Mechanics: The Science of Machinery. A. Russell Bond
small and yet this must be considered by the watchmaker. We must remember that the escapement mechanism divides the day into 432,000 parts, each of which contains some minute error, for absolute perfection is impossible, and if we add up all these 432,000 errors they must not foot up to more than a second per day. If the hairspring expands ever so slightly its power is weakened, but this loss of power is compensated by an ingenious form of balance wheel. The rim is in two parts, half of it being attached to one spoke of the wheel and the other half to the other, as shown in Figure 28. Each half rim is formed of two strips of metal, an inner strip of steel, and an outer strip of brass fused together. Brass expands and contracts almost twice as much as steel, and hence when there is a rise of temperature the rim sections tend to curl in, bringing their center of gravity nearer the center of the wheel and making less of a load for the weakened hairspring to move, while on the other hand, when the spring is contracted by cold, the rims spread out slightly, giving it a greater load to oscillate. The weight of the balance wheel is thus automatically adjusted against variations in power of the spring.
Aside from this automatic variable adjustment, the balance wheel must have a primary permanent adjustment. The rim of the wheel is loaded by means of small screws. Screws placed near the free ends of the rim sections will have a greater inward or outward play as the rim contracts and expands, and by their locations in different positions on the rims the balance wheel may be adjusted with great accuracy to compensate for temperature variation in the hairspring.
In the case of clocks such delicacy of adjustment is hardly necessary. Pendulum clocks, if they are to run accurately, must have their pendulums automatically adjustable for variations in temperature, because the longer the pendulum the more slowly it oscillates. Many years ago a grid type of pendulum was invented in which various alloys were used, which reacted one against the other and preserved the center of gravity always at the same distance from the center of oscillation. The action of a pendulum movement is similar to that of a balance-wheel movement described above. The pendulum operates a pallet lever similar to that shown in Figure 29. The teeth of an escape wheel, which are commonly somewhat different from those of the watch movement, strike the pallets of the pallet lever, and the escape wheel is intermittently stopped and permitted to proceed. The pressure of the escapement teeth against the pallets is just enough to keep the pendulum swinging and the speed of the clock is regulated by lengthening or shortening the pendulum.
We have added little to clock or watch movements in recent years. About the only conspicuous modern invention is the torsion pendulum. The pendulum in this case is a heavy horizontal disk suspended by a wire, and the disk rotates first in one direction and then in the other, twisting and untwisting the wire. The advantage of this pendulum is that the oscillations are very slow, and hence it is possible to keep the clock going for a year at a single winding.
The electric regulation of clocks is another important improvement. A clock need not be a very perfect timepiece, but if provided with an electric regulator its hands are brought up to the correct time every hour in response to an impulse sent from an accurate master clock which in turn has its time corrected daily from the National Observatory in Washington.
FLOWING water exerts a strange fascination upon mankind, even to the present day. Tourists travel hundreds of miles to view the glorious spectacle of a riotous tumbling cataract. Is it strange, then, that in the olden times, when the world was peopled with gods and genii and strange spirits, the ancients looked upon ceaselessly flowing rivers as the symbol of life? It was most natural for them to covet the endless power of a river and eventually, despite their superstitions, to try to utilize some of its energy.
It may be that sailboats antedate the first water wheel, but it seems much more probable that flowing water was the first inanimate power harnessed by man. Windmills were certainly a later development. They possessed the advantage that they could be located anywhere while the water mill had of necessity to be built along the bank of a stream. However, the power of the wind is so unreliable and fluctuates so widely that it was little used, except in flat countries, where there was little if any available water power.
Water power predominated until the steam engine was introduced, when it had to give way to an even more reliable power and one which could be located at any place to which fuel could be transported. Now, however, we are going back to our first power, seeking it out in the most inaccessible mountainous regions, because we have discovered the means of taking the power it yields and transmitting it hundreds of miles, over hills and plains to the point where we can put it to useful service. Hydroelectric power has very aptly been termed “white coal.”
The first prime motor was the current wheel, that is, a wheel fitted with paddles, which was journaled over a stream with the paddles projecting into the water. This was a very inefficient machine; it converted very little of the energy of a stream into useful mechanical power. The idea of damming the stream and letting the waters flow over the dam through a raceway upon a water wheel was a much later development.
Three types of water wheel which were in universal use before the advent of the steam engine were the undershot wheel, the overshot wheel, and the breast wheel (Figure 30). In the undershot wheel the water stored back of a dam is let out near the bottom of the dam and strikes the under side of the wheel, so that the top of the wheel turns toward the dam. In the overshot wheel, the water flows over the wheel striking the paddles or buckets on top and on the forward side, so that the wheel turns forward. In the breast wheel, the water strikes the paddles half way up the wheel on the rear side and drives the wheel in the same direction as that of the undershot wheel.
When we speak of water power we are apt to think of the water as actually furnishing the energy. As a matter of fact, it is not water but gravity that drives the wheel, the water being merely the medium that gravity acts upon. By having the water drop from a great height, its velocity is greatly increased and the power it imparts to the wheel is much higher. In mountainous regions it is easy to obtain a high head of water and thus generate a great deal of power from a relatively small stream. However, the ancient type of wheel with its paddles or buckets has now practically passed out of existence, being superseded by the Pelton wheel for high heads and the turbine for low heads of water.
In California, a number of years ago, they made use of what was known as the hurdy-gurdy wheel. This consisted