First Aid for the Artist's Soul. Christina Barandun
Chapter 3: Our Brain and its Creative Potential
Tapping into our unlimited potential
Long-term changes must be holistic
Neuroplasticity: changeability throughout life
When stress blocks my potential
The ideal stress level for every task
The built-in biological alarm system
The individual assessment is what counts
For new things to evolve in theatre…
Chapter 4: Methods for Coping with Stress
Recovery methods: How do I “come down” after a stressful situation?
Active physical activities – bodywork for art
Rest – the anchor in everyday life
Mental training: How do I rate outer and inner stimuli?
Getting to know our inner critics – and reeducating them
Look for the positives while practising healthy realism
Dare to fail in order to grow – visions of the future
Mutual support and appreciation
Don’t pursue perfectionism – develop your own thing instead
What, no suffering? Discover the pleasure of flow
Stimulus management: How do I reduce stimuli that trigger stress right from the outset?
Meaning of life instead of longing for love
Chapter 5: Appreciative Communication
Do I mean what I say? – the right choice of words
The great importance of the emotional level