Reconstructing Earth's Climate History. Kristen St. John

Reconstructing Earth's Climate History - Kristen St. John

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Locations of the 57 deep‐sea cores used in the Lisiecki and R...FIGURE 8.7. A “stacked” benthic oxygen isotope record constructed by graphic...FIGURE 8.8. Records of the relative abundances of various “palynomorph” micr...FIGURE 8.9. (a) Photo of a Miocene age lacustrine (ancient lake) outcrop of t...FIGURE 8.10. Composite digital core photograph, color reflectance, and bulk ...FIGURE 8.11. Temporal variations of elements enriched in clay‐ and silt‐size...FIGURE 8.12. Bathymetric map of Shatsky Rise and the location of Shatsky Ris...FIGURE 8.13. Representative smear slide images of the light (Left: 400× magn...FIGURE 8.14. (Left) Zero eccentricity and (right) 0.5 eccentricity, which gr...FIGURE 8.15. Schematic diagram of different tilt angles.FIGURE 8.16. Top: Schematic diagram showing the changing direction of Earth's...FIGURE 8.17. This map shows a reconstruction of the maximum extent of Pleist...FIGURE 8.18. Atmospheric CO2 for the past 800 000 yr measured from gases in ...

      9 Chapter 9FIGURE 9.1. Paleocene–Eocene boundary clay marking the PETM in a core collec...FIGURE 9.2. Changes in δ18O and δ13C values of planktic foraminiferaAcarinin...FIGURE 9.3. Map of all the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites (1985–2003). N...FIGURE 9.4. Benthic foraminiferal oxygen (lower panel) and carbon (upper pan...FIGURE 9.5. Location of sites drilled on Shatsky Rise during ODP Leg 198. No...FIGURE 9.6. PETM sections on Shatsky Rise. Sites are arranged by increasing ...FIGURE 9.7. Hole 1209B was drilled in a water depth of 2387 m on the souther...FIGURE 9.8. Stratigraphic changes in environmental and biotic proxies throug...FIGURE 9.9. Map of the central tropical Pacific showing the ODP Leg 199 dril...FIGURE 9.10. Digital images of the Paleocene–Eocene boundary sediments recov...FIGURE 9.11. Comparison of magnetic susceptibility and gamma ray attenuation...FIGURE 9.12. PETM stable isotope data from ODP Site 690 near the Weddell Sea...FIGURE 9.13. ODP Leg 208 drill sites on Walvis Ridge. Left: Bathymetric map ...FIGURE 9.14. Digital core photos and weight %CaCO3 across the Paleocene–Eoce...FIGURE 9.15. Bulk sediment carbon isotope records across Walvis Ridge from s...FIGURE 9.16. Composite diagram showing bulk sediment δ13C and weight %CaCO3 ...FIGURE 9.17. Location of two drill sites in New Jersey (Wilson Lake and Bass...FIGURE 9.18. High‐resolution records across the Paleocene–Eocene boundary in...FIGURE 9.19. Paleogeographic reconstruction of the Arctic Basin and Northern...FIGURE 9.20. Core recovery in IODP Hole 302‐4A, and geochemical and palynolo...FIGURE 9.21. Map of the present‐day northern North Atlantic (Greenland–Norwe...FIGURE 9.22. Correlation of continental records of well‐dated coal‐bearing t...FIGURE 9.23. Open circles show the locations of Polecat Bench and Cabin Fork...FIGURE 9.24. Carbon isotope records from Cabin Fork (left) and Polecat Bench...FIGURE 9.25. Paleogeographic map showing the distribution of landmasses at t...FIGURE 9.26. A terrestrial record spanning the PETM from the Williston Basin...FIGURE 9.27. Location of ODP Site 690 near the Weddell Sea in the Southern O...FIGURE 9.28. ODP Hole 690B‐Core 19H. The onset of the PETM (CIE = carbon iso...FIGURE 9.29. Geochemical data for ODP Hole 690B‐Core 19H (167–174 mbsf). From...FIGURE 9.30. X‐ray fluorescence (iron, Fe, and calcium, Ca, counts per secon...FIGURE 9.31. Comparison and correlation of PETM interval at ODP Site 690, We...FIGURE 9.32. Time series data from 1880 to 2020 of annual global average tem...FIGURE 9.33. Global annual anthropogenic carbon emissions and carbon emissio...

