Modern Trends in Structural and Solid Mechanics 2. Группа авторов
href="#ulink_636a7b22-71d2-541a-b7ed-71f4c984fb2f">8.4. Nonlinear modal interactions in 2DOF hysteretic systems 8.5. Conclusion 8.6. Acknowledgments 8.7. Appendix: Mechanical characteristics of SDOF and 2DOF systems 8.8. References
13 9 Bridging Waves on a Membrane: An Approach to Preserving Wave Patterns 9.1. Introduction 9.2. Problem statement 9.3. Homogenized bridge 9.4. Internal reflections 9.5. Discrete bridge 9.6. Net bridge 9.7. Concluding remarks 9.8. Acknowledgments 9.9. References
14 10 Dynamic Soil Stiffness of Foundations Supported by Layered Half-Space 10.1. Introduction 10.2. Generation of dynamic soil stiffness 10.3. Numerical examples of the generation of dynamic soil stiffness 10.4. Numerical examples of the generation of FRS 10.5. Conclusion 10.6. References
16 Index
List of Illustrations
1 Preface: Short Bibliographical Presentation of Prof. Isaac ElishakoffFigure P.1. Prof. Isaac ElishakoffFigure P.2. Elishakoff in middle school in the city of Sukhumi, GeorgiaFigure P.3. Elishakoff just before acceptance to university. Photo taken in Sukh...Figure P.4. Public PhD defense, Moscow Power Engineering Institute and State Uni...Figure P.5. Elishakoff with Bolotin (middle), member of the Russian Academy of S...Figure P.6. Prof. Elishakoff presenting a book to Prof. J. Singer, Technion’s Pr...Figure P.7. Elishakoff having received the William B. Johnson Inter- Professiona...Figure P.8. Inauguration as the Frank Freimann Visiting Professor of Aerospace a...Figure P.9. Prof. Elishakoff with Prof. Warner Tjardus Koiter, Delft University ...Figure P.10. Elishakoff and his colleagues during the AIAA SDM Conference at Pal...Figure P.11. Elishakoff with his wife, Esther Elisha, M.D., during an ASME award...
2 Chapter 1Figure 1.1. Curve 1 corresponds to the rapidly oscillating solution in the inner...
3 Chapter 3Figure 3.1. Arrangement of atoms in a periodic nanostructureFigure 3.2. Dimensionless displacement of nanorods with dimensionless rod length...Figure 3.3. Frequency parameter of nanorods with rod length for the first three ...Figure 3.4. Frequency parameter of nanorods with mode number. For a color versio...Figure 3.5. Frequency parameters of nanorods with doublet separation distance (η...Figure 3.6. Wave frequency of nanorods with wavenumber. For a color version of t...Figure 3.7. Phase velocity of nanorods with wavenumber. For a color version of t...Figure 3.8. Group velocity of nanorods with wavenumber. For a color version of t...Figure 3.9. Dimensionless displacement of nanobeams with dimensionless beam leng...Figure 3.10. Critical buckling load of nanobeams with beam length. For a color v...Figure 3.11. Frequency parameter of nanobeams with beam length for the first thr...Figure 3.12. Wave frequency of nanobeams with wavenumberFigure 3.13. Phase velocity of nanobeams with wavenumberFigure 3.14. Group velocity of nanobeams with wavenumber
4 Chapter 4Figure 4.1. Coordinate system of a micro-beamFigure 4.2. Sign convention for the positive axial force f, the shear force s an...Figure 4.3. Boundary conditions for the axial displacement and the axial forceFigure 4.4. Boundary conditions for the bending displacement, the bending rotati...Figure 4.5. Amplitudes of displacements and forces at the ends of the micro-beamFigure 4.6. Alignment of the local (OXY) and global (
5 Chapter 5Figure 5.1. The nonlinear terms in the axial direction. a) Constant terms; b) te...Figure 5.2. The nonlinear terms in the transversal direction. a) Terms proportio...Figure 5.3. The nonlinear terms in the rotational direction. a) Terms proportion...Figure 5.4. a) ω0 and b) ω2 for varying l. n = 1, κh = 0Figure 5.5. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in the constan...Figure 5.6. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in the part pr...Figure 5.7. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in the part pr...Figure 5.8. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in the part pr...Figure 5.9. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in the part pr...Figure 5.10. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in the part p...Figure 5.11. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in a) the con...Figure 5.12. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in a) the par...Figure 5.13. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in a) the par...Figure 5.14. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in a) the con...Figure 5.15. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in a) the con...Figure 5.16. The L2 norm percentage of the various nonlinear terms in a) the