Geology: The Science of the Earth's Crust. William J. Miller

Geology: The Science of the Earth's Crust - William J. Miller

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of partly decayed organic matter. Or, finally, they may be formed by chemical precipitation, as beds of salt, gypsum, bog iron ore, etc.

      Metamorphic rocks include both sedimentary and igneous rocks which have been notably changed from their original condition. Traces or remains of plants and animals preserved in the rocks are known as fossils. The term originally meant anything dug out of the earth, whether organic or inorganic, but for many years it has been strictly applied to organic remains. Many thousands of species of fossils are known from rocks of all ages except the oldest, and more are constantly being brought to light, but these represent only a small part of the life of past ages because relatively few organic remains were deposited under conditions favorable for preservation in fossil form. The fossils in the rocks are, however, a fair average of the groups of organisms to which they belong. It is really remarkable that such a vast number of fossils are imbedded in the rocks, and from a study of these many fundamental conclusions regarding the history of life on our planet may be drawn.

      As early as the fifth century BC, Xenophanes is said to have observed fossil shells and plants in the rocks of Paros, and to have attributed their presence to incursions of the sea over the land. Herodotus, about a century later, came to a similar conclusion regarding fossil shells in the mountains of Egypt. None of the ancients, however, seemed to have the slightest conception of the significance of fossils as time markers in the history of the earth. (See discussion below.)

      In the Middle Ages, distinguished writers held curious views regarding fossils. Thus Avicenna (980–1037) believed that fossils represented unsuccessful attempts on the part of nature to change inorganic materials into organisms within the earth by a peculiar creative force (vis plastica). About two centuries later, Albertus Magnus held a somewhat similar view. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519), the famous artist, architect, and engineer, while engaged in canal building in northern Italy, saw fossils imbedded in the rocks, and concluded that these were the remains of organisms which actually lived in sea water which spread over the region. During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, many correctly held that fossils were really of organic origin, but it was commonly taught that all fossils represented remains of organisms of an earlier creation which were buried in the rocks during the great Deluge (Noah’s Flood). William Smith (1769–1839), of England, was, however, the first to recognize the fundamental significance of fossils for determining the relative ages of sedimentary rocks. This discovery laid the foundation for the determination of earth chronology which is of great importance in the study of the history of the earth. (See discussions below.)

      Organic remains, dating as far back as tens of millions of years, have been preserved in the rocks of the earth in various ways. A very common kind of fossilization is the preservation of only the hard parts of organisms. Thus the soft parts have disappeared by decomposition, while the hard parts, such as bones, shells, etc., remain. In many cases practically complete skeletons of large and small animals which lived millions of years ago have been found intact in the rocks. Fossils which show none of the original material, but only the shape or form, are also very abundant. When sediment hardens around an imbedded organism, and the organism then decomposes or dissolves away, a cavity or fossil mold only is left. Casts of organisms or parts of them are formed by filling shells or molds with sediment or with mineral matter carried in solution by underground water. Only rarely have casts of wholly soft animals been found in ancient rocks. In other cases both original form and structure are preserved, but none of the original material. This is known as petrifaction which takes place when a plant or hard part of an animal has been replaced, particle by particle, by mineral matter from solution in underground water. Not uncommonly organic matter, such as wood, or inorganic matter, such as carbonate of lime shells, has been so perfectly replaced that the original structures are preserved almost as in life. The popular idea that petrified wood is wood which has been changed into stone is, of course, incorrect. It is doubtful if flesh has ever been truly petrified. In many cases mainly the carbon only of organisms has been preserved. This is also true of plants where, under conditions of slow chemical change or decomposition, the hydrogen and oxygen mostly disappear, leaving much of the carbon with original structures often remarkably preserved. Fine examples are fossil plants in the great coal-bearing strata. Much more rarely entire organisms have been preserved either by freezing or by natural embalmment. Most remarkable are the species of mammoths and rhinoceroses, extinct for thousands of years, bodies of which, with flesh, hide, and hair still intact, have been held in cold storage in the frozen soils of Siberia, or other cases. Insects have been perfectly preserved in amber, as, for example, in the Baltic region. This amber is a hardened resin in which the insects were caught while it was still soft and exuding from the trees. Finally, we should mention the preservation of tracks and trails of land and water animals. Thousands of tracks of long-extinct great reptiles occur in the sandstones and shales of the Connecticut Valley of Massachusetts. The footprints were made in soft sandy mud which hardened and then became covered with more sediment.

      Few fossils occur in other than the sedimentary rocks. Most numerous, by far, are fossils in rocks of marine origin, because on relatively shallow sea bottoms, where sediments of the geologic ages have largely accumulated, the conditions for fossilization have been most favorable. Among the many conditions which have produced great diversity in numbers and distribution of marine organisms during geologic time are temperature, depth of water, clearness of water, nature of sea bottom, degree of salinity, and food supply. River and lake deposits also not uncommonly contain remains of organisms which inhabited the waters, but also others which were carried in. “Surrounding trees drop their leaves, flowers, and fruit upon the mud flats, insects fall into the quiet waters, while quadrupeds are mired in mud or quicksand and soon buried out of sight. Flooded streams bring in quantities of vegetable debris, together with carcasses of land animals drowned by the sudden rise of the flood” (W. B. Scott).

      It is a well-established fact that organisms have inhabited the earth for many millions of years and that, through the geologic ages, they have continuously changed, with gradual development of higher and higher types. Tens of thousands of species have come and gone. Accepting this fact, it is then clear that strata which were formed at notably different times must contain notably different fossils, while strata which accumulated at practically the same time contain similar fossils, allowing, of course, for reasonable differences in geographical distribution of organisms as at the present time. Each epoch of earth history or series of strata has its characteristic assemblage of organisms. In short, “a geological chronology is constructed by carefully determining, first of all, the order of superposition of the stratified rocks, and next by learning the fossils characteristic of each group of strata. … The order of succession among the fossils is determined from the order of superposition of the strata in which they occur. When that succession has been thus established, it may be employed as a general standard” (W. B. Scott). It should, however, be borne in

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