      10 Chapter 10FIGURE 10.1. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NA...FIGURE 10.2. 65 Myr composite record of benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen ...FIGURE 10.3. Map of the southern Indian Ocean showing sites cored during ODP...FIGURE 10.4. Upper Eocene–lower Oligocene stable isotope data and ice‐rafted...FIGURE 10.5. Map of all the Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) sites (1985–2003). ...FIGURE 10.6. High‐resolution paleoceanographic records from ODP Site 1218 (8...FIGURE 10.7. Composite digital images of cores taken across the Eocene–Oligo...FIGURE 10.8. Composite digital images of the Eocene–Oligocene transition (in...FIGURE 10.9. Paleogeographic map of the Tasmanian region at the time of the E...FIGURE 10.10. Summary of the sediment lithogies for ODP Leg 189 Sites 1168 t...FIGURE 10.11. Map of the sub‐Antarctic South Atlantic showing the loca...FIGURE 10.12. Changes in the relative abundance of calcareous microfossils (...FIGURE 10.13. Location of Southern Ocean ODP Sites 689 (Leg 113), 738 (Leg 1...FIGURE 10.14. Relative abundance (%) of nannofossil paleoecological groups (...FIGURE 10.15. Relative abundance (%) of nannofossil paleoecological groups (...FIGURE 10.16. Relative abundance (%) of nannofossil paleoecological groups (...FIGURE 10.17. Global sea level reconstruction (light blue + black) for the in...FIGURE 10.18. Changes in the relative abundances of select planktic foramini...FIGURE 10.19. Strontium isotopic composition of seawater for the past 70 Myr....FIGURE 10.20. This composite figure depicts a simulated initiation of East A...FIGURE 10.21. Antarctica and surrounding continents showing the development ...FIGURE 10.22. Histogram of the number of K‐Ar and 40Ar/39Ar ages from four c...FIGURE 10.23. Cenozoic deep‐sea oxygen isotope data for DSDP sites in the No...FIGURE 10.24. North–South (meridional) profile of the Atlantic Ocean showing...FIGURE 10.25. Conceptual diagram of the global conveyor of ocean circulation...

      11 Chapter 11FIGURE 11.1. The ANDRILL drill site on the McMurdo Ice Shelf during the 2006...FIGURE 11.2. View of the Transantarctic Mountains looking north across Caven...FIGURE 11.3. 65 Myr composite record of benthic foraminiferal stable oxygen ...FIGURE 11.4. Map showing distribution of DSDP, ODP, and IODP core locations....FIGURE 11.5. Maps of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean. Extent of sea ice sh...FIGURE 11.6. Map of Antarctica showing location of East Antarctic Ice Sheet ...FIGURE 11.7. Simplified geologic map of McMurdo Sound region showing Ross Is...FIGURE 11.8. Simplified cross section showing transition from a land‐based g...FIGURE 11.9. Portion of geologic map and legend from Geologic Map of Antarct...FIGURE 11.10. Simplified geologic cross‐section of the western Ross Sea regi...FIGURE 11.11. Simplified diagram illustrating some of the systems used to ob...FIGURE 11.12. Geography of McMurdo Sound Region, showing geographic and tect...FIGURE 11.13. Age and characteristics of sediments retrieved from drilling p...FIGURE 11.14. Cross section of the Victoria Land Basin of western Ross Sea r...FIGURE 11.15. General paleoenvironmental setting for sedimentation along the ...FIGURE 11.16. Cross section showing a conceptual model for growth and decay o...FIGURE 11.17. Four core intervals from ANDRILL 1‐B.FIGURE 11.18. Cross section showing part of conceptual model for growth and ...FIGURE 11.19. Example of a sequence motif from ANDRILL Core 1‐B, 1053.3 thro...FIGURE 11.20. Core log for ANDRILL 1‐B (ANDRILL “MIS”), from Naish et al. (2...

      12 Chapter 12FIGURE 12.1. Pliocene paleogeography of North America (left), and modern geo...FIGURE 12.2. Composite deep‐sea benthic foraminiferal oxygen isotope curve (...FIGURE 12.3. (A) Location map of Lake El'gygytgyn (red star) and other Plioc...FIGURE 12.4. Composite figure showing data for the interval from 2.2–3.6 Ma ...FIGURE 12.5. Geomagnetic polarity time scale and deep‐sea benthic foraminife...FIGURE 12.6. Modern mean annual sea surface temperature (SST). The Western P...FIGURE 12.7. Pliocene reconstruction map (PRISM3) of mean annual sea surface...FIGURE 12.8. Mid‐Pliocene PRISM3 SST anomaly map: these sea surface temperat...FIGURE 12.9. (A) (upper plot): Latitudinal mean annual temperature (MAT) gra...FIGURE 12.10. Map showing how different mean annual temperatures (MATs) were...FIGURE 12.11. Estimates of Plio–Pleistocene atmospheric carbon dioxide conce...FIGURE 12.12. (same asFigure 12.2.). Composite deep‐sea benthic foraminiferal...FIGURE 12.13. Map of the U.S. East Coast, Gulf Coast, Gulf of Mexico and nor...FIGURE 12.14. Summary diagram showing peak global mean temperature relative ...FIGURE 12.15. Spatial extent of a projected 1‐m (pink) and 6‐m (red) future ...FIGURE 12.16. Population density across the lower 48 states, northern Mexico...FIGURE 12.17. Observed average global sea level since the start of the satel...FIGURE 12.18. This graph shows the average number of days per year on which ...FIGURE 12.19. Map showing the average number of days per year on which coast...FIGURE 12.20. Observed sea level from tide gauges (dark gray) and satellites...FIGURE 12.21. Cumulative coastal populations

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