Chats on Old Clocks. Arthur Hayden
of old clocks, has kindly enabled me to reproduce one of his examples. To Herbert Bolton, Esq., of the Bristol Museum and Art Gallery, I am indebted for the inclusion of a fine specimen in that collection.
I desire especially to record the generous aid I have had from Percy Webster, Esq., of Great Portland Street, London, who is well known as a connoisseur of old clocks, and from his son, Malcolm R. Webster, Esq., who have given me practical assistance in regard to verifying facts from actual examples.
To Thomas Rennie, Esq., of the Glasgow Art Galleries and Museums, I desire to record thanks. To Edward Campbell, Esq., of Glasgow, who has enriched my volume with examples of Scottish work in his collection, I am indebted for information regarding Scottish makers embodied in this volume.
I am, by the kindness of John Smith, Esq., of Edinburgh, author of Old Scottish Clockmakers, and of his publisher, William J. Hay, Esq., John Knox's House, Edinburgh, enabled to produce names and dates of certain Scottish makers not recorded elsewhere. In this connection my friend William R. Miller, Esq., of Leith, has spared no time to help me to do justice to Scottish makers, and I am especially grateful to him for his kindly enthusiasm. He was there at the "chap o' the knok" when I asked his help.
Westropp Dudley, Esq., of the National Museum, Dublin, has extended to me his courtesy in enabling the inclusion of Irish makers coming under his research. To Arthur Deane, Esq., of the Public Art Gallery and Museum, Belfast, I am similarly obliged for data relative to old Belfast clockmakers.
To the many friends who have during an extended period generously supplemented my own studies by supplying me with data in regard to provincial makers and other hitherto unelucidated matters, I wish to offer my cordial thanks.
To my readers in general, whether they be collectors of old English china or earthenware, of furniture, or of prints, or of old silver, I desire to record my appreciation of their kindness in regard to my volumes on these subjects. I have honestly endeavoured to treat each sub-head concerning the evolution of design in the English home with sane reasoning, and I trust with ripe judgment. I have assiduously collected facts and studiously attempted to marshal them, each by each, according to relative value. Popular my volumes may be, but it is my hope that they may contribute something of permanent value to the subjects with which they deal.
Brass Lantern Clock by John Bushman, 1680 | Frontispiece |
Chapter II.—The Brass Lantern Clock | |
Ship's Lantern of Silver (Danish) | 47 |
Early Lantern Clock by Bartholomew Newsam | 47 |
Seventeenth-century Brass Clocks, showing pendulum at front and at back | 51 |
Brass Lantern Clock by Daniel Quare, 1660 | 55 |
" " " with two hands and anchor pendulum | 55 |
" " " with long pendulum, chains and weights | 57 |
" " " by Thomas Tompion (1671-1713) | 61 |
Chapter III.—The Long-case Clock— the Period of Veneer and Marquetry | |
Long-case Clock. Maker, Jas. Leicester | 75 |
" " " by J. Windmills, c. 1705 | 77 |
" " " enlargement of dial | 77 |
" " " by Henry Harper (1690-5) | 81 |
" " " by Martin (London), 1710 | 85 |
" " " in marquetry, "all over" style | 87 |
Chest of Drawers (William and Mary period), showing use of marquetry clock panel | 93-5 |
Chapter IV.—The Long-case Clock—the Period of Lacquer | |
Long-case Clock by Joseph Dudds (1766-82) | 115 |
" " " by Kenneth Maclennan (1760-80) | 117 |
Inn Clock by John Grant (Fleet Street), c. 1785 | 125 |
Chapter V.—The Long-case Clock—the Georgian Period | |
Long-case Clock by Henderson, c. 1770 | 133 |
" " " by Thomas Wagstaff, c. 1780 | 137 |
" " " by Stephen Rimbault, case by Robert Adam, c. 1775 | 139 |
Musical Long-case Clock (top portion) | 143 |
Long-case Clock by James Hatton (1800-12) | 145 |
Regulator Long-case Clock by Robert Molyneux & Sons (1825) | 149 |
Enlargement of dial | 149 |
Chapter VI.—The Evolution of the Long-case Clock | |
Brass Dial by Henry Massy, c. 1680 | 159 |
" " by John Draper, c. 1703 | 159 |
Enlargements of Dials by John Bushman and Henry Massy | 163 |
English Wood-carving, Cherub's Head (seventeenth century) | 167 |