Mantle Convection and Surface Expressions. Группа авторов
and S‐wave velocity contrasts that result from combining the elastic properties of mineral phases and compositions according to either the Voigt or the Reuss bound.
The Fe3+/∑Fe ratio of bridgmanite dictates the whole‐rock Fe3+/∑Fe ratio and, for pyrolite and harzburgite, appears to affect velocity gradients dv/dz with higher Fe3+/∑Fe ratios leading to steeper gradients dv/dz. Again, the effect seems to be strongest for S waves. Based on a comparison of computed P‐ and S‐wave velocity gradients of pyrolite with PREM, Kurnosov et al. (2017) argued for a reduction of the ferric iron content in bridgmanite with depth. While a steepening of velocity gradients with higher Fe3+/∑Fe ratios of bridgmanite is consistent with the modeling results presented here, an actual match of a pyrolitic bulk composition with PREM seems only possible for S‐wave velocities and at depths in excess of 1500 km. Assuming a Fe‐Mg exchange coefficient of
While dominated by the elastic softening due to the ferroelastic phase transition between stishovite and CaCl2‐type SiO2, modeled P‐ and S‐wave velocity profiles of metabasalt are sensitive to both the Fe3+/∑Fe ratio of bridgmanite and Fe‐Mg exchange between bridgmanite and the CF phase. In contrast to pyrolite and harzburgite, higher Fe3+/∑Fe ratios appear to reduce velocity gradients with depths. Varying the Fe‐Mg exchange coefficient between bridgmanite and the CF phase has the opposing effect and results in higher P‐ and S‐wave velocities for higher values of the Fe‐Mg exchange coefficient. For all three bulk rock compositions addressed here, the sensitivity of P‐ and S‐wave velocities to variations in Fe‐Mg exchange coefficients demonstrates the need for better constraining equilibrium mineral compositions at relevant pressures and temperatures. While Fe‐Mg exchange coefficients and Fe3+/∑Fe ratios were treated here as independent parameters, they are coupled through the preferred incorporation of ferric iron into bridgmanite (Frost et al., 2004; Irifune et al., 2010). As shown in Figure 3.6, however, available data on element partitioning cannot unambiguously constrain mineral compositions. More experiments and thermodynamic data are required to improve forward models of the petrology and elastic properties of lower‐mantle rocks.
To depict the effect of continuous phase transitions on modeled P‐ and S‐wave velocities, I computed additional velocity profiles by ignoring changes in spin states of iron cations and by suppressing the phase transition from stishovite to CaCl2‐type SiO2. The results are included in Figure 3.9 for each reference scenario and for selected combinations of compositional parameters that are expected to be particularly susceptible to the effects of spin transitions. All pyrolite models as well as the reference scenario for harzburgite are only affected by the spin transition of ferrous iron in ferropericlase as no ferric iron is expected to enter the B site of bridgmanite for the respective combinations of Fe‐Mg exchange coefficients and Fe3+/∑Fe ratios of bridgmanite. Along an adiabatic compression path, the spin transition of Fe2+ in ferropericlase broadens substantially for reasons discussed in Section 3.7 and mainly reduces P‐wave velocities. As mentioned earlier, Fe3+ is found to enter the crystallographic B site of bridgmanite only for harzburgite models with Fe3+/∑Fe > 0.5 or
The spin transition of ferric iron in the CF phase does not seem to strongly affect P‐ or S‐wave velocities of metabasalt. In contrast, suppressing the effect of the ferroelastic phase transition from stishovite to CaCl2‐type SiO2 results in very different velocity profiles for metabasalt. While the softening of the shear modulus was modeled here based on a Landau theory prediction (Buchen et al., 2018a; Carpenter et al., 2000), the full extent of elastic softening remained uncertain until the very recent determination of complete elastic stiffness tensors of SiO2 single crystals across the ferroelastic phase transition (Zhang et al., 2021). Zhang et al. (2021) combined Brillouin spectroscopy, ISS, and X‐ray diffraction to track the evolution of the elastic stiffness tensor with increasing pressure and across the stishovite–CaCl2‐type SiO2 phase transition. In terms of the magnitude of the S‐wave velocity reduction, the predictions of Landau theory analyses seem to be consistent with the experimental results by Zhang et al. (2021). The elastic properties of stishovite and CaCl2‐type SiO2 had previously been computed for relevant pressures and temperatures using DFT and DFPT (Karki et al., 1997a; Yang and Wu, 2014). While indicating substantial elastic softening in the vicinity of the phase transition, the computations addressed both polymorphs independently and suggested discontinuous changes in the elastic properties at the phase transition, contradicting recent experimental results (Zhang et al., 2021) and earlier predictions based on Landau theory (Buchen et al., 2018a; Carpenter, 2006; Carpenter et al., 2000).