The Mathematics of Fluid Flow Through Porous Media. Myron B. Allen, III
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To anticipate the constitutive theory of flows in porous media, discussed in Chapter 3, observe that the drag on the solid particle in Eq. (2.25) is proportional to the fluid velocity and the fluid viscosity, and it involves a geometric factor
2.5 Multiconstituent Continua
The mechanics discussed so far cannot distinguish among the various solid and fluid bodies that make up a porous medium. To accommodate mixtures of different types of materials, such as the solid and fluid in a porous medium, we must adopt additional physics.
2.5.1 Constituents
The first step in extending the mechanics of single continua is to consider a set of bodies
Paralleling the development for single continua, for each constituent
We also associate with each constituent
1 The vector , having dimension L, gives the spatial position of the particle at time , as illustrated in Figure 2.11.
2 At each time , the function of the coordinate is one‐to‐one, onto, and continuously differentiable with respect to .
3 Also at each time , has continuously differentiable inverse such that . That is, tells us which particle from constituent occupies the spatial position at time .
4 For each value of the coordinate , the function is twice continuously differentiable with respect to .
We call
Figure 2.11 A reference configuration and the deformation at times
As in the single‐continuum case, the referential or Lagrangian velocity of
To find the velocity of constituent
We associate with each constituent