) rectangula...Figure 8.2 Solution domain consisting of 27 RVEs (864 finite elements).Figure 8.3 (a) Solution domain consisting of 8 RVEs (128 finite elements). (...Figure 8.4 Example. Equivalent strain in the matrix computed in the region o...
9 Chapter 9Figure 9.1 Notation.Figure 9.2 Elastic strip bent into a cylinder.Figure 9.3 The 20th modes of vibration of the elastic strip in Example 9.4. ...Figure 9.4 The first buckling modes of the cylindrical shell in Example 9.5....Figure 9.5 Typical uniaxial stress‐strain curve.Figure 9.6 Example 9.6. The force‐displacement relationship and the plastic ...Figure 9.7 Example 9.7: (a) The domain and the initial finite element mesh. ...Figure 9.8 Example: Contact problem in 1D. Notation.Figure 9.9 Example 9.9: Gap element with partial penetration.Figure 9.10 Axisymmetric model of two elastic spheres in frictionless contac...Figure 9.11 Contact pressure.
10 Appendix BFigure B.1 The error
11 Appendix CFigure C.1 Fichera domain, elasticity. Convergence paths on uniform meshes....
12 Appendix DFigure D.1 The first eight shape functions based on Legendre polynomials.
13 Appendix FFigure F.1 The function yp on the optimal nodal set for
14 Appendix GFigure G.1 The function
15 Appendix HFigure H.1 Notation.
16 Appendix IFigure I.1 Notched test specimens of type #3 and #6.Figure I.2 S‐N Data for 24S‐T3 (2024‐T3) aluminum alloy.Figure I.3 Bilinear S‐N curve for 24S‐T3 aluminum alloy.Figure I.4 MMPDS Fatigue limit model, S‐N curve for 24S‐T3 aluminum alloy.Figure I.5 Random fatigue limit model: S‐N data for 24S‐T3 aluminum alloy.Figure I.6 Empirical CDF of the S‐N data compared with the median predicted ...Figure I.7 Marginal cumulative distribution functions of the random fatigue ...Figure I.8 Profile likelihood and estimated confidence interval for μf ....
17 Appendix JFigure J.1 Notation.
18 Appendix KFigure K.1 Notation.Figure K.2 Coordinate transformation. Notation.Figure K.3 Statically equivalent forces and moments. Notation.Figure K.4 Example K.2: Segment of a coil spring.Figure K.5 Notation.
1 Cover
2 Table of Contents
1 ii
2 iii
3 iv
4 xi
5 xii
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7 xiv